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Read A Book Quotes

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If you’re smart, you’ll always be humble. You can learn all you want, but there’ll always be somebody who’s never read a book who’ll know twice what you know  (Read A Book Quotes) I have three brothers and they’re all into computers. They’re all intellects. My mother would pay me a quarter a page to read a book and I couldn’t make 50 cents. I just couldn’t do it  (Read A Book Quotes) Weird people follow you in the streets, you can’t sit alone in a restaurant or a cafe and read a book in peace, and I think everybody values those moments of being alone  (Read A Book Quotes) To read a book, to think it over, and to write out notes is a useful exercise; a book which will not repay some hard thought is not worth publishing  (Read A Book Quotes) I never thought I’d be a writer. I never thought I’d be able to read a book, let alone write one. So if books like this inspire kids to write, or even read a whole book, I think it’s good  (Read A Book Quotes) I’d like to read a book sometime. I’ve never read a book before. That’d be an adventure. I understand they have pages and everything. Yeah, I’ve got to do that sometime  (Read A Book Quotes) I read a book recently by a psychiatrist who was able to interview a few serial killers and she had a thesis on how you could figure these people out. And she thinks that there are things that could tell you whether someone has the potential to do that  (Read A Book Quotes) And you know, when you take on something like this, you read a book like this, you know that it’s going to be an adventure. That’s part of what draws you to it  (Read A Book Quotes) We should read music in the same way that an educated adult will read a book: in silence, but imagining the sound  (Read A Book Quotes) I never learned anything at all in school and didn’t read a book for pleasure until I was 19 years old  (Read A Book Quotes) I read a book twice as fast as anybody else. First, I read the beginning, and then I read the ending, and then I start in the middle and read toward whatever end I like best  (Read A Book Quotes) When you read a book, you create that tonal bandwidth. You set a tone for yourself, as you’re reading it, in which everything exists within the world of your imagination  (Read A Book Quotes) You cannot pretend to read a book. Your eyes will give you away. So will your breathing. A person entranced by a book simply forgets to breathe. The house can catch alight and a reader deep in a book will not look up until the wallpaper is in flames  (Read A Book Quotes) The more I write, the more I’ve come to realize that books have a different place in our society than other media. Books are different from television or film because they ask you to finish the project. You have to be actively engaged to read a book. It’s more like a blueprint. What it really is, is an opportunity... A book is a place where you’re forced to use your imagination. I find it disappointing that you’re not being asked to imagine more  (Read A Book Quotes) People never explain to you exactly what they think and feel and how their thoughts and feelings work, do they? They don’t have time. Or the right words. But that’s what books do. It’s as though your daily life is a film in the cinema. It can be fun, looking at those pictures. But if you want to know what lies behind the flat screen you have to read a book. That explains it all  (Read A Book Quotes) I recently forced myself to read a book on quantum physics, just to try and learn something new. I was confused by the middle of the first sentence and it all went downhill from there. The only thing I can remember learning is that a parallel universe can theoretically be contained on the head of a needle. I don’t really know what that means, but I am now more careful handling needles  (Read A Book Quotes) Whenever anyone declares having read a book of mine I am disappointed by the error. That’s because my books are not to be read in the sense usually called reading: the only way it seems to me to approach the novels that I write is to catch them in the same manner that one catches an illness  (Read A Book Quotes) Your very eyes. How they have always been for me the command to obey, the inviolable and beautiful commandment. No, no, I’m not telling lies. Your appearance in the doorway!... You have been my body’s health. Whenever I have read a book, it was you I was reading, not the book, you were the book. You were, you were  (Read A Book Quotes) Each time I read a book, I cataloged the parts that struck me dumb with envy and admiration for their beauty and power and truth  (Read A Book Quotes) It’s like when you read a book and you know that the words are important, but the images blossoming in your imagination are even more important because it’s your mind that allows the words to come to life  (Read A Book Quotes) Some readers read a book as if it were an instruction manual, expecting to understand everything first time, but of course when you write, you put into every sentence an overflow of meaning, and you create in every sentence as many resonances and double meanings and ambiguities as you can possibly pack in there, so that people can read it again and get something new each time  (Read A Book Quotes) Whenever you read a book or have a conversation, the experience causes physical changes in your brain. It’s a little frightening to think that every time you walk away from an encounter, your brain has been altered, sometimes permanently  (Read A Book Quotes) I wanted to create something that people could relate to without having read a book about it beforehand  (Read A Book Quotes) When you read a book as a child, it becomes a part of your identity in a way that no other reading in your whole life does  (Read A Book Quotes) When you read a book, the neurons in your brain fire overtime, deciding what the characters are wearing, how they’re standing, and what it feels like the first time they kiss. No one shows you. The words make suggestions. Your brain paints the pictures  (Read A Book Quotes) Make sure your characters are worth spending ten hours with. That’s how long it takes to read a book. Reading a book is like being trapped in a room for ten hours with those characters. Think of your main characters as dinner guests. Would your friends want to spend ten hours with the characters you’ve created? Your characters can be loveable, or they can be evil, but they’d better be compelling. If not, your reader will be bored and leave  (Read A Book Quotes) If I had a dollar for every time I couldn’t sleep, I could buy a billion locks and finally read a book in peace  (Read A Book Quotes) If I don’t like someone and I start reading their stuff, it seems like my brain will just automatically start criticizing everything that’s there. It’s really hard to read a book without having all this outside information telling you what to think about it  (Read A Book Quotes) I think solitude is a really positive thing. I cherish solitude immensely. In today’s society, there’s so much pressure to communicate, eat out, be friends with people. Why can’t you read a book on your own? Why have you got to have a book club?  (Read A Book Quotes) I was given a dictionary when I was seven, and I read it because I had nothing else to read. I read it the way you read a book  (Read A Book Quotes)
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