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Reading Quotes

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Writing has always allowed me to escape. I was a very lonely child. Because I was very socially awkward, I would always have trouble making friends. And so reading and writing allowed me to have friends and to have an active imaginary life that really sort of kept me sane  (Reading Quotes) I want people to read good work. If I see someone reading a book by Lorrie Moore or Jennifer Egan, I’m psyched. If I see them reading X Latin American Writer Who Sucks, I’m not psyched. But in terms of news, I do think that’s important  (Reading Quotes) As actors you have this trait to imitate very easily. I don’t want to imitate anything or limit myself of finding this creature, this woman because I’m looking at magazines and I’m reading comics, and I’m asking people that are avid readers of The Guardians  (Reading Quotes) I seldom read anything that is not of a factual nature because I want to invest my time wisely in the things that will improve my life. Don’t misunderstand; there is nothing wrong with reading purely for the joy of it. Novels have their place, but biographies of famous men and women contain information that can change lives  (Reading Quotes) There’s no reason anybody should be reading too much into ‘Thrift Shop.’ I just have because I have a 10-year-old and a 7-year-old who are really into going to lyric websites, hitting print, and printing lyrics for every song that’s popular  (Reading Quotes) When you first read a script is the purest moment. That’s when you can understand how an audience will ultimately receive it. The first reading of the script is so important because you’re experiencing it all for the first time, and it’s then that you really know if it’s going to work or not  (Reading Quotes) The way we learn to write is the way we learn to talk: We listen to others and start mimicking speech, and that’s how we come to become speakers. Writers you admire, you admire the way they plot, you admire the way they create a character, you admire the way they put a sentence together, those are the writers you should be reading  (Reading Quotes) The most difficult thing about living as a writer is precisely ‘having to write.’ Pretending to be a writer is easy. Living freely, reading many books, going on frequent trips, cultivating minor eccentricities... but genuinely being a writer is difficult, because you have to write something that will convince both yourself and readers  (Reading Quotes) I got to spend all of my time every day at work reading and editing papers about cutting-edge technical research and getting paid for it. Then I’d go home at night and turn what I learned into science fiction stories  (Reading Quotes) I always loved strange stories like the Dr. Seuss stuff. ‘Go, Dog. Go!’ was one of my favorite stories - it still is. It’s just such a bizarre yet true book. And I did well reading and writing as a kid throughout school. I think early on that’s what made me realize what an advantage that is  (Reading Quotes) I like to tell kids that I started thinking about stories when I first started reading stuff like Dr. Seuss and ‘Go, Dog. Go!,’ thinking, ‘Oh yeah, that’s funny. I’d like to do that.’ And then writing throughout school, but at the same time I was studying pre-med stuff, because my mom told me I should be a doctor  (Reading Quotes) The book of ‘The Hobbit’ was given to me to read by a friend of my mother when I was about 12 years old: it set my life on a different path. Next, I read ‘The Lord of The Rings’ trilogy, then ‘The Silmarillion’ and Homers ‘The Odyssey’ and every Greek/Roman/Viking myth book I could get my hands on. Pretty heavy reading for a 12 year old  (Reading Quotes) I love reading religious authors. Especially in the sort of circle I move in, people tend to be more secular, and I love reading books by just really smart people of religious faith. It’s always a really cool perspective  (Reading Quotes) Kids and adults have a difference of opinion when it comes to what constitutes legitimate reading. Adults often push books that they loved as children, which, ironically, were often books that their parents weren’t particularly keen on  (Reading Quotes) Our leaders were assassinated, one of the things I was reading today was - 28 Panthers were killed by the police but 300 Black Panthers were killed by other Panthers just within - internecine warfare. It just began to seem like we were in an impossible task given what we were facing  (Reading Quotes) I think I am the most impressed with writing styles that defy category, like Kharms or Selby, Breton or Jarry, where you become as interested in the writer as much as the writing itself. It’s all these things that make reading so appealing to me  (Reading Quotes) My dad and mom divorced when I was around ten, and I didn’t live with him after that, though he was close by and we saw each other weekly. I wasn’t really aware that he was a writer; I didn’t start reading his writing until I was about fifteen. It occurred to me then that my dad was kind of special; he’s still one of my favorite writers  (Reading Quotes) I was not a comic book reader, but my son is. My son wasn’t really interested in reading books, which was hard for me because I love to read. It just didn’t come naturally to my boy. So we kind of found comic books because they were fascinating to him. They were great stories  (Reading Quotes) Es, I spend a lot of time in Reading because we live in Oxfordshire and so we’re always just in and out of each other’s houses. It’s very much the family that it always has been. But there’s no comparison with Hollywood as such  (Reading Quotes) To me, there’s a huge difference between criticism and reviewing. I really love reading good criticism of television and film. To me, a critic is someone who analyzes a show, describes it, talks about the people in it, puts it in historical context of other shows like it, compares it and stuff, and then talks about the intent of the show and whether it failed or didn’t  (Reading Quotes) I wanted to be a poet. I had a really romantic idea about what that would mean. My parents knew some poets, and I liked how they dressed and acted, but I didn’t really acknowledge that I only liked reading some bits of poetry while I was peeing or something  (Reading Quotes) I think the ambiguity of similarity and difference is very powerful. It’s the same scene in different times of year read across the grid, and, of course, different locations reading vertically. But you can get confused and lost in the series. You force the mind, which is always comparing and contrasting, to stumble ... That ambiguity is very powerful. One is getting lost and refinding oneself  (Reading Quotes) It would be hard for me to overestimate the importance of reading. Nothing can expand the mind and heart like the magic al world of books. .... Our libraries are an essential resource for our children, our communities, and our future  (Reading Quotes) More and more books are published every year. If people were not reading them, they wouldn’t be published. We are now reading electronic books or whatever else, but people are still reading, and people still need stories  (Reading Quotes) It’s very rare that you get a part that you actually like. People have a misconception, whether it be because actors lie or because you’re reading interviews from giantly, massively famous actors, but you don’t just get offered parts, all the time. You actually have to work to get them  (Reading Quotes) You got to deal with reviews the same way you deal with your views, which I a long time ago stopped reading because the point is if you believe the good ones you have to believe the bad ones. It’s kind of all or nothing  (Reading Quotes) There have been two [career highlights]. Waking up in New York to hear I’d been nominated for Best Actor for a Tony Award on Broadway, for An Ideal Husband. The other one was waking up the morning after the opening night of A Man For All Seasons and reading the reviews  (Reading Quotes) One of the best things about reading comic books, when you’re a kid or an adult, is watching the characters cross-over. What happens in one book affects the other, and these shows are so tightly knit that it feels like one giant show  (Reading Quotes) I try to be personal, but that’s not me, either. What seems to work best, and the tweets I enjoy reading the most, are when comedians just give jokes. It’s a great joke of the day thing, especially revolving around current events. But that’s not my forte either, so I find myself in no man’s land with Twitter. I don’t particularly enjoy giving me out to everyone  (Reading Quotes) I’m not worried about headlines affecting my family, especially my son. He knows who I am. Whatever these things he is reading, he has a different perspective than the rest of the world just as a lot of my friends do  (Reading Quotes)
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