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Reading Quotes

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For me, like, the more interesting a letter is I just get more excited and I know that this going to be great for my friends who are looking forward to reading that in my comic  (Reading Quotes) I really didn’t know much about theater. After I signed on, I started reading a lot of Sam Shepard plays just to brush up on my history and do some research  (Reading Quotes) Seeing someone reading something I wrote on an airplane - things like that are pretty awesome  (Reading Quotes) You get to be a certain age and you start reading stuff about the age you are, and you think, what is wrong with these people who are writing these books? Do they not have necks?  (Reading Quotes) If I were a snarky Reddit user though, I would say, hypothetically, that that would just be like reading Reddit’s Front Page a day later. But I’m not going to go there  (Reading Quotes) Even though you’re reading something, it’s as though that person who wrote it is speaking to you. It’s a form of conversation, really  (Reading Quotes) If I’m reading something and a word pops up, or I just catch it, I try to mark it off and then, later, write it down on a piece of paper and add it to my list  (Reading Quotes) I love movies, and theater, and kayaking, reading, biking, walking - oh, and dancing. I love to dance!  (Reading Quotes) I had been reading this book about Zen Koan philosophy, and it was talking about the right here and the right now, and how important it is, and I was really trying to get there in my life  (Reading Quotes) I started writing In Darkness out of a frustration of the quality of roles that I was reading in scripts for women  (Reading Quotes) I’ve always loved sister stories in fiction, from the time I was little, reading about Beezus and Ramona. I’ve always wanted to write a sister story  (Reading Quotes) As you go down the rabbit hole of reading into our history, you realize that there are so many things that history books didn’t teach us about ourselves  (Reading Quotes) Seeing your name on the list for KP or guard duty when you’re in the Army is like reading a bad review  (Reading Quotes) A library takes the gift of reading one step further by offering personalized learning opportunities second to none, a powerful antidote to the isolation of the Web  (Reading Quotes) I think reading Shakespeare’s plays when I was young was extremely important. He had the ability to make utter strangers come alive  (Reading Quotes) If they don’t read, if they don’t love reading; if they don’t find themselves compulsively reading, I don’t think they’re really a writer  (Reading Quotes) It is by no means certain that we advance our philosophical quest by reading Plato or Aristotle. It may increase our knowledge of history but not of the world  (Reading Quotes) My countrymen have the right to shake my hand and talk to me if they so wish. Don’t forget that their support and their reading of my works is what brought me the Nobel prize  (Reading Quotes) We should get into the habit of reading inspirational books, looking at inspirational pictures, hearing inspirational music, associating with inspirational friends  (Reading Quotes) When I’m reading a book and someone asks me what I’m reading, I don’t answer. I just raise book up, so they can see the cover  (Reading Quotes) Remember it’s the thought that counts as you finish reading this free ecard  (Reading Quotes) Failure to grasp centrifugal meaning is incomplete reading; failure to grasp centripetal meaning is incompetent reading  (Reading Quotes) Never go back into an old love, no matter how strong it is, because its like reading a book you already know how it ends  (Reading Quotes) Never go back to an old love. Because it’s like reading a book over and over again when you already know how it ends  (Reading Quotes) My doctors told me this morning my blood pressure is down so low that I can start reading the newspapers  (Reading Quotes) Education is what you get from reading the fine print. Experience is what you get from not reading it  (Reading Quotes) Reading was very important; the proper exercise and development of one’s mind was a paramount duty  (Reading Quotes) I’m constantly reading and trying to enlighten myself to how the world works in its silent ways to make everything seem normal when it’s actually incredibly discriminating  (Reading Quotes) You must feed your mind with reading material, thoughts, and ideas that open you to new possibilities  (Reading Quotes) I enjoy spending weekend nights reading about interesting things I could have been doing  (Reading Quotes)
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