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Their humble dwellings were of their own rearing; it was they themselves who had broken in their little fields; from time immemorial, far beyond the reach of history, had they possessed their mountain holdings  (Reach Quotes) If you’re serious about what you’re doing, you’ve got to keep your head and follow your instinct. Maybe you won’t reach the same dizzy heights as others, but you will get something back  (Reach Quotes) The world of learning is so broad, and the human soul is so limited in power! We reach forth and strain every nerve, but we seize only a bit of the curtain that hides the infinite from us  (Reach Quotes) Just remember, you are not alone, in fact you are in a very common place with millions of others. We need to help each other and keep striving to reach our goals  (Reach Quotes) When you have an idea for a story, you want those characters to reach as many people as you can. I think you normally think of prose as a way of doing that. It fits our time, the culture  (Reach Quotes) So many people feel that once you reach a certain age then it’s time for you to retire from a sport you love. I don’t think that’s true at all. I think age should not dictate that  (Reach Quotes) I’d like my records to reach as many people as possible, but I’m also thinking in terms of how I can keep from getting jaded or unhappy with the process  (Reach Quotes) Justice and truth are two such subtle points, that our tools are too blunt to touch them accurately. If they reach the point, they either crush it, or lean all round, more on the false than on the true  (Reach Quotes) I got my family here and my career here and I’m sitting here in the middle, and I’m stuck. So I have to do something, you know, have to reach out and get some help  (Reach Quotes) We had this budding baby band going and we hadn’t reached that development we wanted to reach before we got signed to a major label  (Reach Quotes) Seek not, my soul, the life of the immortals; but enjoy to the full the resources that are within thy reach  (Reach Quotes) We know that the decisions we reach will have a profound impact on the communities hosting our military installations, and more importantly, on the people who bring those communities to life  (Reach Quotes) We had to do a lot of rehearsals to get it so that it was playable. What it did was make you practice. That’s good for any musician to have that kind of pressure. It brings things out of you that might not come out if you don’t have to reach for something all the time  (Reach Quotes) There is no good reason for our cattle producers to have such limited market access. Our beef is the best in the world, and we need to be allowed to reach global markets  (Reach Quotes) If I had one wish for my children, it would be that each of them would reach for goals that have meaning for them as individuals  (Reach Quotes) It is by attempting to reach the top in a single leap that so much misery is produced in the world  (Reach Quotes) If the story is good enough, if it’s imaginative enough, if it’s moving enough it is going to reach deeper than the level of sheer information and change somebody’s life two degrees. That is an enormous achievement  (Reach Quotes) That didn’t happen. Still, I had six pretty good years and one where I didn’t reach what I wanted for myself or the club. I don’t accept that makes you a bad manager or a poor coach. If that is the view I strongly disagree with it  (Reach Quotes) Whatever it takes to get the image to reach that level is what that photographer needs to do. And for me, I just have such a love of the tactile and sensuous quality of a black and white silver gelatin print  (Reach Quotes) The anchors now made are contrived so as to sink into the ground as soon as they reach it, and to hold a great strain before they can be loosened or dislodged from their station  (Reach Quotes) Thus, the questions we should ask here are what makes the current economic upswing different from the past two recoveries, and whether such differences are sufficient for the economy to reach the sustained growth path  (Reach Quotes) With this book, I truly hope to reach everyone that I don’t bump into on the street and share my story  (Reach Quotes) And that’s another reason to make this movie: We can put plays on film now, at a relatively small cost, and they will reach an audience they would never have reached otherwise  (Reach Quotes) I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor  (Reach Quotes) We need more foreign reach; no question about that. and we’re working on getting that. We need more people abroad; we need some more bureaus. That is really an important job  (Reach Quotes) I’m very aware that to reach the same level and have the same amount of success will be extremely difficult  (Reach Quotes) And let me take one of the explanations most commonly given: Analysts were pressured to reach conclusions that would fit the political agenda of one or another administration. I deeply think that is a wrong explanation  (Reach Quotes) I’ve always found it not only easy, but enjoyable. It’s necessary for us to reach out and I’m speaking for myself here. I certainly have a sense of responsibility to reach out to these people in the theatre who might look to someone like me for some guidance  (Reach Quotes) Once you get yourselves into things that are working on a deeper level, you just have to keep going. When you reach that deeper level, you can’t go back  (Reach Quotes) There’s probably a way to use that great content and to live under the radar now and then in order to reach a new audience. That’s the thinking I’m talking about  (Reach Quotes)
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