Rational Quotes

Text Quotes
For so long, the mainstays of cancer treatment have been chemotherapy and radiation. They’re toxic and primitive. We need to look at it in a rational way and say, how can we help the body heal itself? (Rational Quotes)
I’m all for rational enjoyment, and so forth, but I think a fellow makes himself conspicuous when he throws soft-boiled eggs at the electric fan (Rational Quotes)
To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational, (Rational Quotes)
To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone make thinking about aliens perfectly rational. The real challenge is to work out what aliens might actually be like. (Rational Quotes)
There is no way any rational, reasonable person can say that the Bush Administration has been good for America. (Rational Quotes)
The US is to an unusual extent a business-run society, where short-term concerns of profit and market share displace rational planning. (Rational Quotes)
I learned that most people buy based on emotion, not on a rational breakdown of the product or service. (Rational Quotes)
The great changes in civilisation and society have been wrought by deeply held beliefs and passion rather than by a process of rational deduction. (Rational Quotes)
Family relationships trigger childhood wounds, and those wounds often trump our rational thinking. We can’t ‘rationally’ transcend the kind of primal pain that such relationships can arouse. (Rational Quotes)
The only reason of the institution of civil government; and the only rational ground of submission to it, is the common safety and utility. (Rational Quotes)
We fetch fire and water, run about all day among the shops and markets, and get our clothes and shoes made and mended, and are thevictims of these details, and once in a fortnight we arrive perhaps at a rational moment. (Rational Quotes)
The legitimacy of coercive acts in a democracy arises from the process by which they are justified and by the degree to which we regard decisions as rational. If the justifications proceed properly, through recognized public institutions, and if they make sense to us, they are legitimate. (Rational Quotes)
When you by nature subscribe to the view that everyone except yourself is a berk or a wanker, it is hard to bond with anybody in any rational common cause. (Rational Quotes)
The more complex the world situation becomes, the more scientific and rational analysis you have to have, the less you can do with simple good will and sentiment. (Rational Quotes)
Learn computer science. It’s extraordinarily helpful. I like recommending learning economics as well so they think in terms of business, they have rational frameworks for looking at the world, but yeah, computer science is an amazing way to get into, even if you want to be CEO, having a tech background is helpful. (Rational Quotes)
The mind effortlessly and automatically takes in new ideas, which remain in limbo until verified or rejected by conscious, rational analysis. (Rational Quotes)
... immediately call on Congress to pass far-reaching industry regulation like the Firearms Safety and Consumer Protection Act ... [which] would give the Treasury Department health and safety authority over the gun industry, and any rational regulator with that authority would ban handguns. (Rational Quotes)
A successful trader is rational, analytical, able to control emotions, practical, and profit oriented. (Rational Quotes)
Neoclassical economics ... has uncovered important truths about the nature of money and markets because its fundamental model of rational self-interested human behavior is correct about 80% of the time. (Rational Quotes)
Tell me I’m not crazy, He said. I couldn’t do that. I was nowhere near sane enough at the moment to advise anyone else on rational behavior. (Rational Quotes)
Education must lead us from the irresponsible opinion to true responsible judgment. It must lead us from chance and arbitrariness to rational clarity and intellectual order. Therefore, let us guide our students over the road of discipline from materials, through function, to creative work. (Rational Quotes)
I consider creativity to be a more non-rational, subconscious thing. You have a relationship to your creativity - you can feed it with content, with some rational prodding and sleep and things like that, but the mechanisms by which your creativity work are largely unknown. (Rational Quotes)
Crime fiction confirms our belief, despite some evidence to the contrary, that we live in a rational, comprehensible, and moral universe. (Rational Quotes)
Politicians such as Michelle Bachmann, Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich along with talking heads such as Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Anne Coulter are not the problem, they are symptomatic of a much more disturbing assault on critical thought, if not rational thinking itself. (Rational Quotes)
It is possible for leaders or regimes to be cruel, bigoted, twisted in their world views and still make rational calculations with respect to their limits and their self-preservation. (Rational Quotes)
Man, the cutting edge of terrestrial life, has no rational alternative but to expand the environmental and resource base beyond earth. (Rational Quotes)
Feelings are more dangerous than ideas, because they aren’t susceptible to rational evaluation. They grow quietly, spreading underground, and erupt suddenly, all over the place. (Rational Quotes)
Rational intelligence is dangerous and leads to ratiocination. The painter is a medium who doesn’t realize what he is doing. No translation can express the mystery of sensibility, a word, still unreliable, which is nevertheless the basis of painting or poetry, like a kind of alchemy. (Rational Quotes)
Unfortunately, most gun control advocates are not really interested in rational debate, and their political games simply send Alice chasing white rabbits down holes. (Rational Quotes)
I’m not emotional about investments. Investing is something where you have to be purely rational and not let emotion affect your decision making - just the facts. (Rational Quotes)