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The knowledge that every day there is something more to learn, something higher to reach for, something new to make for others, makes each day infinitely precious  (Reach Quotes) Sometimes it takes a while to recognize that someone has a special ability to get us to believe in ourselves, to tie that belief to our highest ideals, and to imagine that together we can do great things. In those rare moments, when such a person comes along, we need to put aside our plans and reach for what we know is possible  (Reach Quotes) My mom just died. We blink and another decade passes. I don’t want to reach the end of my life and regret not having given my days everything in me to make them worthwhile  (Reach Quotes) Anything that is within someone else’s reach is also within yours. Set your goals no matter how impossible they may seem. Then focus on what is between you and that goal. And then, simply take out the obstacles as they come  (Reach Quotes) The quickest way for anyone to reach the sun and the light of day is not to run west, chasing after the setting sun, but to head east, plunging into the darkness until one comes to the sunrise  (Reach Quotes) We can’t control everything in life, that’s for sure, but we can reach out to the people we love to tell them we love and care about them  (Reach Quotes) When you reach the point of becoming independent of external events, you’re truly free  (Reach Quotes) How do you change what you believe when your experience has convinced you otherwise? By creating a new experience. The best way for you to get that new experience is to change your response to what happens. By the natural law of cause and effect, that new response will create new results, which you will then experience as a new reality. To reach the goal of happiness, act as though the following statement is already true: Everything that happens to me is the best thing that can happen to me  (Reach Quotes) With our present knowledge, we can respond to the challenge of stellar space flight solely with intellectual concepts and purely hypothetical analysis. Hardware solutions are still entirely beyond our reach and far, far away  (Reach Quotes) Don’t be intimidated by people who try to belittle your ambitions. Most of the time they are just jealous of your success or determination to reach the highest peaks of the mountains, and reign over them  (Reach Quotes) You have to reach deep within yourself to see if you are willing to make the sacrifices  (Reach Quotes) I am not interested in repetition. I don’t want to reach the point from where I wouldn’t know how to go further. It’s good to set limits for oneself, but there comes a moment when we must destroy what we have constructed  (Reach Quotes) I can’t always reach the image in my mind... almost never, in fact... so that the abstract image I create is not quite there, but it gets to the point where I can leave it  (Reach Quotes) If you don’t execute on your plans, then you don’t reach anywhere  (Reach Quotes) Bodybuilding is not just a sport; it’s a way of life. If every aspect of your life is not focused on making the sacrifices necessary to build your best physique, you will ultimately fail and never reach your full potential  (Reach Quotes) Russia is like a dinosaur. A lot of time is needed for change to reach the tail from the head  (Reach Quotes) Be passionate and move forward with gusto every single hour of every single day until you reach your goal  (Reach Quotes) The scoreboard said I lost today, but what the scoreboard doesn’t say is what it is I have found. Over the last 21 years, I have found loyalty. You have pulled for me on the court and also in life. I found inspiration. You have willed me to succeed, sometimes even in my lowest moments, and I’ve found generosity. You have given me your shoulders to stand on to reach for my dreams, dreams I could never have reached without you  (Reach Quotes) Live your life as a revolution and not just a process of evolution. I realized today that if I stay on a path of gradual evolution into the man I ultimately want to become, I am going to run out of time before I reach the goal  (Reach Quotes) Music really is a way to reach out and hold on to each other in a healthy way  (Reach Quotes) We all need to be reminded to stay connected to the essence of who we are, to take care of ourselves along the way, to reach out to others, to pause to wonder and to connect to that place from which everything is possible  (Reach Quotes) Poetry is, above all, a singing art of natural and magical connection because, though it is born out of one’s person’s solitude, it has the ability to reach out and touch in a humane and warmly illuminating way the solitude, even the loneliness, of others. That is why, to me, poetry is one of the most vital treasures that humanity possesses; it is a bridge between separated souls  (Reach Quotes) Winning is overcoming obstacles to reach a goal, but the value in winning is only as great as the value of the goal reached  (Reach Quotes) If you reject the infinite, you are stuck with the finite, and the finite is parochial... the best explanation of anything eventually involves universality, and therefore infinity. The reach of explanations cannot be limited by fiat  (Reach Quotes) If the art is created with the whole person, then the work will come out whole. Education must teach, reach, and vibrate the whole person rather than merely transfer knowledge  (Reach Quotes) There’s only so much you can teach a person until you reach the limits of his capabilities  (Reach Quotes) If you want to reach every person in the audience, it’s not about being bigger, it’s about going deeper  (Reach Quotes) Nobody on the road. Nobody on the beach. I feel it in the air, the summer’s out of reach  (Reach Quotes) The seed must move to the soil; the tree must turn to the sun. The river must leave its source to reach the sea. And man must forget man, the maker, in order to make the world  (Reach Quotes) For every mountain there is another one. The big question is if you reach the top of the mountain, what then? What do you do then? I suppose you die  (Reach Quotes)
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