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She realized for the first time that two people can never reach each others deepest feelings and instincts, that they spend their lives side by side, linked it may be, but not mingled, and that each one’s inmost being must go through life eternally alone.  (Reach Quotes) You have to be doing something you enjoy. That is a definition of happiness: Complete use of one’s faculties along lines leading to excellence in a life affording them scope. It applies to women as well as to men. We can’t all reach it, but we can try to reach it to some degree.  (Reach Quotes) Enjoy losing weight. Enjoy eating healthy, delicious food. Do not wait until you reach your destination to feel good. Take as much happiness and joy as you can from your weight loss journey.  (Reach Quotes) If our country is to reach a workable solution to the abortion issue, the Democratic party must be open to and tolerant of opposing views.  (Reach Quotes) In all of my looking at happiness, one thing I noticed right away is that the opposite of happiness isn’t unhappiness or even depression, it’s anxiety. It is something that can constantly block our happiness, or our chance to reach that sort of meditative state in our work or our home lives.  (Reach Quotes) In order that people who suffer from depression seek treatment without a second thought, the stigmas must further fall until we reach a point in time when that person with leukemia and that person with depression both receive the same level of sympathy and the same level of rigorous treatment. Both people deserve it.  (Reach Quotes) How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.I love thee to the depth and breadth and heightMy soul can reach  (Reach Quotes) In 1983, most Nicaraguans had still not fallen to the depths of deprivation and despair which they would reach in later years, but many were already unhappy and restive.  (Reach Quotes) We really need to put the best we have to offer within reach of our children. If we don’t do that, we’re going to get the generation we deserve.  (Reach Quotes) Because of the enormous responsibility, diabetic kids tend to grow up to be the most mature, most realistic people who have a natural desire to reach outside of themselves.  (Reach Quotes) The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full potential... these are the keys that will unlock the door to personal excellence.  (Reach Quotes) Desire toward God and you will have desires from God and He will meet you on the line of those desires when you reach out in simple faith.  (Reach Quotes) On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.  (Reach Quotes) There was a time I desperately needed for the world to know that I was no category guy. My whole goal in life was to reach that certain success where people will say, ‘Hey, that guy can do anything. He’s the Evel Knievel of music. He’s jumping over 15 buses!’  (Reach Quotes) In addition to anti-American terrorists with global reach, our adversaries include organizations - some nation states, some private and some criminal - that proliferate weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them.  (Reach Quotes) At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.  (Reach Quotes) I’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal trying to reach my goal  (Reach Quotes) With every word, I drop knowledge. I’m a diamond in the rough, a shiny piece of coal trying to reach my goal.  (Reach Quotes) How strongly do you believe in what you want to do? How prepared are you live and die for it? You are not likely to succeed when you always doubt your capacity to reach higher heights in your pursuits.  (Reach Quotes) We need to reach that happy stage of our development when differences and diversity are not seen as sources of division and distrust, but of strength and inspiration.  (Reach Quotes) Suppose you have a parallel self who has made different choices, who is following a different event track since you made certain choices in your life. Maybe you can reach to that self and borrow gifts and lessons from that self and maybe even help them on their road.  (Reach Quotes) With expectations, when you throw that stuff out there, when you put a bunch of pressure on yourself to reach those goals, you don’t do anything different. You just keep working to get better.  (Reach Quotes) I think that what appeals to me in my work is having the opportunity to inhabit different genres and so to reach different audiences.  (Reach Quotes) I think for me in terms of this kind of dichotomy you have to hold the sense of negative capability in your mind - which is Keats line about being able to hold two different ideas ‘without any irritable reach after fact or reason.’  (Reach Quotes) The songs worked as a different kind of rhetoric, one that could reach the fence-sitters  (Reach Quotes) I’m not a traditional sonero, at least not in the way they want me to be, I’m an interpreter, and I reach people in a different level.  (Reach Quotes) God is one the paths to reach him (religions) are many - just as different rivers, originating in different mountains, traverse different paths, flowing straight or crooked, and at last join the ocean. He is the one Lord of all, the one Soul of all souls.  (Reach Quotes) If we could reach the point where many of our nation’s future leaders know what teachers know after teaching successfully in our highest-need schools, we would have a very different situation.  (Reach Quotes) It’s quite nice to see that I didn’t have to change who I was to reach two very different types of people.  (Reach Quotes) I’m committed to sign in everything I communicate, but I also speak. I still believe that I reach more people when I do that. I bridge two different cultures and two different worlds, and I think that bridge still needs work.  (Reach Quotes)
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