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Reading Quotes

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Never go back to an old love, it’s like reading a book over and over again when you already know how it ends  (Reading Quotes) You have to give kids things they’re interested in reading. That’s what teachers do who are engaged in what their students want  (Reading Quotes) I’d get a lot more sleep if I didn’t insist on reading the entire internet every night  (Reading Quotes) Books are the spiritual and intellectual food of the mind, and reading is a great enjoyment for those who desire to improve their mental power  (Reading Quotes) It would take me years of reading, thought, and experience to learn again that in this world limits are not only inescapable but indispensable  (Reading Quotes) Nor must you find fault with me if I often give you what I have borrowed from my various reading, in the very words of the authors themselves  (Reading Quotes) Dear whoever is reading this, you’re beautiful and someone out there is crazy about you. So smile. Life is too short to be unhappy  (Reading Quotes) I’m in favor of any technology that makes my work available to the reading public at a reasonable price  (Reading Quotes) By reading so much, my vocabulary automatically improved along with my comprehension  (Reading Quotes) Often, when I am reading a good book, I stop and thank my teacher. That is, I used to, until she got an unlisted number  (Reading Quotes) Reading old conversations and missing everything. I hate when people change. But I guess, that’s life  (Reading Quotes) Texting someone while you’re half asleep then reading your text in the morning and realizing you made no sense  (Reading Quotes) Your baby only needs a lot of light at night if he’s reading or he’s entertaining guests  (Reading Quotes) Reading a good long novel is in many ways like having a long and satisfying affair  (Reading Quotes) Happy birthday to someone who’d rather be watching sports than reading birthday cards  (Reading Quotes) To many small minded people in this world! Just because I have different views to you. Research for once and stop reading the sun!  (Reading Quotes) Reading Alan Zweibel makes me laugh out loud. And yet it is not a particularly funny name  (Reading Quotes) Reading is the subtle and thorough sharing of the ideas and feelings by underhanded means. It is a gross invasion of Privacy and a direct violation of the Constitutions of the Third, Fourth, and Fifth Age. The Teaching of Reading is equally a crime against Privacy and Personhood. One to five years on each count  (Reading Quotes) When I was a kid, I loved reading Sherlock Holmes. Now, you don’t think of him as a superhero, but he was so damn much smarter than anybody else  (Reading Quotes) You have to be very clear with yourself about how you’re going to spend your time. When a child is at school or napping, you need to realize that this is your writing time and you don’t spend it surfing the Internet or reading  (Reading Quotes) When I went to high school in Australia, I was exposed to textbooks that outlined evolutionary ideas - such as ape-like creatures turning into people. I recognized the conflict between evolutionary ideas and a literal reading of the book of Genesis  (Reading Quotes) A novelist writes a novel, and people read it. But reading is a solitary act. While it may elicit a varied and personal response, the communal nature of the audience is like having five hundred people read your novel and respond to it at the same time. I find that thrilling  (Reading Quotes) The first time someone called me a role model, I remember thinking, ‘What does that mean?’ But I feel aware of it when I’m reading scripts  (Reading Quotes) When I was 11 or 12, I was really bored with everything on my summer reading list. It was all happy, middle-grade kinds of books. I was getting frustrated, because I liked to read. My mother went to the library and got me a copy of ‘The Other Side of Midnight’ by Sidney Sheldon. It was my first adult book  (Reading Quotes) I rely on Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire for straight, fair political news, he gets right to the point. It’s an eagerly anticipated part of my news reading  (Reading Quotes) I was born and raised in Ohio. During my childhood, I spent most of my time drawing and reading fairy tales and myths  (Reading Quotes) I tried to get into comics initially after I graduated Clemson in 1994. I spent a year trying to get in, and I quit reading books because not getting in made me sad  (Reading Quotes) A common defense among obituary-fanciers such as myself is that the obit is not about death at all. It is about life. This is true since an article about the condition of deadness would make for turgid reading at best  (Reading Quotes) My mom was in education, and I remember reading in one of her books about multiple intelligences - this whole theory about how there are all these different ways you can be intelligent, like eight or 10 of them or something. And one of them is emotional  (Reading Quotes) A screenplay is really an instruction manual, and it can be interpreted in any number of ways. The casting, the choice of location, the costumes and make-up, the actors’ reading of a line or emphasis of a word, the choice of lens and the pace of the cutting - these are all part of the translation  (Reading Quotes)
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