Rajneesh Quotes

Text Quotes
Logic ridicules love, and love smiles knowingly at the whole foolishness of logic (Rajneesh Quotes)
When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear and undisguised (Rajneesh Quotes)
Become alert! Relationship destroys love, destroys the very possibility of its birth (Rajneesh Quotes)
Love deeply, love without jealousy, love blissfully and help each other to be more meditative (Rajneesh Quotes)
The beauty is in finding, not in what you find ; that is just an excuse (Rajneesh Quotes)
Sex has become more and more attractive because of its condemnation by priests (Rajneesh Quotes)
That is my work, to transform your life from a sad affair into a celebration (Rajneesh Quotes)
Have you not watched it yourself? Whenever you are total in something there is celebration (Rajneesh Quotes)
To transform breakdowns into breakthroughs is the whole function of a master (Rajneesh Quotes)
Attachment is the root cause of all misery. Possessiveness is nourishment for the ego (Rajneesh Quotes)
Attachment is not love. Where there is attachment there is exploitation (Rajneesh Quotes)
Transcendence means going beyond duality. Attachment means remaining within duality (Rajneesh Quotes)
Seeing means that you don’t condemn fear as bad from the very beginnings (Rajneesh Quotes)
Half of humanity has been accepting the inner world but denying the outer world (Rajneesh Quotes)
You say that in heaven there is eternal beauty. The eternal beauty is here and now, not in heaven (Rajneesh Quotes)
Don’t say this is good and that is bad. Drop all discrimination. Accept everything as it is (Rajneesh Quotes)
There is only one courage and that is the courage to go on dying to the past, not to collect it, not to accumulate it, not to cling to it. We all cling to the past and because we cling to the past we become unavailable to the present (Rajneesh Quotes)
The only way to know something absolutely is to experience it for yourself; anything less is theory, speculation, and belief (Rajneesh Quotes)
We exist solely because we have a body and a mind? a mind that arises out of the body. If this were true, we would cease to exist after our body was gone (Rajneesh Quotes)
I am not a logician. I am an existentialist. I believe in this meaningless, beautiful chaos of existence, and I am ready to go with it wherever it leads (Rajneesh Quotes)
I am here to seduce you into a love of life; to help you to become a little more poetic; to help you die to the mundane and to the ordinary so that the extraordinary explodes in your life (Rajneesh Quotes)
I believe that the very effort to convert anybody is violence, it is interfering in his individuality, in his uniqueness, into his freedom (Rajneesh Quotes)
Zen is a kind of unlearning. It teaches you how to drop that which you have learned, how to become unskillful again, how to become a child again, how to start existing without mind again, how to be here without any mind (Rajneesh Quotes)
Zen is a totally different kind of religion. It brings humanness to religion. It is not bothered about anything superhuman; its whole concern is how to make ordinary life a blessing (Rajneesh Quotes)
The feminine is more powerful than the masculine, the soft is more powerful than the hard, the water is more powerful than the rock (Rajneesh Quotes)
The disciple is not hankering for knowledge; he wants to see, not to know. He wants to be. He is no longer interested in having more knowledge; he wants to have more being (Rajneesh Quotes)
Zen is not morality, it is aesthetics. It does not impose a code of morality. it does not give you any commandments: do this, don’t do that (Rajneesh Quotes)
Zen says: be empty. Look without any idea. Look into the nature of things but with no idea, with no prejudice, with no presupposition (Rajneesh Quotes)
You and your brain are two things. The brain is your machinery just like everything else is your machinery. This hand is my mechanism; I use it. My brain is my mechanism; I use it (Rajneesh Quotes)
The moment you enter into the world of words you start falling away from that which is. The more you enter into language, the farther you are away from existence (Rajneesh Quotes)