Rajneesh Quotes

Text Quotes
Anxiety comes into existence only when we become identified with small things. And they all pass (Rajneesh Quotes)
Whatsoever you are doing, be absorbed in it so utterly that the mind thinks nothing, is just there, is just a presence. And more and more totality will be coming (Rajneesh Quotes)
Those who remain content easily remain small: small are their joys, small are their ecstasies, small are their silences, small is their being. But there is no need! This smallness is your own imposition upon your freedom, upon your unlimited possibilities, upon your unlimited potential (Rajneesh Quotes)
Ego cannot bring anything extraordinary into the world; the extraordinary comes only through egolessness. And so is the case with the musician and the poet and the dancer. So is the case with everybody (Rajneesh Quotes)
Unless you drop your personality you will not be able to find your individuality. Individuality is given by existence; personality is imposed by the society (Rajneesh Quotes)
Without zest, what is life? Just waiting for death? It can’t be anything else. Only with zest do you live; otherwise you vegetate (Rajneesh Quotes)
The fragrance of the heart is made up of the qualities and virtues of our spirit. Most of us have learned how to keep our heart closed in a world that would trample all over us if we let it. Being open hearted today seems to require tremendous courage (Rajneesh Quotes)
Meditation is just being delighted in your own presence... where you are not doing anything. The moment doing enters, you become tense; anxiety enters immediately. How to do? What to do? How to succeed? How not to fail? You have already moved into the future (Rajneesh Quotes)
If you can become a mirror you have become a meditator. Meditation is nothing but skill in mirroring. And now, no word moves inside you so there is no distraction (Rajneesh Quotes)
Philosophers are never happy here. Now is not their time, and here is not their space. They live there, they live somewhere else (Rajneesh Quotes)
Questioners sooner or later end up in a library... And answers are dangerous; they kill your wonder (Rajneesh Quotes)
A really religious person has no theology. Yes, he has the experience, he has the truth, he has that luminosity, but he has no theology (Rajneesh Quotes)
Joy arises only in creating joy for others; there is no other way. The more people you can make happy, the more you will feel happy. This is the real meaning of service (Rajneesh Quotes)
Man creates what he is, man creates himself. The meaning has to be created. You have to sing your meaning, you have to dance your meaning, you have to paint your meaning, you have to live it. Through living, it will arise; through dancing, it will start penetrating your being. Through singing, it will come to you. It is not like a rock just lying there to be found, it has to bloom in your being (Rajneesh Quotes)
People wonder why there seems to be no meaning in life. Meaning does not exist a priori. There is no meaning existing in life; one has to create it. Only if you create it will you discover it. It has to be invented first. It is not lying there like a rock, it has to be created like a song. It is not a thing, it is significance that you bring through your consciousness (Rajneesh Quotes)
A man of understanding, a man who understands himself and others, always feels compassion. Even if somebody is an enemy you have compassion toward him because a man of understanding can understand the viewpoint of the other also. He knows why the other feels as he feels, he knows why the other is angry, because he knows his own self, and in knowing that, he has known all others (Rajneesh Quotes)
Only disciplined people become free, but their discipline is not obedience to others: their discipline is obedience to their own inner voice. And they are ready to risk anything for it (Rajneesh Quotes)
The desire to rule over others, the will to power, is one of the greatest crimes that man has committed (Rajneesh Quotes)
You have to be again innocent, ignorant, not knowing anything, so that the questions can start arising again. Again the inquiry becomes alive, and with the inquiry becoming alive you cannot vegetate. Then life becomes an exploration, an adventure (Rajneesh Quotes)
The world has known only very few rebels. But now is the time: if humanity proves incapable of producing a large number of rebels, a rebellious spirit, then our days on the earth are numbered. We have to change our consciousness, create more meditative energy in the world, create more lovingness (Rajneesh Quotes)
Paradise is not somewhere else... it is within you. And it is not in some other time, after death... It is in you right now (Rajneesh Quotes)
When you understand yourself, that very day you have understood the whole of humanity. Then nobody can make you miserable (Rajneesh Quotes)
The greatest fear in the world is of the opinions of others. And the moment you are unafraid of the crowd you are no longer a sheep, you become a lion. A great roar arises in your heart, the roar of freedom (Rajneesh Quotes)
Existence is a mystery, and one should accept it as a mystery and not pretend to have any explanation (Rajneesh Quotes)
All of the religions are looking after the poor. At least leave me alone to look after the rich. I am the rich man’s guru (Rajneesh Quotes)
There is no God, so how can I consider myself a god? God is the greatest lie invented by man (Rajneesh Quotes)
I am going to be contradictory to myself many times for the simple reason that I am trying to bring all the religions to a higher synthesis. Different approaches have to be joined together. I am creating an orchestra (Rajneesh Quotes)
When you become a sannyasin, I initiate you into freedom, and into nothing else... I am destroying your ideologies, creeds, cults, dogmas, and I am not replacing them with anything else (Rajneesh Quotes)
God is your very being. So the first thing is, don’t think about enlightenment as a goal (Rajneesh Quotes)
The day effort ceased, I also ceased. Because you cannot exist without effort, and you cannot exist without desire, and you cannot exist without striving (Rajneesh Quotes)