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If I hadn’t had that decade in the music industry and, perhaps more importantly, time to reach the point of being sick and disgusted with it, I wouldn’t have written ‘Kill Your Friends.’ That book gave me my whole career.  (Reach Quotes) Luck and being honest and sincere about work has worked for me and helped me reach where I am  (Reach Quotes) Girl I know sometimes that I mistreat you, and you still come back And I see your home girls try to reach you, but you ain’t hearing none of that  (Reach Quotes) I struggle for what I believe in. Life is short, it’s impossible to repeat something; you have to take advantage of things when you can reach them.  (Reach Quotes) If we are to reach certainty and true autonomy of realization, we need to be willing to be heretics. What’s more, we need to become universal heretics, not believing anything that we do not know from direct experience, beyond stories, beyond hearsay, and even beyond the mind.  (Reach Quotes) I firmly believe in prayer. It is possible to reach out and tap the unseen power which gives strength and anchor in time of need.  (Reach Quotes) I don’t know that God favors the person who has a greater reach than those who have a small reach. It’s the intention. I try to keep a positive intention, and use whatever resources I have to benefit others.  (Reach Quotes) If you want to reach any kind of poignancy or meaning a lot of times, coming from comedy is the best way to get there.  (Reach Quotes) The great leaders are like the best conductors - they reach beyond the notes to reach the magic in the players..  (Reach Quotes) I keep trying to forget, but I must remember. And gather the scattered continents of a self, once whole. Before they plant flags and boundary my destiny. Push down the watered mountains that blemish this soiled soul before the valleys of my conscience get the best of me. I’ll need a passport just to simply reach the rest of me. A vaccination for a lesser god’s bleak history.  (Reach Quotes) As a shame researcher, I know that the very best thing to do in the midst of a shame attack is totally counterintuitive: Practice courage and reach out!  (Reach Quotes) Although we have enough healthcare support, often it doesn’t reach the poor and needy. In this scenario, technology is the best solution.  (Reach Quotes) The effort to create a work of art that is true and potentially lasting, that is the very best work of art you can create at that point in your life - a book that may only reach or move a few people but will seem to those people somehow transformative. That’s the ideal; that’s always the motivation.  (Reach Quotes) The real aim of music is to co-ordinate the minds of the people into an intelligent reach for a better world and an intelligent approach to the living future.  (Reach Quotes) Our obsession is how we can use technology to reach our big goals, first peace, which will allow us more equality and better education.  (Reach Quotes) No matter how qualified or deserving we are, we will never reach a better life until we can imagine it for ourselves and allow ourselves to have it.  (Reach Quotes) There are a number of start-ups in Europe that are able to reach beyond their own country. Take Spotify - Spotify just in Sweden isn’t that interesting compared to Spotify all over the world.  (Reach Quotes) Hollywood has a history of raising expectations beyond Washington’s reach, of appealing to the very American desire to mythologize political leaders, particularly the president.  (Reach Quotes) Film is endlessly just beyond your reach. I think that’s what I love so much about it.  (Reach Quotes) In my opinion, there is no aspect of reality beyond the reach of the human mind  (Reach Quotes) Set up a situation that presents you with something slightly beyond your reach  (Reach Quotes) ...you have to reach for things beyond your grasp, or what is heaven for  (Reach Quotes) The social marketing teams of big companies will always figure out a way to advertise on Snapchat. I’d like to create a space for people who have a lot of talent but not a lot of reach.  (Reach Quotes) I hope I inspire people to dream bigger than what they are living, but a dream within their reach  (Reach Quotes) How you handle the obstacles has a big impact on how you do. If you give up, then you obviously don’t get there, but if you’re persistent, and you keep thinking of new ways to approach the business, you’re more likely to reach your goal.  (Reach Quotes) From the stage, I can reach a large audience, and you learn from being on stage how much a song reaches, what extent of the crowd a song can reach. I write in a way that can reach most of the audience, but I also wanted to have truly intimate moments as well, many intimate moments, more so than the big moments.  (Reach Quotes) I relate more to the fact that 80-inch plasma has just started to become ubiquitous and in people’s homes the fairly decent 5.1 sound system and the big screen isn’t that out of reach.  (Reach Quotes) We don’t wish for the easy stuff. We wish for big things. Things that are ambitious, out of reach.  (Reach Quotes) I paint a woman’s big rounded buttocks so that I want to reach out and stroke the dimpled flesh.  (Reach Quotes) Tyria’s a big world. We get a grand tour in ‘Ghosts of Ascalon.’ We’re in Divinity’s Reach, we’re in Lion’s Arch, we’re in Ebonhawke, we’re in the Dragon’s Land, we’re in Ascalon. We’re basically hitting a lot of the major human and charr locations.  (Reach Quotes)
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