Realise Quotes

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All of a sudden you realise that you are the person who has control of your life (Realise Quotes)
Real friends are very special, but you have to be careful because sometimes you have a friend and you think they are made of rock, then suddenly you realise they’re only made of sand (Realise Quotes)
I was so beautiful but I didn’t realise it for years. I saw pictures of myself and even I was stunned (Realise Quotes)
Life is precious, and when someone dies it’s an opportunity to realise how precious it is. My brother drowned when I was 17. He was 15. I think I grew from that. My father didn’t. It really crushed him (Realise Quotes)
Women don’t want equal treatment, they couldn’t handle it if they got it. It’s a tough world out there. What a lot of women are actually looking for is special treatment. What women need to realise is that they have to toughen up (Realise Quotes)
Are we all clear that we want to build something that can aspire to be a world power? In other words, not just a trading bloc but a political entity. Do we realise that our nation states, taken individually, would find it far more difficult to assert their existence and their identity on the world stage (Realise Quotes)
I meet people who are famous, and it’s made me realise that fame has huge lifestyle disadvantages. I’m nervous about that. I don’t want to become a celebrity (Realise Quotes)
My dad was quite a forbidding figure. I realise now that that was mainly because he worked so hard. He wasn’t unkind, but he was a presence (Realise Quotes)
The senior members of the royal family work very hard and I don’t think people quite realise that (Realise Quotes)
In my early 30s, I started to realise I was avoiding something on a personal level, but also as a writer. I was in denial about who I was, and was trying to be someone who I was not (Realise Quotes)
That’s one of the things about getting older isn’t it? You suddenly realise that you are what you set out to be. And there are no role models any more (Realise Quotes)
One of the things that is devastating is I realise I haven’t been living a different life than when I was, like, 12. I’m shocked at how reclusive I’ve been since then. I was unaware of it until recently (Realise Quotes)
I think as a child you know when it’s time for your parents to split. You realise they love each other, but they’re not in love with each other. And I think as a child it’s much better for your parents to split than for them to stay and have dysfunction within the family (Realise Quotes)
I used to draw stickmen with star glasses when I was at school. I didn’t realise that would end up being me! The whole idea was that the glasses had mirrors, and if a youngster looked at me, they’d see themselves. Everybody is a star (Realise Quotes)
One day you look out and the audience consists of 65,000 people. It’s like looking in the mirror and one day you realise you’ve gone grey (Realise Quotes)
My dad says that when I was two or three I used to go out dressed as a different character every day. I remember thinking it was perfectly normal to wear different coloured shoes and carry a pink umbrella. But now I’ve got a goddaughter of that age; I realise it’s not normal at all (Realise Quotes)
You experience other cultures to give you a kind of shock that makes you look at your own culture. You appreciate it more as a result of being out of it, but you also realise there are some things lacking in your culture (Realise Quotes)
There was a time when I didn’t like myself at all. I thought I was a cruel joke. But now I’ve come to realise that maybe I am not cute, but I am beautiful (Realise Quotes)
Before getting meningitis, I was such a hypochondriac, worrying about the slightest ache. Ironically, I overlooked meningitis because the symptoms seemed like flu. I guess you don’t realise how healthy you are until it is taken away from you (Realise Quotes)
When you’re doing some things that are damaging you, you don’t really realise it at the time (Realise Quotes)
The older you get, the more you realise how happenstance... has helped to determine your path through life (Realise Quotes)
It took a lot of time and practice for me to realise that there’s no point trying to be something you’re not (Realise Quotes)
When you immerse yourself in medicine you realise that hope is not absolute. It’s not that simple (Realise Quotes)
I write something that I believe I’ve made up, and it’s only when a friend later points it out to me that I realise I’ve been writing about myself again (Realise Quotes)
As a kid, you get to the stage where you realise the gender barriers that exist in society and what you’re supposed to do and not supposed to do (Realise Quotes)
I find increasingly that the more extreme are the things going on in your life, the more cultural reference points fail you. More mythical reference points actually help, and you realise that’s what myths are for. It’s for human beings to process their experience in extremis (Realise Quotes)
A lot of guys are very intimidated by an attractive woman, and they dehumanise her because our culture perceives beautiful women as commodities. But I think if you’re able walk up to a person and get to know them, and you see their flaws and their impurities, and realise that they’re like you, then you can humanise them again (Realise Quotes)
As you get older, you realise your parents aren’t these superheroes. They’re actually people (Realise Quotes)
Is there anything more useless than a crouton? I sometimes wake up in the small hours with a start and realise that what’s roused me is an overpowering urge to visit violence on its originator (Realise Quotes)
Sometimes you look back at girls you spent money on rather than send it to your mum and you realise witchcraft is real (Realise Quotes)