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Read A Book Quotes

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The only reason I read a book is because I cannot see and converse with the man who wrote it  (Read A Book Quotes) Once she read a book but found it distasteful because it contained adjectives  (Read A Book Quotes) She could not read a book for fear of the feelings she might find in it  (Read A Book Quotes) For me, movies should be visual. If you want dialogue, you should read a book  (Read A Book Quotes) I’m quite hyper, and my wife would prefer it if I sat down and read a book  (Read A Book Quotes) Never read a book to the end, nor even in sequence and without skipping  (Read A Book Quotes) It’s strange because sometimes, I read a book, and I think I am the people in the book  (Read A Book Quotes) People disagreeing everywhere you look makes you wanna stop and read a book  (Read A Book Quotes) Don’t read a book and be a follower; read a book and be a student  (Read A Book Quotes) This year, more people will use cocaine than will read a book to their children  (Read A Book Quotes) As much fun as it is to read a book, writing a book is one level deeper than that  (Read A Book Quotes) If you feel the urge to write, just lie down and read a book: it will pass  (Read A Book Quotes) You read a book from beginning to end. You run a business the opposite way. You start with the end, and then you do everything you must to reach it  (Read A Book Quotes) I’m trying to read a book on how to relax, but I keep falling asleep  (Read A Book Quotes) I had neither expert aid nor advice. I studied no courses in writing; until a year or so ago, I never read a book by anybody advising writers how to write  (Read A Book Quotes) The first time I read an excellent book, it is to me just as if I had gained a new friend. When I read a book over I have perused before, it resembles the meeting with an old one  (Read A Book Quotes) When I read a book, I put in all the imagination I can, so that it is almost like writing a book as well as reading it - or rather, it is like living it  (Read A Book Quotes) My reading list grows exponentially. Every time I read a book, it'll mention three other books I feel I have to read. It's like a particularly relentless series of pop up ads  (Read A Book Quotes) There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and a tired man who wants a book to read  (Read A Book Quotes) To read a book for the first time is to make an acquaintance with a new friend; to read it for a second time is to meet an old one  (Read A Book Quotes) I would never read a book if it were possible for me to talk half an hour with the man who wrote it  (Read A Book Quotes) There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning  (Read A Book Quotes) My dad had this rock hard body and would work 12 to 13 hour days. The guys he worked with were scrap iron guys. Nobody on that road crew had read a book in 10 years, but there was something about the way they lived I really admired  (Read A Book Quotes) If I read a book and it makes my whole body so cold no fire can ever warm me, I know that is poetry  (Read A Book Quotes) I read a book a day when I was a kid. My family was not literary; we did not have any books in the house  (Read A Book Quotes) I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book  (Read A Book Quotes) I remember once I read a book on mental illness and there was a nurse that had gotten sick. Do you know what she died from? From worrying about the mental patients not being able to get their food. She became a mental patient  (Read A Book Quotes) The three practical rules, then, which I have to offer, are, never read a book that is not a year old. Never read any but the famed books. Never read any but what you like  (Read A Book Quotes) Remember that the book which bores you when you are twenty or thirty will open doors for you when you are forty or fifty-and vise versa. Don't read a book out of it's right time for you  (Read A Book Quotes) If I read a book that impresses me, I have to take myself firmly by the hand, before I mix with other people; otherwise they would think my mind rather queer  (Read A Book Quotes)
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