Rain Quotes

Text Quotes
I like people who smile when it's raining (Rain Quotes)
Rain, rain, go away (Rain Quotes)
Thank God I brought my umbrella - wouldn't want my hair to get wet (Rain Quotes)
Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet (Rain Quotes)
When it rains look for rainbows. When it's dark look for stars (Rain Quotes)
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain (Rain Quotes)
The best thing one can do when it's raining is to let it rain (Rain Quotes)
A rainy day at the beach is better than a sunny day at the office (Rain Quotes)
Anyone who thinks that sunshine is pure happiness has never danced in the rain (Rain Quotes)
It's okay to cry, the sky does it too (Rain Quotes)
I quite like the rain (Rain Quotes)
For lonely people rain is a chance to be touched (Rain Quotes)
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain (Rain Quotes)
Dance in the rain (Rain Quotes)
If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain (Rain Quotes)
Rainy days and Mondays always get me down (Rain Quotes)
It always rains the hardest on the people who deserve the sun (Rain Quotes)
She wanted the rainbow so she put up with the rain (Rain Quotes)
Being soaked alone is cold. Being soaked with your best friend is an adventure (Rain Quotes)
Every storm runs out of rain (Rain Quotes)
Being inside on a rainy day (Rain Quotes)
Everyone want happiness, no one wants pain, but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain (Rain Quotes)
Keep calm and love rainy days (Rain Quotes)
Marilyn Monroe saves the day (Rain Quotes)
If people were rain i was drizzle and she was a hurricane (Rain Quotes)
Drop everything now. Meet me in the pouring rain. Kiss me on the sidewalk. Take away the pain (Rain Quotes)
The rain (Rain Quotes)
You’re never too old to dance in the rain (Rain Quotes)
raise your words not your voice. it is rain that grows flowers not thunder (Rain Quotes)
Everybody wants happiness, nobody wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain (Rain Quotes)