Raise Quotes

Text Quotes
It’s good to raise awareness that men and boys are struggling, at least many of them are. But why say men are finished? It’s too harsh, too sweeping, and it happens to not be true (Raise Quotes)
If it were possible to cure evils by lamentation and to raise the dead with tears, then gold would be a less valuable thing than weeping (Raise Quotes)
A young man, be his merit what it will, can never raise himself; but must, like the ivy round the oak, twine himself round some man of great power and interest (Raise Quotes)
What a dichotomy. What conflicting ideas that we love and embrace these women, and entrust them to raise our children and to feed us and to bathe us, but we keep something as silly as a bathroom separate (Raise Quotes)
What conflicting ideas that we love and embrace these women, and entrust them to raise our children and to feed us and to bathe us, but we keep something as silly as a bathroom separate (Raise Quotes)
I have very little hope that any permission can be gained for your organization. However, I shall place it in a special folder with similar applications and raise the question from time to time with such people here as may have authority (Raise Quotes)
Long hours of labour seem to be the secret of the rational and healthful processes, which are to raise the condition of the labourer by an improvement of his mental and moral powers and to make a rational consumer out of him (Raise Quotes)
I raise my stein to the builder who can remove ghettos without removing people as I hail the chef who can make omelets without breaking eggs (Raise Quotes)
A mere copier of nature can never produce any thing great, can never raise and enlarge the conceptions, or warm the heart of the spectator (Raise Quotes)
It has been my endeavour to show in this work that a fall of wages would have no other effect than to raise profits (Raise Quotes)
We do not stray out of all words into the ever silent; We do not raise our hands to the void for things beyond hope (Raise Quotes)
I never learned how to tune a harp, or play upon a lute; but I know how to raise a small and inconsiderable city to glory and greatness (Raise Quotes)
It is simply science fiction fantasy to say that, if you do not raise the debt ceiling, that everything is going to collapse (Raise Quotes)
Ryan and I didn’t grow up like this at all, with this much attention. We’ll just try to keep their feet on the ground and raise them with the values we were raised with (Raise Quotes)
He was certainly one of that company who tried to raise descriptions of matches from mere reporting to literature (Raise Quotes)
The whole dream of democracy is to raise the proletarian to the level of bourgeois stupidity (Raise Quotes)
My main objective has been to raise the standard of living of the people, to achieve social and economic progress (Raise Quotes)
Nowadays we raise our children in a cocoon of domesticated security, far from any sense of risk or adventure (Raise Quotes)
It is said to be very hard on his majesty’s ministers to raise objections to this proposition. For my own part, I think it is more hard on his majesty’s opposition to compel them to take this course (Raise Quotes)
Certainly, the mistakes that we male and female mortals make when we have our own way might fairly raise some wonder that we’re so fond of it (Raise Quotes)
Not one of us will have to raise a sword. Not one gun would we need to fire. The great cannon that will be fired is our unity (Raise Quotes)
I too must attempt a way by which I can raise myself above the ground, and soar triumphant through the lips of men (Raise Quotes)
Every man is the creature of the age in which he lives; very few are able to raise themselves above the ideas of the time (Raise Quotes)
To elevate and surprise is the great art of quackery and puffing; to raise a lively and exaggerated image in the mind, and take it by surprise before it can recover breath (Raise Quotes)
Let not the titles of consanguinity betray you into a prejudicial trust; no blood being apter to raise a fever, or cause a consumption sooner in your poor estate, than that which is nearest your own (Raise Quotes)
Measures should be enacted which, without violating the rights of property, would reduce extreme wealth towards a state of mediocrity, and raise extreme indigence towards a state of comfort (Raise Quotes)
How apt nature is, even in those who profess an eminence in holiness, to raise and maintain animosities against those whose calling or person they pretend to find cause to dislike! (Raise Quotes)
Ah, friend! To dazzle let the vain design; to raise the thought and touch the heart be thine (Raise Quotes)
If by good government I could raise a memorial in my people’s hearts, that would be the statue for me (Raise Quotes)
Not because I raise myself above something but because I raise myself to something, do I approve myself (Raise Quotes)