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You might be a redneck if you keep a fly swatter in the front seat of the car so you can reach your kids in the back seat of the car  (Reach Quotes) You reach a certain point in your 30s when you say things in a much safer way  (Reach Quotes) Being able to motivate girls to reach for their dreams, and giving them someone positive to look up to  (Reach Quotes) Part of the glamour of being a poet was always this long reach into the future. You knew you were managing time  (Reach Quotes) This is what I want for entrepreneurs, especially for women: to believe in themselves, to dream bigger, reach higher, and to achieve success beyond their wildest expectations  (Reach Quotes) I certainly felt the desire to reach as many people as I could; I wanted to make the most of this opportunity, sure. But I wouldn’t call it pressure the way we’re thinking of it now  (Reach Quotes) I don’t view myself as any kind of celebrity, but we as people are called to do those things and I am just lucky I have a microphone and can reach more people sometimes  (Reach Quotes) Hillary Clinton is under fire from Latinos, specifically online. This comes from a recent blog post by Clinton’s campaign that was meant to reach out to Latinos. Instead, it offended many people  (Reach Quotes) A, surround yourself by positive people who will help you reach your goal and support you. And B, go for it!  (Reach Quotes) Every kid wants to reach their goals in life and be the best. During my Bruce Lee phase, I wanted to be the best martial artist in the world  (Reach Quotes) I have always been the type of person to want to reach a goal no matter how far-fetched it was  (Reach Quotes) I just wanted to get the message that God had put into my heart into another form, because I knew the print media would reach a different group of people  (Reach Quotes) It would be idle, and presumptuous, to wish to imitate the achievements of a Morphy or an Alekhine; but their methods and their manner of expressing themselves are within the reach of all  (Reach Quotes) If there’s a certain song that I want to reach a certain person or certain type of person, that’s when I play it for people  (Reach Quotes) Writing a novel in general is like trying to reach a mountain top you’ll never quite reach - so you try again and maybe get a little closer  (Reach Quotes) Defy the pundits again and reach for a high voter turnout that’ll shock the establishment  (Reach Quotes) The message has to go to the streets, it’s imperative that we reach those who may not get to a church. We receive their questions, it’s important that the world asks questions  (Reach Quotes) What we need to do from God’s perspective is that we need to reach out and understand each other  (Reach Quotes) Conservatism’s not the answer. The Republican Party has to reach out, moderate and modify its views to be able to accommodate radical Democrats, minorities, and so forth  (Reach Quotes) I believe that in fact it would be economically reasonable and logical to reach a compromise [on oil production], I am sure that everybody understands this  (Reach Quotes) If I know what something’s about, and I can always have that touchstone, I feel like I can reach for really ridiculous humor and also go really dark in terms of the things I’m afraid of  (Reach Quotes) In America, with all of its evils and faults, you can still reach through the forest and see the sun. But we don’t know yet whether that sun is rising or setting for our country  (Reach Quotes) Help People Reach Their Full Potential Catch Them Doing Something Right  (Reach Quotes) Follow your heart and chase your dream, no matter what the challenges are. You’ll reach to that happy place someday  (Reach Quotes) To be desired is perhaps the closest anybody in this life can reach to feeling immortal  (Reach Quotes) Love is like wanting to touch a star you know you’ll never reach it but you just gotta keep trying  (Reach Quotes) You reach true happiness when you’re ready to be who you’re meant to be  (Reach Quotes) If you wait until the right time success will never reach you. I dive in head first and think about the consequences later  (Reach Quotes) Loving you is like trying to touch a star, I know I can never reach you, but I can’t help but try  (Reach Quotes) Life is like listening to a favorite song. It is not to reach the ending, but to enjoy every notes along the way  (Reach Quotes)
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