Realise Quotes

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Who you are as a person is more special than trying to be someone you’re not. Don’t get me wrong - I have bad days, everyone does, but I know if I’m feeling insecure today, I’ll move on tomorrow. I’d tell girls to realise it’s OK to have bad days to get to the good ones. (Realise Quotes)
Though teenagers are generally very interested in sports, they must realise that education is the most important thing in their lives. They must find the right balance. (Realise Quotes)
I don’t think that ambition should not be in the dictionary of entrepreneurs. But our ambition should be realistic. You have to realise that you can’t do everything. (Realise Quotes)
I was so intent as a young lawyer on beating the men at their own game that I didn’t take any real maternity leave with my three younger children. It is only looking back that I realise I wasn’t beating the system but reinforcing it. (Realise Quotes)
I’m massively talented, and very, very beautiful in person; the public don’t really realise that. (Realise Quotes)
I was so beautiful but I didn’t realise it for years. I saw pictures of myself and even I was stunned. (Realise Quotes)
I just want to see around beautiful things. I don’t realise how much I miss out on just seeing beautiful scenery. (Realise Quotes)
My dad always had music playing around us and he was always a happy chirpy man with a beautiful voice. I was always singing around the house and I assumed that’s what all families did. It wasn’t until I went through that nasty teenage stage that I started to realise that wasn’t the case. (Realise Quotes)
A lot of guys are very intimidated by an attractive woman, and they dehumanise her because our culture perceives beautiful women as commodities. But I think if you’re able walk up to a person and get to know them, and you see their flaws and their impurities, and realise that they’re like you, then you can humanise them again. (Realise Quotes)
The beauty of a relationship is when you get used to a person; it is not sudden. It is just a process, and you don’t realise when love happens. (Realise Quotes)
Becoming a parent gives you access to a whole world of feeling. It gives you a much stronger sense of life and death: becoming a father made me realise my own mortality. (Realise Quotes)
In retrospect, it seems like everything in my life led to me becoming a writer. I just didn’t realise it at the time. (Realise Quotes)
Ours is a divine journey; therefore, this journey has neither a beginning nor an end... This journey has a goal, but it does not stop at any goal, for it has come to realise that today’s goal is only the starting point of tomorrow’s journey. (Realise Quotes)
Sometimes it’s better to live through someone’s work than the person themselves, and to realise that every human being is flawed, but through art they can be perfect. (Realise Quotes)
I grew up on my dad’s sets, but I was never star-struck or desperate to be famous. I grew up being a worker. It took me a long time to realise that my work ended up being seen by people. As far as I was concerned, I was just in the family business. (Realise Quotes)
Touring a segregated America - forever being stopped and harassed by white cops hurt you most ‘cos you don’t realise the damage. You hold it in. You feel empty, like someone reached in and pulled out your guts. You feel hurt and dirty, less than a person. (Realise Quotes)
You realise that having a number one record and being loved and adored isn’t the most important thing in the world. But at the same time, I don’t have a problem with it. (Realise Quotes)
With young people, I always say, ‘You’re not doing anyone any favours by withholding your power.’ As women, we do that a lot because we are afraid of being misunderstood or perceived as too strong. But the older I’m getting, the more I realise you have to let that go. (Realise Quotes)
Young women especially have something invested in being nice people, and it’s only when you have children that you realise you’re not a nice person at all, but generally a selfish bully. (Realise Quotes)
Youth is seen as everything. You don’t know anything when you’re young. It’s great being older, just having a more balanced perspective. I wake up and realise that what seemed to be important last year no longer is. I’m increasingly grateful for every day. (Realise Quotes)
There have been setbacks, illnesses and other obstacles, so inevitably I’ve had disappointments. But once you realise that things can’t always go your own way, you’re on the right track to being able to handle your own life. (Realise Quotes)
Donald Trump ought to realise that being a president is different to being a candidate and that there is a responsibility that comes with the office. (Realise Quotes)
The main battle is to make people realise that doubt is important. Doubt is good. The ‘don’t know’ answer sometimes is the box you should tick, and it’s about not being scared about that fact. Even the greatest minds don’t know everything. (Realise Quotes)
I didn’t realise my upbringing was unusual until my teens. As the child of two actors, I presumed that visiting film sets and being surrounded by colourful characters was normal. (Realise Quotes)
I wasn’t good at being affable. You get beyond that and realise the attraction in any human being has more to do with what they give to someone rather than just being face candy. (Realise Quotes)
I didn’t realise how my life was changing. When I was 17, 18, 20, I didn’t realise how big football was and everything around football. How many people live for football and love football. I was a professional, but I was a supporter. (Realise Quotes)
Sometimes, that moment comes to your life. The moment you realise that you are irrelevant,unimportant, and a big zero. After that every action will be mechanical (Realise Quotes)
The big problems are where people don’t realise they have one in the first place (Realise Quotes)
Whenever you get to win, you feel the satisfaction of all of your hard work, all the sacrifices, all the blood, sweat and tears. It feels right and makes you realise that you are really doing the right thing. (Realise Quotes)
I’m the Ali of today. I’m the Marvin Gaye of today. I’m the Bob Marley of today. I’m the Martin Luther King, or all the other greats that have come before us. And a lot of people are starting to realise that now. (Realise Quotes)