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Perhaps he was a fool, but he thought that if a work were truly great you would only have to read it once and you would be stolen from yourself, desperately moved, changed forever  (Read Quotes) Eat good dinners and drink good wine; read good novels if you have the leisure and see good plays; fall in love, if there is no reason why you should not fall in love; but do not pore over influenza statistics  (Read Quotes) It is a most extraordinary thing, but I never read a patent medicine advertisement without being impelled to the conclusion that I am suffering from the particular disease therein dealt with in its most virulent form  (Read Quotes) The devil gave me a look which made me profoundly uneasy. 'Just because I am enjoying your sympathy, don't imagine that I cannot read you like a book,' he said. 'You think you are cleverer than I; it is a very common academic delusion  (Read Quotes) The day has long passed when a university degree was a guarantee of experience in the humanities, or of literacy beyond its barest meaning of being able, after a fashion, to read and write  (Read Quotes) One receives the impression from his writings that he made it his plan to read any book whatever that no one else can bear to read  (Read Quotes) If you can, and if you are a playgoer and a filmgoer, you should be able to find voices for all the characters in the books you read  (Read Quotes) Foolish people laugh at those readers a century ago who wept over the novels of dickens. Is it a sign of superior intellect to read anything and everything unmoved, in a grey, unfeeling limbo?  (Read Quotes) The clerisy are those who read for pleasure, but not for idleness; who read for pastime but not to kill time; who love books, but do not live by books  (Read Quotes) Do not suppose, however, that I intend to urge a diet of classics on anybody. I have seen such diets at work. I have known people who have actually read all, or almost all, the guaranteed Hundred Best Books. God save us from reading nothing but the best  (Read Quotes) A truly great book should be read in youth, again in maturity and once more in old age, as a fine building should be seen by morning light, at noon and by moonlight  (Read Quotes) Read over your compositions, and when you meet a passage which you think is particularly fine, strike it out  (Read Quotes) I never desire to converse with a man who has written more than he has read  (Read Quotes) A man ought to read just as inclination leads him; for what he reads as a task will do him little good  (Read Quotes) We are too civil to books. For a few golden sentences we will turn over and actually read a volume of four or five hundred pages  (Read Quotes) One must be an inventor to read well. There is then creative reading as well as creative writing  (Read Quotes) If the secret sorrows of everyone could be read on their forehead, how many who now cause envy would suddenly become the objects of pity  (Read Quotes) The quickest way to lose all faith in humanity is to read the comments section for almost anything on the internet  (Read Quotes) I must be honest. I can only read so many paragraphs of a New York Times story before I puke  (Read Quotes) I move my lips when I read - I'm painfully slow - so I like really good English  (Read Quotes) Most people like to read about intrigue and spies. I hope to provide a metaphor for the average reader's daily life. Most of us live in a slightly conspiratorial relationship with our employer and perhaps with our marriage  (Read Quotes) Read, every day, something no one else is reading. Think, every day, something no one else is thinking. Do, every day, something no one else would be silly enough to do. It is bad for the mind to be always part of unanimity  (Read Quotes) Sometimes I wish that you were able to read my mind, so that I wouldn't have to explain myself  (Read Quotes) To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?  (Read Quotes) Don't just read the easy stuff. You may be entertained by it, but you will never grow from it  (Read Quotes) A writer's desire to write can only have come from previous experience of literature, and he'll start by imitating whatever he's read, which usually means what the people around him are writing  (Read Quotes) We read (experience) a text linearly, forgetting most of it while we read; then we study it as a simultaneous unit  (Read Quotes) You've got enough in here that people who get hold of this - like AP or any of the state-controlled media - they're going to focus on the soap opera aspects of your book and they're going to ignore what is truly one of the most substantive policy books I've read  (Read Quotes) You know I have always tried to be honest with you and open about my life, so I need to tell you that part of what you have heard and read is correct. I am addicted to prescription pain medication  (Read Quotes) It is a horrible fact that we can read in the daily paper, without interrupting our breakfast, numerical reckonings of death and destruction that ought to break our hearts or scare us out of our wits  (Read Quotes)
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