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Reading Quotes

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I am so sick of reading about another car bomb, another suicide bomber, another 10, 20, 30, 70, 100 people dead in a day, both Americans and Iraqis  (Reading Quotes) I don’t have the insight with the Longhorns that I do with the two teams that I own, but as a fan and reading the sports pages, I’m bullish about the Longhorns  (Reading Quotes) I don’t watch a huge amount of telly. I read a lot. I’m reading at the moment ‘Freedom,’ by Jonathan Franzen, a great big brick of a book, and I’m loving it  (Reading Quotes) I learned easily and had time to follow my inclination for sports (light athletics and skiing) and chemistry, which I taught myself by reading all textbooks I could get  (Reading Quotes) I like reading Ball Tongue lyrics and all that stuff. And they published a book, and I wouldn’t give my lyrics, and it’s all wrong in the book, and I giggle. It’s funny  (Reading Quotes) I love doing normal things - movies, shopping, going out with friends, writing, reading, taking hot bubble baths - that’s a big one for relaxation. I also love to go to art and history museums  (Reading Quotes) I love watching the Bond movies obviously and I grew up reading the books as a kid. I’ve always loved them because of that  (Reading Quotes) I remember nearly having a fit of the giggles during the reading because dear Daniel was SO respectful and serious and I was finding the whole situation funny because I was speaking to his profile  (Reading Quotes) I spend my happiest hours in reading Vedantic books. They are to me like the light of the morning, like the pure air of the mountains - so simple, so true, if once understood  (Reading Quotes) I was reading a book... ‘the history of glue’ - I couldn’t put it down  (Reading Quotes) I’m not that into reading. If I’m gonna read, I’m gonna read some cool sci-fi book or something, not some stupid self-help book  (Reading Quotes) In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves... self-discipline with all of them came first  (Reading Quotes) It wasn’t a good idea to work on ‘Naked’ in the first months of a marriage. I was living apart from my wife in a flat overflowing with books I was reading for the part  (Reading Quotes) Reading a hard copy book, and reading a book on an iPad are slightly different experiences. What they both have in common though is that you must engage your imagination in the process  (Reading Quotes) Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God  (Reading Quotes) Reading, solitude, idleness, a soft and sedentary life, intercourse with women and young people, these are perilous paths for a young man, and these lead him constantly into danger  (Reading Quotes) Secretly, I’m a real big nerd. I’d rather stay home and play Scrabble than go to a Hollywood party, any day of the week. And I love reading about history and watching the Discovery Channel  (Reading Quotes) Stephen Hawking said he spent most of his first couple of years at Cambridge reading science fiction (and I believe that, because his grades weren’t all that great)  (Reading Quotes) The Athanasian Creed is to me light and intelligible reading in comparison with much that now passes for science  (Reading Quotes) The older I’ve got the less I find myself going back and re-reading or really reading new fiction or poetry  (Reading Quotes) The other day I was reading a blog and I linked over to Streisand’s Web site, and it was amazing politically. She’s so insightful and incisive. And she also says whatever she wants  (Reading Quotes) The Southern slave would obey God in respect to marriage, and also to the reading and studying of His word. But this, as we have seen, is forbidden him  (Reading Quotes) There are distinct duties of a poet laureate. I plan a reading series at the Library of Congress and advise the librarian. The rest is how I want to promote poetry  (Reading Quotes) What I do believe is that there is always a relationship between writing and reading, a constant interplay between the writer on the one hand and the reader on the other  (Reading Quotes) I wish in my own mind I were more definite - that I was absolutely convinced I’d never direct someone else’s script, but I keep reading scripts, because I might find something  (Reading Quotes) I read all the time. I was reading a book I admire very much by Alice McDermot called Charming Billy  (Reading Quotes) To spend this particular year reading essays to Dennis Robertson as one’s supervisor, and, simultaneously, enjoying membership of the group round Keynes was indeed an intellectual treat  (Reading Quotes) I grew up reading ‘Sense and Sensibility’ and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ - girly kind of books  (Reading Quotes) When I was nine I spent a lot of my time reading books about the history of comedy, or listening to the Goons or Hancock, humour from previous generations  (Reading Quotes) Court TV. I can’t stop watching it. I am absolutely obsessed! If I’m not reading a book or spending time with my husband, my friends or my dog, I am watching Court TV  (Reading Quotes)
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