Raise Quotes

Text Quotes
I put no account on him who esteems himself just as the popular breath may chance to raise him (Raise Quotes)
Government is the greatest combination for forces known to human society. It can command more men and raise more money than any and all other agencies combined (Raise Quotes)
A hop and skip shall raise the son of a cobbler, well underlaid with pieces, to the government of a prince, till overmuch ambitious cutting wears him to his last (Raise Quotes)
Rules may teach us not to raise the arms above the head; but if passion carries them, it will be well done; passion knows more than art (Raise Quotes)
It’s not good to dig in the past, raise the ghost up from the grave, and have it walk with the flesh (Raise Quotes)
I have always examined closely the motives of any group for which I am asked to raise money (Raise Quotes)
They say that a few minutes each day of petting your dog can raise your serotonin levels (Raise Quotes)
But when once the earth has sucked up a dead man’s blood, there is no way to raise him up (Raise Quotes)
There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us (Raise Quotes)
Climate change might be disastrous, but does that mean we want carbon taxes that raise the price of a gallon of heating oil to $10? And how exactly will those taxes affect economic growth? (Raise Quotes)
Novelty is adaptive when things are changing and you need to adapt yourself. Tradition is essential to lay down the stability to raise families and form cohesive social groups (Raise Quotes)
I was very protected growing up. My dad was very strict with me. I was the oldest of four kids, and there are three girls. So I kind of paved the way of what it was like to raise a teenage daughter (Raise Quotes)
All of the reality TV I’ve done has usually been simultaneously an opportunity to create awareness or raise funds for my mom’s breast cancer organization (Raise Quotes)
In order to deal with all the medical cost demands and other challenges in the U.S., as we look to raise that revenue, the rich will have to pay slightly more. That’s quite clear (Raise Quotes)
Parents are the designated caregivers and are best suited for being able to raise children (Raise Quotes)
But as a young kid, I never did, really have an ambition to be a farmer. I never thought, gee, I would like to farm, and I want to raise these crops. I didn’t quite know what I wanted to do (Raise Quotes)
Genius goes around the world in its youth incessantly apologizing for having large feet. What wonder that later in life it should be inclined to raise those feet too swiftly to fools and bores (Raise Quotes)
But a tax on luxuries would no other effect than to raise their price. It would fall wholly on the consumer, and could neither increase wages nor lower profits (Raise Quotes)
Perhaps we cannot raise the winds. But each of us can put up the sail, so that when the wind comes we can catch it (Raise Quotes)
But I’ve worked where they’ve had animals before, and animal wranglers, the people who raise animals and train animals for films and television, they’re all very, very professional (Raise Quotes)
Many people do not realize that where unions have bargaining rights employers cannot raise wages or improve benefit plans any more than they can reduce them without of the consent of the union (Raise Quotes)
Raising children is like making biscuits: it is as easy to raise a big batch as one, while you have your hands in the dough (Raise Quotes)
If there are any of you at the back who do not hear me, please don’t raise your hands because I am also nearsighted (Raise Quotes)
The aim of morality is to give people a standard of action and a motive to work by which, they will not intensify each person’s selfishness, but raise them up above it (Raise Quotes)
Liberal of cruelty are those who pamper with promises; promisers destroy while they deceive, and the hope they raise is dearly purchased by the dependence that is sequent to disappointment (Raise Quotes)
She felt as she often did in class when she was nearly sure she had the right answer, but could not always make herself raise her hand (Raise Quotes)
Look well to the characters and qualifications of those you elect and raise to office and places of trust (Raise Quotes)
If you can raise up leaders, you will always have followers, but if you can’t raise up leaders, you will only have followers (Raise Quotes)
A review of the science suggests that uncertainty is so high as to raise a good prospect that mandatory green house gas reductions will produce little or no environmental benefit (Raise Quotes)
Bankruptcies of governments have, on the whole, done less harm to mankind than their ability to raise loans (Raise Quotes)