Ray Bradbury Quotes
Text Quotes
With a book tucked in one hand, and a computer shoved under my elbow, I will march, not sidle, shudder or quake, into the twenty-first century. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
To solve the drug problem, we have to start at the root - first grade. If a boy has all the toys in his head that reading can give him, and you hook him into science fiction, then you’ve got the future secured. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
First grade is very cheap. It’s the later grades where you have to spend a lot of money if you don’t do it right. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
You should love literature. You should live in the library. Forget about films. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
I have two rules in life - to hell with it, whatever it is, and get your work done (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
If someone tells you to do something for money, tell them to go to hell, (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
We’re going to become the martians when we land there. When we explore and build communities, we become the martians. That’s a wonderful destiny for all of us. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Libraries are the center of our lives. There’s no use going to a university if you don’t live at the library. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
If you are going to describe the history of animation, you’d look at the early Disney work, then ‘Bugs Bunny,’ ‘Road Runner’ and other Warner Brothers theatrical productions. But when you got to ‘Rocky and Bullwinkle,’ you’d see they were unique: They assumed you had a brain in your head. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
You pay a certain penalty for going your own way. A lot of people think you’re nuts, and you’re not as popular with girls as you should be. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
There are a lot of wonderful women writers who would be good influences on writers. You’ve got to spread yourself out and educate yourself with all kinds of stories. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
If you want to be a good writer, be the best writer in the world. That’s what I’ve done. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
That’s the great secret of creativity. You treat ideas like cats: you make them follow you. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
The local TV news is the greatest danger in your life. It’s all crap. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
The Greek philosophies teach us that we are a combination of dark and light, good and evil, and murderer and savior, hmm? And until we know this completely about ourselves we cannot love well, and we cannot forgive ourselves. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
The answer I found is you stay away from the people who make fun of you, and you join these ad hoc groups who understand your craziness. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Thus through half-belief, we are often doomed to repeat that very past we should have learned from (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
In my later years, I have looked in the mirror each day and found a happy person staring back. Occasionally I wonder why I can be so happy. The answer is that every day of my life I’ve worked only for myself and for the joy that comes from writing and creating. The image in my mirror is not optimistic, but the result of optimal behavior. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
And besides, I like to cry. After I cry hard it’s like it’s morning again and I’m starting the day over. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Everything is my demon muse. I have a muse which whispers in my ear and says, ‘Do this, do that,’ but it’s my demon who provokes me. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Collecting facts is important. Knowledge is important. But if you don’t have an imagination to use the knowledge, civilization is nowhere. (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Living at risk is jumping off the cliff and building your wings on the way down (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Everything is generated through your own will power (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
I'm not in control of my muse. My muse does all the work (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
My business is to prevent the future (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Touch a scientist and you touch a child (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Don’t talk about it; write (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
There’s no reason to burn books if you don’t read them (Ray Bradbury Quotes)
Sniff books like perfumes and wear books like hats upon your crazy heads (Ray Bradbury Quotes)