Randy Alcorn Quotes

Text Quotes
God gives us abundant material blessing so that we can give it away, and give it generously (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
Any concept of grace that makes us feel more comfortable sinning is not biblical grace. God’s grace never encourages us to live in sin, on the contrary, it empowers us to say no to sin and yes to truth (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
God prospers me not to raise my standard of living, but to raise my standard of giving (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
God doesn’t look at just what we give. He also looks at what we keep (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
In the midst of prosperity, the challenge for believers is to handle wealth in such a way that it acts as a blessing, not a curse (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
Are we truly obeying the command to love our neighbor as ourselves if we’re storing up money for potential future needs when our neighbor is laboring today under actual present needs? (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
You are made for a person and a place. Jesus is the person. Heaven is the place (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
Unless we learn how to humbly tell each other our giving stories, our churches will not learn to give (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
If we can keep ourselves from interfering with the natural laws of life, mistakes can be our child’s finest teachers (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
Countless mistakes in marriage, parenting, ministry, and other relationships are failures to balance grace and truth. Sometimes we neglect both. Often we choose one over the other (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
He who lays up treasures on earth spends his life backing away from his treasures. To him, death is loss. He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity; he’s moving daily toward his treasures. To him, death is gain. He who spends his life moving toward his treasures has reason to rejoice. Are you despairing or rejoicing? (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
When you leave this world, will you be known as one who accumulated treasures on earth that you couldn’t keep? Or will you be recognized as one who invested treasures in heaven that you couldn’t lose? (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
Whenever I see an unmarried woman carrying a child, my first response is one of respect. I know she could have taken the quick fix without anyone knowing, but she chose instead to let an innocent child live (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
Cheap grace replaces truth with tolerance, lowering the bar so everyone can jump over it and we can all feel good about ourselves (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
Something nonhuman doesn’t become human by getting older and bigger; whatever is human is human from the beginning (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
We are all theologians, either good ones or bad ones. I’d rather be a good one. Wouldn’t you? (Randy Alcorn Quotes)
Don’t forget that the most effective form of child abuse is giving a child everything they want (Randy Alcorn Quotes)