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What better can any of us do than to reach for our own stars... and know which they are?  (Reach Quotes) I must keep on rowing, not until I reach port but until I reach my grave  (Reach Quotes) You might say that science operates pragmatically and religion by divine guidance. If valid, they would reach the same conclusions but science would take a lot longer  (Reach Quotes) An enlightened mind is not hoodwinked; it is not shut up in a gloomy prison till it thinks the walls of its dungeon the limits of the universe, and the reach of its own chain the outer verge of intelligence  (Reach Quotes) I think truth is a layered phenomenon. There are many truths that accumulate and build up. I am trying to peel back and explore these rich layers of truth. All truths are difficult to reach  (Reach Quotes) When you reach a certain level of fame or success or income all these magical things are going to happen to you. All of the sudden you’re very popular. You’re very pretty. Everyone loves you and that’s going to fix all your problems  (Reach Quotes) Rich people have the potential to reach a point where they see money as the source of their safety and security  (Reach Quotes) You write a book and it’s like putting a message in a bottle and throwing it in the ocean. You don’t know if it will ever reach any shores. And there, you see, sometimes it falls in the hands of the right person  (Reach Quotes) Love comes into your being like a tidal wave... sometimes it withdraws like a wave, till there isn’t such a thing as a pool left, and every bit of your heart is as dry as seaweed beyond the wave’s reach  (Reach Quotes) Let us secure not such books as people want, but books just above their wants, and they will reach up to take what is put out for them  (Reach Quotes) When you reach out and touch other human beings, it doesn’t matter whether you call it therapy or teaching or poetry  (Reach Quotes) Life is so precious. Please, please, let’s love one another, live each day, reach out to each other, be kind to each other. Peace be with you. God is great  (Reach Quotes) Irrational crushes, infatuations, or obsessions. Whatever you want to label it, it’s important to reach out to others  (Reach Quotes) Of course, I’m aware of the animosities destroying brain cells on both sides, and I know all about the obstinacy of the warring parties, their refusal to reach an agreement, their devotion to their own murderous hatred  (Reach Quotes) In brief, we who write are all in the same boat, as if we are survivors of torpedoes, and we hope to reach the shores of thought with strength for more activity  (Reach Quotes) There are some beings who reach a point where they no longer want to move through the ten thousand states of mind. There is something else. It is beyond subject and object. That is nirvana  (Reach Quotes) Our status as a land of equal opportunity has made us a rich and powerful nation, but it has also transformed lives. It has given people like me the chance to grow up knowing that no dream was too big and no goal out of reach  (Reach Quotes) They say reach for the stars and you will get to the moon. I say reach for yourself and you will get to the stars  (Reach Quotes) If all the statisticians in the world were laid head to toe, they wouldn’t be able to reach a conclusion  (Reach Quotes) I write to reach people’s common sense and intelligence, to show them that if they unite they can make a different world possible  (Reach Quotes) Under the spell of the right song, passion is within reach... love is close by... and you are not alone! With such potency, music should be treated with care. The sound, the feel, the presentation... everything! It is a medicine. It is a teacher!  (Reach Quotes) I believe in the power of song. Under the spell of the right song, passion is within reach, love is close by, and you are not alone!  (Reach Quotes) I never try to set goals that I know are too tough to achieve or out of my reach  (Reach Quotes) If you don’t have a dream as an artist, you shouldn’t be an artist, because you should be working towards something and trying to reach that always, whatever that is  (Reach Quotes) There are sayings and mantras that sometimes occur in filmmaking discussions, and one of them is that sometimes filmmaking is an olive branch or a reason or an excuse to be able to reach out and create an encounter with someone  (Reach Quotes) You’re always going to make mistakes. That’s life. You just want to grow from them and try to make as few as possible. That’s why you do reach out and ask people for help, where needed  (Reach Quotes) Compelling spectacles are not to reach a niche market, it could be for reaching a niche marketing but on a grand scale. This is for grand marketing  (Reach Quotes) Every time you write a song, you’re looking for some sort of perfection, and you never quite reach it. You’re always looking for that extra missing piece  (Reach Quotes) Imagination can help you reach into the heavens to grasp an idea, bring it down to earth, and make it work  (Reach Quotes) I love getting older! I really believe that a woman doesn’t reach her peak until her 40s  (Reach Quotes)
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