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Reading Quotes

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The reading or non-reading a book will never keep down a single petticoat  (Reading Quotes) I’m writing a movie about Mozart going to New York in the 60s. I’ve been reading so many novels  (Reading Quotes) The other thing that happened in 1883 was my reading of Thoreau’s Walden  (Reading Quotes) I’m obsessed with TV. How wrong our parents were when they said we should only watch an hour a day. Stop wasting your time reading books  (Reading Quotes) Reading a book is like re-writing it for yourself. You bring to a novel, anything you read, all your experience of the world. You bring your history and you read it in your own terms  (Reading Quotes) Research we’ve done seems to indicate that people who are on the Net like the idea that they don’t have to leave what they are reading to go buy something  (Reading Quotes) I tried reading Hilbert. Only his papers published in mathematical periodicals were available at the time. Anybody who has tried those knows they are very hard reading  (Reading Quotes) One rainy Sunday when I was in the third grade, I picked up a book to look at the pictures and discovered that even though I did not want to, I was reading. I have been a reader ever since  (Reading Quotes) If I have a talent for making some fourth-grader who hates school and reading to hate it a little less, then I have to do the most with what I’ve been issued  (Reading Quotes) I do finish reading a script and say, Why are they making it and what are they talking about? I like to try and be responsible in my choices in that way  (Reading Quotes) That’s what a writer does; they make things up and that makes for good reading  (Reading Quotes) I very much enjoy reading other writers’ diaries, mainly because it makes me ask myself: Are they like you? How do they think?  (Reading Quotes) Reading with children is an enormous gift to them. It’s a great honor to invite children to read with adults  (Reading Quotes) I really like older writers, perhaps because they take me out of my element. I don’t have a great deal of interest in reading a fictionalized present as it’s pretty insane as it is  (Reading Quotes) To read a novel requires a certain kind of concentration, focus, devotion to the reading. If you read a novel in more than two weeks, you don’t read the novel really  (Reading Quotes) The art of fiction is one of constant seduction. You must persuade the reader on page 1 to start reading - on page 50, or page 150 and yes, on page 850  (Reading Quotes) You start reading C.S. Lewis, then you’re reading G.K. Chesterton, then you’re a Catholic  (Reading Quotes) Society has definitely gotten to the point where everybody has to comment on anything, and if you want to stay sane as a performer, you’re better off not reading that stuff  (Reading Quotes) As an actor, you’re always reading scripts looking for something good  (Reading Quotes) When you start reading nonfiction books about piracy, you realize that it’s actually just a history of desperate people  (Reading Quotes) By elevating your reading, you will improve your writing or at least tickle your thinking  (Reading Quotes) Free voluntary reading results in better reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling, and grammatical development  (Reading Quotes) Teaching vocabulary lists is inefficient - the time is better spent reading alone  (Reading Quotes) Light reading is not to be avoided but should be used as a conduit to more serious reading  (Reading Quotes) People acquiring a second language have the best chance for success through reading  (Reading Quotes) I am an old consumer of papers. I cannot avoid reading my newspapers every morning  (Reading Quotes) It is an admonition to myself when I am reading other people’s books. Writing a book is very difficult to do, even a bad one. I try to remember that when reading someone else’s work  (Reading Quotes) As both a musician and a former teacher, I feel that music is as important to kids as reading and writing  (Reading Quotes) The sadness from reading letters that you know you can’t help because it’s a person who’s in extremis and their problems are not soluble by an advice column  (Reading Quotes) A reading of the Declaration of Independence on the steps of a building is widely covered. The events that started the American Revolution were the meetings in homes, pubs, on street corners  (Reading Quotes)
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