Rachel Caine Quotes

Text Quotes
Unfortunately, my army consists of one unreliable criminal, one girl with a disability, and one incredibly foolish young vampire with a tanning issue. I am not confident (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Your father’s an asshole. It’s not a disease. You don’t have to catch it (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Eve was still frowning at the pasta like she suspected it was going to do something clever, like try to escape from the pot (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Her eyes burned, her muscles ached, but in some strange and secret place, she was happy to finally be doing something that wasn’t just protecting herself, but protecting other people, too (Rachel Caine Quotes)
I just went to work for a vampire, was scared by a spider, and got knocked down by a tanning bomb. And that’s just my day, not my week (Rachel Caine Quotes)
God, it was hot! Forget about frying an egg on the sidewalk; this kind of heat would fry an egg inside the chicken (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Claire: Seriously? My mom? Let you in my room? In the middle of the night? Michael: Moms like me (Rachel Caine Quotes)
He sounded harassed more than anything else, like mass home invasion was just something standing between him and morning coffee (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Of course, I thought I was badass at sixteen, too. Wait, I was badass at sixteen. Oh, yeah (Rachel Caine Quotes)
He hung up on her. She’d just been hung up on by a disembodied brain in a jar. Fantastic (Rachel Caine Quotes)
There were so many layers of reality to the world. Nothing stopped for death; nothing stopped for grief or horror or tragedy (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Now could you please ask these idiots to stop pointing their bullets at me? It’s terribly wasteful (Rachel Caine Quotes)
There is a certain freedom in giving up all hope. One is no longer bound by the cords of dread or fear; you simply move toward the inevitable without thinking on the consequences (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Even bipolar vampires needed sleep from time to time, and he was well past his recommended safe dosage of stress (Rachel Caine Quotes)
You can’t go around... licking things that come out of a water treatment plant. That’s just... unsanitary (Rachel Caine Quotes)
She was starting to feel a little like a hamburger at a dieters’ convention. Nobody was likely to snack on her, but absolutely everybody noticed she was edible (Rachel Caine Quotes)
An intriguing world where vampires rule, only the strongest survive, and romance offers hope in the darkest hours (Rachel Caine Quotes)
You did what was right for those who agreed with you, and that is all in the past. We are talking about our future. Oliver, we cannot live as we did (Rachel Caine Quotes)
I’ve bowed to you for too long, and if I continue to do it, we will all suffer (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Jason: I’m all for hobbies, but you think this is the time for origami? Whatcha making, a crane? (Rachel Caine Quotes)
I am sorry my decisions do not meet with your approval, but nevertheless, they are mine, and the consequences are also mine (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Hey! Sorry, lady, but nobody’s staking anybody at this party! I hung a disco ball for this (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Well, I can throw a mean comeback, so there’s that. I will crush them on wit (Rachel Caine Quotes)
When things seem calmest, that is the time you should fear the most, it’s when you have the most to lose (Rachel Caine Quotes)
The problem with ruling by fear is that eventually, when the fear fades, fury replaces it (Rachel Caine Quotes)
The only way to stop a rebellion is to crush it with blood and fire, and to wound them so they’ll never dare to raise a hand again (Rachel Caine Quotes)
As I leafed through the book in front of me and watched the dust swirl in the air, I wondered if maybe there was some evil dormant virus in the pages that would infect me, like the mummy dust that used to kill archaeologists. Death by research. That was not a glorious end (Rachel Caine Quotes)
Human nature was all about shifting blame... and responsibility. How else could you explain concentration camps and genocide and all the awful things people did to each other every day? They just carried on life and pretended like the evil didn’t exist, as long as it was happening out of their direct view (Rachel Caine Quotes)
But sometimes optimism is the only drug that works. But it’s sadly temporary in its effects (Rachel Caine Quotes)