Ralph Marston Quotes

Text Quotes
Truth is just as essential to nourishing the mind as food is to nourishing the body. The more fully you live each moment in truth, the more powerful and effective those moments will be (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Meaning is found not in the rewards, for they are only tokens. Seek not to have the gold medal. Instead, seek to be the person who can win the gold medal. It is in the quest that you’ll find the fulfillment which the reward represents (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Sure, it’s easy to be upbeat when everything is going your way. Anyone can do that. It is far more important, however, to take a positive approach in circumstances that most people would view as negative (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Live your days on the positive side of life, in tune with your most treasured values. And in each moment you’ll have much to live for (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Turn your attention for a while away from the worries and anxieties. Remind yourself of all your many blessings (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Your life is constantly nourished by your thoughts. Whatever the direction your life is moving, your thoughts have led you there (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Don’t lower your expectations to meet your performance. Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations. Expect the best of yourself, and then do what is necessary to make it a reality (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Don’t make excuses for why you can’t get it done. Focus on all the reasons why you must make it happen (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work (Ralph Marston Quotes)
The keys to patience are acceptance and faith. Accept things as they are, and look realistically at the world around you. Have faith in yourself and in the direction you have chosen (Ralph Marston Quotes)
You were born to be real, not to be perfect. You are here to be you, not to live someone else’s life (Ralph Marston Quotes)
There are very real obstacles and challenges to any course of action. And there’s no need to add to them, by making up obstacles of your own. Unchain yourself from the bondage of your own thinking (Ralph Marston Quotes)
You have created your fears. And you can choose to lay them to rest. You have created your dreams. And you can choose to bring them fully to life (Ralph Marston Quotes)
There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path. Don’t allow yourself to become one of them (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Don’t let the silly little dramas of each day get you down. For you are here to do great things (Ralph Marston Quotes)
There is a thought in your mind right now. The longer you hold on to it, the more you dwell upon it, the more life you give to that thought. Give it enough life, and it will become real. So make sure the thought is indeed a great one (Ralph Marston Quotes)
A world of abundance surrounds you, if only you will step up and claim it. Make life happen through you rather than letting it happen to you. It will make all the difference in the world (Ralph Marston Quotes)
The real person you are is revealed in the moments when you’re certain no other person is watching. When no one is watching, you are driven by what you expect of yourself (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Step confidently forward in the precisely the direction that is the most challenging to you. Because in that same direction, you’ll also find what is most rewarding to you (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open. You're able to benefit from the unique viewpoints of others, without being crippled by your own judgment (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Your destiny is to fulfill those things upon which you focus most intently. So choose to keep your focus on that which is truly magnificent, beautiful, uplifting and joyful. Your life is always moving toward something (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Every day you make some progress and every day you make a few mistakes. Through it all, your wisdom continues to grow and your experience continues to broaden (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Choose to fully and graciously live life as it comes. The richest rewards by far are the ones to which you most sincerely give of yourself (Ralph Marston Quotes)
The value of an ambitious goal is not measured by what it will bring to you. The worth of a goal is measured by what it will make of you in the process of following and attaining it (Ralph Marston Quotes)
If you so choose, every mistake can lead to greater understanding and effectiveness. If you so choose, every frustration can help you to be more patient and more persistent (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Every day is a day to be thankful. Life’s abundance has no limit, and gratitude is what keeps that abundance flowing. In every circumstance there is something for which to be thankful. Even when there seems to be nothing else, there is hope (Ralph Marston Quotes)
If you so choose, even the unexpected setbacks can bring new and positive possibilities. If you so choose, you can find value and fulfillment in every circumstance (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Never assume that you’re stuck with the way things are. Life changes, and so can you (Ralph Marston Quotes)
Perfection in any endeavor is an aiming point. Let the desire for it push you, but don’t let the absence of it stop you (Ralph Marston Quotes)
When the path becomes difficult, that’s no reason to give up. In fact, it means you’re making real progress (Ralph Marston Quotes)