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All is well with me. The rain doesn’t reach me, my room is well heated, what more can one ask for? There’s no shortage of work, either  (Reach Quotes) Painting transports me into another dimension which, quite literally, refreshes parts of the soul which other activities can’t reach  (Reach Quotes) Above all, good leaders are open. They go up, down, and around their organization to reach people. They don’t stick to the established channels. They’re informal. They’re straight with people. They make a religion out of being accessible. They never get bored telling their story  (Reach Quotes) It’s amazing what can happen if you just put your arm around somebody. It’s the truest thing and the simplest thing that does the most good a lot of times and I hope that we can all just reach out to each other  (Reach Quotes) The battle is tough but if you reach where you want to go, then at least in some sense it is worth it  (Reach Quotes) For the whole consequence of evolution from blind impulse through conscious will to self conscious knowledge, seems still somehow to correspond to a continued result of births, rebirths and new births, which reach from the birth of the child from the mother, beyond the birth of the individual from the mass, to the birth of the creative work from the individual and finally to the birth of knowledge from the work  (Reach Quotes) In 2006, the number of children in targeted school choice programs nationwide will reach six digits for the first time, representing a 40 percent increase in the number of children in targeted school choice programs and an even bigger increase in the amount of public funding  (Reach Quotes) To decide to reach for this blue and not that one, to switch styles or subject matter, to move, in the middle of a sentence, in one direction or another, to commit to this book when that one is also calling, are the sorts of choices that artists must make if they are to function  (Reach Quotes) Nature or, that which I see, inspires me, puts me, as with any painter, in an emotional state so that an urge comes about to make something, but I want to come as close as possible to the truth and abstract everything from that, until I reach the foundation, still just an external foundation, of things  (Reach Quotes) Don’t be afraid of expressing what you really mean in your art, what you really feel. Say it visually, as strongly as you can. Push as far a reach as you can, then go all the way!  (Reach Quotes) Your customers don’t care about you. They don’t care about your product or service. They care about themselves, their dreams, their goals. Now, they will care much more if you help them reach their goals, and to do that, you must understand their goals, as well as their needs and deepest desires  (Reach Quotes) An angel can illumine the thought and mind of man by strengthening the power of vision and by bringing within his reach some truth which the angel himself contemplates  (Reach Quotes) Only as a child’s awareness and reverence for the wholeness of life are developed can his humanity to his own kind reach its full development  (Reach Quotes) The camera is much more than a recording apparatus, it is a medium via which messages reach us from another world  (Reach Quotes) Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it  (Reach Quotes) I trust that you will so live today as to realize that you are masters of your own destiny, masters of your fate; if there is anything you want in this world, it is for you to strike out with confidence and faith in self and reach for it  (Reach Quotes) Our ideals resemble the stars, which illumintate the night. No one will ever be able to touch them. But the men who, like the sailors on the ocean, take them for guides, will undoubtedly reach their goal  (Reach Quotes) In my work, I try to reach and speak to that innocence, showing it the fun and joy of living; showing it that laughter is healthy; showing it that the human species, although happily ridiculous sometimes, is still reaching for the stars  (Reach Quotes) There is only one person with whom to compete and that is yourself. Keep aiming to surpass your own best performance and ever strive to reach higher levels  (Reach Quotes) The idea that reincarnation means all beings eventually reach enlightenment is not true. Life does not have a fixed purpose. It just is  (Reach Quotes) Meditation erases conditioning. It allows a person to channel the kundalini energy through their subtle physical body and reach enlightened states of awareness  (Reach Quotes) Through the proper application of kundalini, a woman can quickly become aware of the tremendous power that resides inside herself and reach enlightenment  (Reach Quotes) In order to put meaning back into our lives, we should recognize illusions for what they are, and we should reach out and touch the fabric of reality  (Reach Quotes) Power is the big obstacle, or one of them, that you have to overcome and learn to deal with effectively before you can reach enlightenment  (Reach Quotes) After this happens again and again, we reach a point were there is nothing but satori, which is what nirvikalpa samadhi is like  (Reach Quotes) I think that we, as human beings, always need to conquer our fears and reach beyond our grasp and I think it’s very important that we don’t become complacent or stagnant  (Reach Quotes) Organic’... means that the work is an extension of your blood and body: it has the rhythm of nature. There exists a state of feeling that when you reach it, when you hit it, you can’t go wrong. The work carries a body rhythm. You can’t do the slick... the gimmicky or dishonest  (Reach Quotes) Whoever wants to reach socialism by any other path than that of political democracy will inevitably arrive at conclusions that are absurd and reactionary both in the economic and the political sense  (Reach Quotes) I’m officially disabled, but I’m truly enabled because of my lack of limbs. My unique challenges have opened up unique opportunities to reach so many in need  (Reach Quotes) There’s a purity to the struggle to reach a peak. You leave your world behind and take only what you need. For a creature like me there is nothing closer to redemption  (Reach Quotes)
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