Rainy Quotes

Text Quotes
Always be positive, enjoy the music of rain on a rainy day (Rainy Quotes)
How beautiful the yesterday that stood over me like a rainbow! I am alone, the past is past. I see the future stretch all dark and barren as a rainy sea (Rainy Quotes)
An angler is a man who spends rainy days sitting around on the muddy banks of rivers doing nothing because his wife won't let him do it at home (Rainy Quotes)
Do not, on a rainy day, ask your child what he feels like doing, because I assure you that what he feels like doing, you won't feel like watching (Rainy Quotes)
Sometimes life goes by in a trickle and sometimes life goes by in a flood. It's in those rainy seasons you find out how well you can swim (Rainy Quotes)
Every man has a rainy corner of his life out of which foul weather proceeds and follows after him (Rainy Quotes)
Don't you just love those long rainy afternoons in New Orleans when an hour isn't just an hour - but a little piece of eternity dropped into your hands - and who knows what to do with it? (Rainy Quotes)
Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs, make dust our paper, and with rainy eyes Write sorrow on the bosom of the Earth. Let's choose executors and talk of wills (Rainy Quotes)
Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books - especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day (Rainy Quotes)
I was in love with the whole world and all that lived in it's rainy arms (Rainy Quotes)
I have a wonderful white coat I can wear on the court and also in New York for those rainy days... its lady - like and goes perfect with my personality (Rainy Quotes)
Some people are making such thorough plans for rainy days that they aren’t enjoying today’s sunshine (Rainy Quotes)
The shortest period of time lies between the minute you put some money away for a rainy day and the unexpected arrival of rain (Rainy Quotes)
In the rainy season, sometimes to get to the first lesson we had to run really quick, because we had to cross the river to school and we’d have to go up and down the bank to find a place to cross because there is no bridge (Rainy Quotes)
The ingenuities we practice in order to appear admirable to ourselves would suffice to invent the telephone twice over on a rainy summer morning (Rainy Quotes)
You have to accept the storms and the rainy days and the things in life that you sometimes don’t want to face (Rainy Quotes)
Sydney is rather like an arrogant lover. When it rains it can deny you its love and you can find it hard to relate to. It’s not a place that’s built to be rainy or cold. But when the sun comes out, it bats its eyelids, it’s glamorous, beautiful, attractive, smart, and it’s very hard to get away from its magnetic pull (Rainy Quotes)
Though I have never thought of myself as a book collector, there are shelves in our house browsed so often, on so many rainy winter nights, that the contents have seeped into me as if by osmosis (Rainy Quotes)
If the mind’s not strong, the body acts weak, even if it’s not. If the mind says it’s too cold or too rainy or too windy to run, the body will be more than happy to agree. If the mind says it would be better to rest or recover or cut practice, the body will be glad to oblige (Rainy Quotes)
There are two kinds of hope: the kind you couldn’t do anything about and the kind you could. And even if the kind you could do something about wasn’t what you’d originally wanted, it was still worth doing. A rainy day is better than no day. A small happiness can make a big sadness less sad (Rainy Quotes)
Defeat I can endure with cheerfulness, my lady. But betrayal is like taking the wind from my sails, or the earth from beneath my feet. It chills my spirits like a rainy day, and all I can do is draw the curtains and cry into my pillow (Rainy Quotes)
A rainy day can actually be a very important day. And a small hope isn’t really small if it makes a lost hope less sad (Rainy Quotes)
Woke up this morning with a terrific urge to lie in bed all day and read. Fought against it for a minute. Then looked out the window at the rain. And gave over. Put myself entirely in the keep of this rainy morning. Would I live my life over again? Make the same unforgivable mistakes? Yes, given half a chance. Yes (Rainy Quotes)
A philosopher once noted that people long for immortality but run out of things to do on a rainy afternoon (Rainy Quotes)
... he was one of those men who like to be observers at their own lives... such people observe their destiny much as most people tend to observe a rainy day (Rainy Quotes)
As against having beautiful workshops, studies, etc., one writes best in a cellar on a rainy day (Rainy Quotes)
Vancouver is one of my favorite places on earth. It’s gray and rainy there a lot of the time, but for some reason, even though it’s gray and rainy, I feel like it’s a sunny day (Rainy Quotes)
How could anyone not want to live when there were so many things to live for? There were rainy nights and wind and the slap of the sea and the moon. There were books to read and pictures to paint and music (Rainy Quotes)
I always feel sorry for people who think more about a rainy day ahead than sunshine today (Rainy Quotes)
I remember the special quiet of rainy days when I felt that I could enter the pages of my beautiful picture books. Now I try to recreate that feeling of believing that the imaginary place I’m drawing really exists. The detail in my work helps to convince me, and I hope others as well, that such places might be real (Rainy Quotes)