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Stand up for others, even if its the unpopular thing to do. Dare to reach into the darkness, to pull someone else into the light  (Reach Quotes) Improvements in lending practices driven by information technology have enabled lenders to reach out to households with previously unrecognized borrowing capacities  (Reach Quotes) Reach out to someone today that you may not speak to often, but still enjoy. You’ll both appreciate it  (Reach Quotes) Just for today, reach out to someone who looks like they could use encouragement  (Reach Quotes) Always ignite your spirit, love life more than you fear it, dream big but work even more, and reach heights you never knew you could before  (Reach Quotes) The great men of a nation reach out to all mankind. They are unifying, not divisive; internationally conciliating and still great nationally  (Reach Quotes) Although all of us desire happiness, few of us reach that goal because of the seemingly endless cycle of expectation and disappointment  (Reach Quotes) Gaining the courage and confidence to stand up for what you believe in is not always easy, but its fully within your reach  (Reach Quotes) Because of the control of the media by corporate wealth, the discovery of truth depends on an alternative media, such as small radio stations, networks, programs. Also, alternative newspapers, which exist all over the country. Also, cable TV programs, which are not dependent on commercial advertising. Also, the internet, which can reach millions of people by-passing the conventional media  (Reach Quotes) I enjoy mediation. I think the artist’s position is often to mend the things we feel are broken. Whether that’s between two cultures or two thoughts. We’re always trying to reach, trying to expand something  (Reach Quotes) With knowledge now the key raw material for creating all economic wealth, the new power struggles will reach deep into our minds and our personal lives. That’s why we believe the only empire that will survive in the 21st century will be the empire you build within your own mind  (Reach Quotes) I find animated movies very touching. They reach an audience that’s hard to get with a live-action film  (Reach Quotes) Both poet and painter want to reach the silence behind the language, the silence within the language. Both painter and poet want their work to shine not only in daylight but (by whatever illusionist magic) from within  (Reach Quotes) Without natural resources life itself is impossible. From birth to death, natural resources, transformed for human use, feed, clothe, shelter, and transport us. Upon them we depend for every material necessity, comfort, convenience, and protection in our lives. Without abundant resources prosperity is out of reach  (Reach Quotes) I was doing that [ a collaboration with Kurt Cobain] to try to save his life. The collaboration was me calling up as an excuse to reach out to this guy. He was in a really bad place  (Reach Quotes) An unhurried mind brings the capacity to make wise choices every day - choices of how we use our time, of where we place our resources and our love. I am not just talking about avoiding the rat race, but about a life full of an artistic beauty - a life that has almost vanished from modern civilization, but is quite within the reach of everyone  (Reach Quotes) Growing terrorism, permissive societies, democracy collapsing through lack of law and order. If things continue on their present track, the disintegration of Western societies will occur much sooner than you think under the hammer blows of fascism and communism. Freedom is not something that does not have a breaking point, and your enemies would like you to reach that point  (Reach Quotes) Soccer must play a socio-cultural role. We reach 1.6 billion people, thanks to the positive emotions that soccer triggers, FIFA is more influential than any country on Earth and any religion. We move masses. We want to use that to create more peace, justice and health in the world  (Reach Quotes) This morning a terrible family tragedy has occurred, we are devastated to report that our beloved brother, son, and friend, Sawyer Sweeten, took his own life. He was weeks away from his 20th birthday. At this sensitive time, our family requests privacy and we beg of you to reach out to the ones you love  (Reach Quotes) I know some actors feel classes are not cool or they create negative public relations, but I continue to crave the story just beyond my reach. To grasp that brass ring I need to continue to fine-tune my talents  (Reach Quotes) By nature, I’m like a 90-year-old woman, so the whole internet and Twitter and Facebook, and all of that, I’m very new to. But, I am quite shocked at how much fun it is to be able to reach out to people, on a daily basis, and keep content out there, and how much it actually really does help promote things, in such a different way  (Reach Quotes) There’s an argument that celebrities stop growing mentally the moment they reach stardom and then they just - everything goes away. I think that’s true  (Reach Quotes) To a considerable extent we are faced by a technology arms race with terrorists. The communications revolution has made it easier for terrorist groups to reach out to vulnerable individuals with their violent extremist ideology and propaganda. It has also facilitated fundraising, recruitment and training  (Reach Quotes) U.K. psychologist Daniel Nettle thinks of happiness as a carrot on a stick, designed by evolution to show the right way, and also designed so that we will never permanently reach it. We likely would just sit around and eat sweet and fatty foods all day, and that is simply not in the interest of evolution  (Reach Quotes) When my generation grew up, our only sources of knowledge were books, teachers, parents and friends. The encyclopedia was an item of luxury. We faced big limits in what we could learn, where we could be and who we could reach  (Reach Quotes) Who is God? Who are we? What is our purpose? All these questions remain unanswered. I want to reach the genuine seeker of spiritual well-being. My goal is to satisfy the hunger and longing for those who are seeking the truth  (Reach Quotes) We must embrace a new agenda based on inclusiveness; a commitment to reconnecting the social and the economic; a relinking of the latter to a plausible redistributive system; and a determination to ensure that everyone has access to justice. All these things are within our reach  (Reach Quotes) The ‘OK Plateau’ is that place we all get to where we just stop getting better at something. Take typing, for example. You might type and type and type all day long, but once you reach a certain level, you just don’t get appreciably faster. That’s because it’s become automatic. You’ve moved it to the back of your mind’s filing cabinet  (Reach Quotes) We are already so many things by the time we reach the middle of life that it is possible to see that really anything can happen, and that, by extension, anything is doable. I decided I’d write ‘The Calling’ as someone else. Another writer entirely, a fictional one who would be played by me  (Reach Quotes) The world itself has become a smaller place. If you want to be remembered and create a legacy, you have to reach out to people. They want to know you. I can just say where I’m going, and Twitter will get it, and if there’s a controversy, I can give my opinion. It’s easier to communicate  (Reach Quotes)
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