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Reading Quotes

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One of the best ways to expand his horizon is through a regular reading program  (Reading Quotes) The trick is to get people to read anything, to engender the love of reading. Once you can read, you can teach yourself anything. Librarians are key, I think. They hold the power to empower  (Reading Quotes) I always compare reading anything on the Internet to listening at doors. If you don’t want to hear anything bad about yourself, you should never do it  (Reading Quotes) I’m a great reader of history. I love - I have been reading history since I was a kid, and learning the lessons globally of what happened with people  (Reading Quotes) I gave my heart to Jesus. I accepted him as my Lord and Savior, started reading the Bible, started going to a church (and) started a relationship with Jesus  (Reading Quotes) To me, if I’m reading a fantastic story or I go on a nice first date and I have a wonderful time, I’m not gonna complain because it didn’t work out. I’m gonna go on a second date  (Reading Quotes) What made me want to be on it was reading a really good script, and being compelled by and attracted to the characters. I really loved Maura Isles, who was very fascinating to me  (Reading Quotes) I love reading books, I love the way they feel and getting through it. It’s like an event!  (Reading Quotes) When you’re reading my book, you’re not in a four dimensional continuum, you’re in my continuum, the Grossman continuum  (Reading Quotes) I read a lot of The Canterbury Tales on my phone, because I was cycling between three different editions, and I needed to have a middle-of-the-night edition for the insomniac reading  (Reading Quotes) If you carry a paperback book in your back pocket, but spend more time on your hair than you do reading it, you’re probably a bad actor  (Reading Quotes) I really just love reading. It’s my favorite thing, performing my poems live  (Reading Quotes) I spent my entire time reading books and going to the cinema, just to escape  (Reading Quotes) I’m amazed at how Muslims keep their humanity after reading the Koran  (Reading Quotes) I spend most of my time reading non-fiction of all sorts. Then poetry. Then fiction to blurb. Then fiction I want to read  (Reading Quotes) I see ghosts everywhere, and that is partially a function of my being incredibly near-sighted and reading way too late into the night  (Reading Quotes) I love reading fiction about people who are connecting intellectually. I find that exhilarating  (Reading Quotes) Don’t make a whole to-do about it. Don’t get down on yourself be- cause you’re not an expert rower; don’t start reading too many books in order to do it right  (Reading Quotes) I remember reading Paul Fussell my first year teaching at U of Hawai’i and being like, oh, it has a turn! Why didn’t anyone tell me?  (Reading Quotes) I’m not only a songwriter but I’m a massive music fan and I love going to shows. It’s different than reading a book  (Reading Quotes) I did gardening and cooking and drawing and reading to try take the pressure off the music - just being eclectic and putting the fun back in and bringing more innocence in again is really important  (Reading Quotes) One way to be aware of it, to teach to yourself, is simply to read work aloud. I love reading the endings of books aloud when I start nearing the end  (Reading Quotes) Reading the script [Insane Farting Corpse], by page two or three, I felt that way. I thought, I’m in. It was so beautiful and insane and funny and I wanted to see it happen  (Reading Quotes) I love reading books that you can’t put down, and they just take you over for a night or a weekend  (Reading Quotes) I’m a believer in the benefits of translation. It’s a necessity and a privilege - it would be awful to be limited to reading authors who’s work was composed in the languages I happen to have learned  (Reading Quotes) I would be at home reading, because I felt so disconnected from humanity  (Reading Quotes) You can recognize in your own reading habits what writers are doing that works and what doesn’t. I’m becoming much more aware of that after reading a decade of student stories  (Reading Quotes) I learned by reading an awful lot and by writing a half a million words of stuff nobody would do anything with except wrap old fish  (Reading Quotes) When I read, I’m either reading to learn, or I’m reading to switch off  (Reading Quotes) My favorite, and the author I wish I was reading right now and always is Nora Ephron. I love the humor, the awareness, the sense of self-deprecation. She is such a role model to me  (Reading Quotes)
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