Rachel Vincent Quotes

Text Quotes
When mice run, cats give chase (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Great. I’m psychotic and sparkly (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Bold. Risky. Dramatic. I approve (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Of every moment I’ve ever not-lived through, this one is the best (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Oh fine. I’ll play nice with the pretty people. (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
... sometimes compassion is the greater part of honor (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Oh fine. I’ll play nice with the pretty people (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Like I’m going to pass up an opportunity to smack your cousin (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
When you push someone too far, they will push back and they push hard (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Not even if you fed me your firstborn, still wet and screaming (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
This would be so much easier if they actually issued black hoods (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
I realized that I’d rather die with you than live with someone else (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
He went down like a cheerleader after prom (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
... don’t judge your future based on others’ mistakes (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
I live to serve. except the part about living (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Forever used to feel like a curse. Now it feels like a promise (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Should I assume the lure is a certain attractive young dead man? (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
So, did the costume come with a condom, or is that sold separately? (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
At least you don’t need a prescription for tequila (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Whatever your weakness, there’s a hellion to exploit it (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
But I had no plans to end my own life, and accidents couldn’t be predicted. Neither could murder, unless my aunt and uncle were planning to take me out themselves (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
If she were going to die, I’d already be screaming. I’m a Banshee. That’s what we do (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
So, ‘reaper’ is really just a nice word for ‘covert pervert?’ Is that what you’re saying? (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
You just say the word, and I’ll make the rest of the world go away. I’ll take you someplace safe, where no one else can reach us (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
I wanted more firsts with Tod. But all I had left was a handful of lasts (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
Harmony glanced to her left, and my gaze followed hers to the living room, where my aunt had died, my cousin had been restored, and I’d whacked a psychotic grim reaper with a cast-iron skillet. Weirdest. Tuesday. Ever (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
I wanted a do over. A time machine. That magic wand. But real life didn’t have any easy outs, and very few happily-ever-afters. The real world was more like a Choose Your Own Adventure book, with most of the choices ripped out before you even opened the cover (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
He was beyond gorgeous. But Eastlake High was full of pretty people who acted like total freaks. I blame the local water supply. Which was why I drank bottled water (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
I fell into that kiss like Alice into Wonderland, headfirst and flailing, heart pounding the whole time. The world spun around me and still I fell, and I only crashed down to earth again when someone called my name (Rachel Vincent Quotes)
She wasn’t feeling nothing. She was feeling too much. She was blocking it all out. That was a survival skill, and her still-beating heart was proof that it worked (Rachel Vincent Quotes)