Railroad Tracks Quotes
Text Quotes
I’m a secret interior decorator. There’s a mural on my dining room wall of the railroad tracks at 30th Street Station in Philadelphia. I love having my hometown with me out here in California (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
It’s the same things your whole life. ‘Clean up your room!’, ‘Stand up straight!’, ‘Pick up your feet!’, ‘Take it like a man!’, ‘Be nice to your sister!’, ‘Don’t mix beer and wine, ever!’. Oh yeah, ‘Don’t drive on the railroad track!’ (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
I knew when the ball was going out (over the Green Monster). It was something I worked into the decoy, but it used to tick the pitchers off. Bill Monbouquette used to say, ‘Can’t you at least make it look like you can catch it?’ Meanwhile, the ball would be on its way over the fence to a spot three-quarters of the way out to the railroad tracks (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
I lay my head on the railroad track, waitin’ on the Double E. But the train don’t run by here no more, poor, poor, pitiful me (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
A TEN-YEAR-OLD lad in Indianapolis who was arrested for picking up coal along the side of railroad tracks is now in jail. If the boy had known enough to steal the whole railroad he would be heralded as a Napoleon of finance (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
Whom do I write for? I write for the story. Each story, it seems to me, knows best how it should be told. As I once put my ear to the railroad track, I listen now for the voice of my story (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
And that was as far as he got before I heard it. The thumping of footsteps, running up the lawn toward me: It seemed like I could hear it through the grass, like leaning your ear to a railroad track and feeling the train coming, miles away. As the noise got closer I could hear ragged breaths, and then a voice. It was my mother (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
Black people lived right by the railroad tracks, and the train would shake their houses at night. I would hear it as a boy, and I thought: I’m gonna make a song that sounds like that (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
A player’s ability to rebound is inversely proportional to the distance between where he was born and the nearest railroad tracks. The greater distance you live from the poor side of the railroad tracks, the less likely that you will be a good rebounder (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
The ability to rebound is in inverse proportion to the distance your house is from the nearest railroad tracks (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
Ever bike? Now that’s something that makes life worth living!... Oh, to just grip your handlebars and lay down to it, and go ripping and tearing through streets and road, over railroad tracks and bridges, threading crowds, avoiding collisions, at twenty miles or more an hour, and wondering all the time when you’re going to smash up. Well, now, that’s something! And then go home again after three hours of it... and then to think that tomorrow I can do it all over again! (Railroad Tracks Quotes)
Once asked what action he would recommend if a person were to feel a nervous breakdown coming on: Lock up your house, go across the railroad tracks, and find someone in need and do something for him (Railroad Tracks Quotes)