Rajneesh Quotes

Text Quotes
It is because nobody has been teaching you about hate; hence, hate has remained pure, unadulterated. When a man hatesyou, you can trust that he hates you (Rajneesh Quotes)
The knowledgeable person lives with a question mark ‘?’ and the man of awe and wonder lives with an exclamation mark (Rajneesh Quotes)
A comfortable, convenient life is not a real life - the more comfortable, the less alive. The most comfortable life is in the grave (Rajneesh Quotes)
Fools are more healthy then the so-called wise. Thy live in the moment and they know that thy are fools, so thy are not worried about what others think about them (Rajneesh Quotes)
You are a great problem-creator. Just understand this and suddenly problems disappear (Rajneesh Quotes)
Life is absolutely balanced between the positive and the negative. Now it is your choice which side you want to be - in heaven or in hell (Rajneesh Quotes)
People love freedom - but nobody wants responsibility. And they come together, they are inseparable (Rajneesh Quotes)
Paradise is within you, in your state of no-mind. And hell is also within you, in your very mind (Rajneesh Quotes)
Just see how much respect God has paid to you. You are a masterpiece - unrepeatable, incomparable, utterly unique (Rajneesh Quotes)
These seven centers, these seven chakras Yoga and Tantra have talked about down the ages, are nothing but five knots in your body electric current. They can be changed; they can be rearranged. They can be given a new shape, form. Two lovers can be transformed so deeply that all their seven centers can start meeting (Rajneesh Quotes)
Tantra is the science of transforming ordinary lovers into soul mates. And that is the grandeur of Tantra. It can transform the whole earth; it can transform each couple into soul mates (Rajneesh Quotes)
I have been continuously surprised by people who come to me and say they are afraid of love. What is the fear of love? It is because when you really love somebody your ego starts slipping and melting. You cannot love with the ego; the ego becomes a barrier. and when you want to drop the barrier the ego says, ‘This is going to be a death. Beware!’ (Rajneesh Quotes)
Any human being who is becoming independent of conditionings, of religions, scriptures, prophets and messiahs, has arrived home. He has found the treasure which was hidden in his own being (Rajneesh Quotes)
Love is the creative refinement of sex energy. And so, when love reaches perfection, the absence of sex automatically follows. A life of love, an abstinence from physical pleasures is called brahmacharya, and anyone who wishes to be free from sex must develop his capacity to love. Freedom from sex cannot be achieved through supersession. Liberation from sex is only possible through love (Rajneesh Quotes)
The person who is free of sexuality, whose sexuality has become a transformed phenomenon, is also free of money, is also free of ambition, is also free of the desire to be famous. Immediately all these things disappear from his life. The moment sex energy starts rising upwards, the moment sex energy starts becoming love, prayer, meditation, then all lower manifestations disappear (Rajneesh Quotes)
The meditative person can transform his sexuality without any antagonism. without any conflict. He is in deep friendship with all his energies, sexual or others; he is not in any fight. Why fight with your own energies? Love them, rejoice in them, and help them to transcend the lower forms, the animal forms. Let them move from the body towards the turiya, the fourth (Rajneesh Quotes)
A split personality can never become non-greedy. It can try, but it can never become. A split personality can never go beyond anger. It can try, but it can never go beyond. A split personality can never go beyond sex. It can fight. So many monks in the monasteries are doing it. They don’t go beyond sex; at the most their sexuality becomes perverted, their love becomes poisoned (Rajneesh Quotes)
God is a synergetic experience. Science can never reveal it, philosophy can never come to it - only a poetic approach, a very passive, very loving approach, can (Rajneesh Quotes)
Walking is Zen, sitting is Zen. Then what will be the quality? Watchfully alert, joyously unmotivated, centered, loving, flowing, one walks. And the walking is sauntering. Loving, alert, watchful, one sits, unmotivated - not sitting for anything in particular, just enjoying how beautiful just sitting doing nothing is, how relaxing, how restful (Rajneesh Quotes)
Don’t try to force anything. Let life be a deep let-go. God opens millions of flowers everyday without forcing their buds (Rajneesh Quotes)
So the patient went to the mountains, and do you know what? Next day a telegram arrived for the psychiatrist. The patient said in the telegram, ‘I am feeling very happy - why?’ (Rajneesh Quotes)
Many times people come to me to be reassured. They ask, they say, ‘I’m feeling very happy and blissful. What do you say?’ What is the need to say anything? The very need shows that the happiness is unreal and imaginary (Rajneesh Quotes)
Whenever you feel happiness it is always from the inner. Then mind immediately jumps in and takes control and says, ‘It is because of me.’ When you are in love, it is like death, you feel blissful. Immediately mind comes in and says, ‘Okay, this is me, this is because of me.’ (Rajneesh Quotes)
Whenever you meditate, there are glimpses. Then the mind comes in and says, ‘Be happy! Look, I have done it.’ And immediately the contact is lost (Rajneesh Quotes)
Tantra says be real, be authentic to yourself. Your happiness is not bad; it is good. It is not sin! Only sadness is sin, only to be miserable is sin. To be happy is virtue because a happy person will not create unhappiness for others. Only a happy person can be a ground for others’ happiness (Rajneesh Quotes)
I am not against marriage - without marriage, ninety-nine percent jokes will disappear from the world. How I can be against marriage? I am all for it (Rajneesh Quotes)
As I see it, out of a hundred marriages ninety-nine marriages are just licensed prostitution. They are not marriages. A marriage is only a real marriage when it grows out of love. Legal, illegal, does not matter. The real thing that matters is love (Rajneesh Quotes)
What is marriage now, or what has it ever been? - just a painful suffering, a long suffering, with false smiling faces. It has simply proved to be a misery. At the most it can be just a convenience (Rajneesh Quotes)
The moment you start seeing life as non-serious, a playfulness, all the burden on your heart disappears. All the fear of death, of life, of love - everything disappears (Rajneesh Quotes)
The ego is exploitation; love is service. And the service that flows from love, freely and spontaneously, is non-violence (Rajneesh Quotes)