Ragged Quotes
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Text Quotes
Please to blot out gentle hearted, and substitute drunken dog, ragged head, seld-shaven, odd-ey'd, stuttering, or any other epithet which truly and properly belongs to the Gentleman in question (Ragged Quotes)
But the long tunnels of art through which I walked in Rome that day had no ragged edges, cowardly colors, or shades of pastel that didn't know what to do with themselves. The wisdom, perfection, and beauty of the colors and forms I passed were more than enough, in their collectivity, to hint at the principles which govern the hereafter, whatever that may be. Indeed, even a detail of one painting can offer solid direction in this regard if one knows how to look (Ragged Quotes)
Truth! Why shall every wretch of letters dare to speak truth against his betters! Let ragged virtue stand aloof, nor mutter accents of reproof; let ragged wit a mute become, when wealth and power would have her dumb (Ragged Quotes)
I pushed my ragged mouth against the mirror. A thousand crushed bleeding lips pushed back at me (Ragged Quotes)
I think it's important to take a break, you know, from the public eye for a while, and give people a chance to miss you. I want longevity. I don't want to get out there and run myself ragged and spread myself thin (Ragged Quotes)
There is probably no moment more appalling than that in which the tongue comes suddenly upon the ragged edge of a space from which the old familiar filling has disappeared (Ragged Quotes)
Though virtue give a ragged livery, she gives a golden cognizance; if her service make thee poor, blush not. Thy poverty may disadvantage thee, but not dishonor thee (Ragged Quotes)
Certain trifling flaws sit as disgracefully on a character of elegance as a ragged button on a court dress (Ragged Quotes)
A profusion of pink roses bending ragged in the rain speaks to me of all gentleness and its enduring (Ragged Quotes)
There are people who have an appetite for grief; pleasure is not strong enough and they crave pain. They have mithridatic stomachs which must be fed on poisoned bread, natures so doomed that no prosperity can sooth their ragged and dishevelled desolation (Ragged Quotes)
Large, heavy, ragged black clouds hung like crape hammocks beneath the starry cope of the night. You would have said that they were the cobwebs of the firmament (Ragged Quotes)
I nursed men back to sanity who were driven to despair. I solicited clothes for the ragged children, for the desperate mothers. I laid out the dead, the martyrs of the strike (Ragged Quotes)
Happy in all that ragged, loose collapse of water, the fountain, its effortless descent and flatteries of spray (Ragged Quotes)
Hundreds, thousands, aye, millions of human beings, men, women and children, wander the streets of our cities and the highways of our country, hungry, ragged and cold, vainly seeking in this land of plenty, where physical want should be unknown (Ragged Quotes)
Humor implies a sure conception of the beautiful, the majestic and he true, by whose light it surveys and shape s their opposites. It is a humane influence, softening with mirth the ragged inequities of existence, prompting tolerant views of life, bridging over the space which separates the lofty from the lowly, the great from the humble (Ragged Quotes)
No map to help us find the tranquil flat lands, clearings calm, fields without mean fences. Rolling down the other side of life our compass is the sureness of ourselves. Time may make us rugged, ragged round the edges, but know and understand that love is still the safest place to land (Ragged Quotes)
As if goaded by a kind of frantic despair, I sketched these dirty, ragged little victims of the war with their bruised, lacerated minds and bodies, their matted hair and runny noses. Here my life as a painter began in earnest (Ragged Quotes)
I got a lot from my uncle who is a really good ska guitarist. Very ragged makeshift rhythms and intricate lines (Ragged Quotes)
The great city is that which has the greatest man or woman: if it be a few ragged huts, it is still the greatest city in the whole world (Ragged Quotes)
Life is a festival only to the wise. Seen from the nook and chimneyside of prudence, it wears a ragged and dangerous front (Ragged Quotes)
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