Rally Quotes

Text Quotes
It's kind of hard to rally around a math class (Rally Quotes)
Great leaders rally people to a better future (Rally Quotes)
To rally every black sheep is my goal (Rally Quotes)
My heart is a protest that I let rally against my ribs (Rally Quotes)
The soul’s maladies have their relapses like the body’s. What we take for a cure is often just a momentary rally or a new form of the disease (Rally Quotes)
When you show up at a rally supporting a bill, you are supporting the bill (Rally Quotes)
It was thought that to rally Islam against godless communism would be doing the Soviet Union a very bad turn indeed, and that, in fact, transpired (Rally Quotes)
What a day for the Tea Party people. Did you see that? America’s parks and fairgrounds were lost in a sea of man-boobs. They were venting their anger and rage against taxes, which, of course, in most cases for them went down. Protesting their taxes went down, but you know, why let the truth spoil a perfectly good Klan rally. (Rally Quotes)
Sitting at a candidate rally is similar to sitting in a ballyard. Both give you the opportunity to assess the technical metrics and reflect on the intangibles - what baseball calls ‘make up’ and politics calls ‘character’ - the leadership, talent and maturity to add value to a venture. (Rally Quotes)
When you use force, people get hurt, and when you kill people, their relatives don’t like it. And usually war has some unanticipated consequences so it’s something you shouldn’t launch into, on the expectation that this is going to rally the nation. This is not like ‘Friday Night Lights’ (Rally Quotes)
In a recent interview, John McCain addressed Trump’s campaign rally in Arizona and said that he just quote, ‘fired up the crazies.’ Not to be confused with Trump’s show ‘Celebrity Apprentice,’ where he just FIRED the crazies (Rally Quotes)
When it comes to animal agriculture, there is conventional, which is rally hideous, and ‘compassionate’ and ‘certified humane’ or whatever, which ‘may’ be ‘slightly’ less hideous. But it is all torture. It’s all wrong. These ‘happy’ gimmicks are just designed to make the public feel better about exploiting animals. Don’t buy the propaganda of ‘happy’ exploitation. Go vegan and promote veganism (Rally Quotes)
What I said was that I was at first supportive of Bernie [Sanders] when he came to Los Angeles for his first rally, I was there, I was supportive (Rally Quotes)
In order to rally people, governments need enemies. They want us to be afraid, to hate, so we will rally behind them. And if they do not have a real enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us (Rally Quotes)
Donald Trump said it was his idea for [Sarah] Palin to bring up her son at the rally (Rally Quotes)
After the miners’ rally, when I saw how emotional everyone got when I sang, I thought I might get somewhere with singing (Rally Quotes)
I think there are other issues that the Democrats could use to rally evangelicals. There are a lot of us, for instance, who believe that the Bible calls us to be environmentally responsible (Rally Quotes)
I have no question that Newt Gingrich has the heart of a conservative reformer, the ability to rally and captivate the conservative movement (Rally Quotes)
There is a strong tendency in the United States to rally round the flag and their troops, no matter how mistaken the war (Rally Quotes)
Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence (Rally Quotes)
Generally, a rally will have staying power, technicians say, if, in addition to price movements, it has heavy trading volume and breadth, meaning that several stocks rise for each stock that falls (Rally Quotes)
In the summer of 1990, I was buying stocks and I was probably three or four months early there. But we had a great rally in 1991 (Rally Quotes)
The death of the MG marks the end of one of the most perfect products of free enterprise, born out of the voracious will to succeed of one man and the burgeoning market for middle-class status symbols. The car first appeared as a souped-up Morris Oxford in 1923 when it won the Land’s End Rally. (Rally Quotes)
In what is perhaps the strangest turn in the President’s efforts to rally support, he agreed that Iraq is just like Vietnam, but in a good way. (Rally Quotes)
It was thought that to rally Islam against godless communism would be doing the Soviet Union a very bad turn indeed, and that, in fact, transpired. In 1985, a group of mujahedeen came to Washington and was greeted by President [Ronald] Reagan, who called them freedom fighters. (Rally Quotes)
You see the crowds. I mean, you don’t see enthusiasm like that at a Hillary [Clinton] rally. People are falling asleep. (Rally Quotes)
It is wrong to make anyone into an enemy; it is wrong to scare the people of one’s own country with that enemy and try to rally some allies on that basis. (Rally Quotes)
There were 14,000 people at the rally for the president in Ohio. There were another 8,000 people in Virginia. If all 22,000 of those people opened their wallets and gave $1,000 each, that would be less than one donation from a billionaire to the super PACs. And that’s why he’s in for the fight of his life. (Rally Quotes)
The soul’s maladies have their relapses like the body’s. What we take for a cure is often just a momentary rally or a new form of the disease. (Rally Quotes)
One of the dirty little secrets of the stock market rally is that the rising corporate profits that powered it are largely phantom profits. They are artifacts of currency devaluation, not an increase in efficiency or production of goods and services. (Rally Quotes)