Range Quotes

Text Quotes
It gives me the happiest feeling in the world. I just love scoring. It doesn’t matter if it’s a simple goal from close range, a long shot or a dribble around several players, I just love to score all goals (Range Quotes)
There is the silence of age, too full of wisdom for the tongue to utter it in words intelligible to those who have not lived the great range of life (Range Quotes)
If we range through the whole territory of nature, and endeavour to extract from each department the rich stores of knowledge and pleasure they respectively contain, we shall not find a more refined or purer source of amusement, or a more interesting and unfailing subject for recreation, than that which the observation and examination of the structure, affinities, and habits of plants and vegetables, afford (Range Quotes)
The mechanism of primary emotions does not describe the full range of emotional behaviors. They are, to be sure, the basic mechanism. However, I believe that in terms of an individual’s development they are followed by mechanisms of secondary emotions, which occur once we begin experiencing feelings and forming systematic connections between categories of objects and situations, on the one hand, and primary emotions, on the other (Range Quotes)
Although we’ve used the concept brand communities a couple of times, it’s important to reiterate that communities aren’t created, they are courted. Most brands will need to court a range of different communities and travel across pools, webs, and hubs if they want to reach the full range of desired consumers (Range Quotes)
We are apt to think we know what time is because we can measure it, but no sooner do we reflect upon it than that illusion goes. So it appears that the range of the measureable is not the range of the knowable. There are things we can measure, like time, but yet our minds do not grasp their meaning. There are things we cannot measure, like happiness or pain, and yet their meaning is perfectly clear to us (Range Quotes)
The greater is the circle of light, the greater is the boundary of the darkness by which it is confined. But, notwithstanding this, the more light get, the more thankful we ought to be, for by this means we have the greater range for satisfactory contemplation. time the bounds of light will be still farther extended; and from the infinity of the divine nature, and the divine works, we may promise ourselves an endless progress in our investigation them: a prospect truly sublime and glorious (Range Quotes)
Intelligent media companies strive to provide both intellectual and comedy programs, groundbreaking and reflective articles, art house and popular movies. Not to be open minded in providing a full range of quality media would be a failure to serve the breadth and depth of the communities we live in (Range Quotes)
You are more likely to acquire power by narrowing your focus and applying your energies, like the sun’s rays, to a limited range of activities in a small number of domains (Range Quotes)
I’m going to be working on my shot. Working on extending my range. Keep working on everything, and really studying the game (Range Quotes)
Today I am amazed at the things our children have done and their wide range of interests. They are all living their lives and not the ones I would have planned for them. But I have learned that their lives are theirs, not mine, and in living their own lives they have given me experiences and an education I would never have had if I’d been fool enough to make them do what I thought they should do (Range Quotes)
In sum, the truth is that we luxuriate in the comfortable assertion that women enjoy equality. We have salved our consciences by eliminating the more obvious discriminations like unequal rates of pay for work of equal value. But, in fact, we have not eliminated the inheritance of the millennia that women are lesser beings, an inheritance which still manifests itself in a whole range of prejudice and other forms of discrimination (Range Quotes)
In the range of my character at any given moment, I have acted in the only way it seemed to me I could have acted. This in no way means that I have done what was right; only what was possible for me. Sometimes I have done what I knew was wrong, and have rationalized. But rationalization is a form of desperation. It takes kindness to forgive oneself for one’s life (Range Quotes)
In a narrow market, when prices are not getting anywhere to speak of but move within a narrow range, there is no sense in trying to anticipate what the next big movement is going to be. The thing to do is to watch the market, read the tape to determine the limits of the get nowhere prices, and make up your mind that you will not take an interest until the prices breaks through the limit in either direction (Range Quotes)
I have a pleasant voice, but I have no great range. I will say that I know how to make a song come alive and I guess I do have a sincerity that comes across. But I do alot of things better than sing (Range Quotes)
Reproductive freedom is critical to a whole range of issues. If we can’t take charge of this most personal aspect of our lives, we can’t take care of anything. It should not be seen as a privilege or as a benefit, but a fundamental human right (Range Quotes)
I used to go to the driving range to practice driving without slicing. Now I go to practice slicing without swearing (Range Quotes)
A branding program should be designed to differentiate your cow from all the other cattle on the range. Even if all the cattle on the range look pretty much alike (Range Quotes)
People have a range of capacities to deal with overwhelming experience. Some people, some kids particularly, are able to disappear into a fantasy world, to dissociate, to pretend like it isnt happening, and are able to go on with their lives. And sometimes it comes back to haunt them (Range Quotes)
I’d like people to remember that I really tried everything within my range of reality. And that whatever I did, I did with all my heart (Range Quotes)
Overemphasis on the sex aspect of morality has led to a neglect of its other aspects and a narrowing of its range (Range Quotes)
Little by little, I’ve reached the stage of using only a small number of forms and colors. It’s not the first time that painting has been done with a very narrow range of colors. The frescoes of the tenth century are painted like this. For me, they are magnificent things (Range Quotes)
I opened fire when the whole windshield was black with the enemy... at minimum range... it doesn’t matter what your angle is to him or whether you are in a turn or any other maneuver (Range Quotes)
Your fears are a kind of prison that confines you within a limited range of action. The less you fear, the more power you will have and the more fully you will live (Range Quotes)
The first company to produce a certified two seat electric aircraft with a 1.5 hour range will dominate the aviation training market (Range Quotes)
Sometimes you have to resist working on your strengths in favour of your weaknesses. The decathlon requires a wide range of skills (Range Quotes)
Don’t you see yourself in every picture you love? You feel a radiance wash through you. It’s something you can’t analyze or speak about clearly. What are you doing at that moment? You’re looking at a picture on a wall. That’s all. But it makes you feel alive in the world. It tells you yes, you’re here. And yes, you have a range of being that’s deeper and sweeter than you knew (Range Quotes)
Men and women range themselves into three classes or orders of intelligence; you can tell the lowest class by their habit of always talking about persons; the next by the fact that their habit is always to converse about things; the highest by their preference for the discussion of ideas (Range Quotes)
The range of variation in the female far exceeds the range of variation in the male (Range Quotes)
In some small field each child should attain, within the limited range of its experience and observation, the power to draw a justly limited inference from observed facts (Range Quotes)