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We often take for granted that our lights will come on when we flip the light switch, but the reality is that our reliability standards and the current state of the transmission grid leave us all vulnerable to blackouts  (Reality Quotes) The reality is that we are hated not because of our democracy, freedoms, and generous social security system; rather, we are hated because of our involvement in foreign conflicts and quarrels that were never our concern  (Reality Quotes) I like to deal in the reality of life. I’m too old to sing about women and things like that  (Reality Quotes) And then, I suppose, there’s also a cinematic reality on top of that. Because it was extremely difficult to keep tabs on, it was quite confusing acting that  (Reality Quotes) In reality drilling is the slowest, dirtiest, and most expensive way to solve our energy crisis  (Reality Quotes) The atmosphere of libraries, lecture rooms and laboratories is dangerous to those who shut themselves up in them too long. It separates us from reality like a fog  (Reality Quotes) My reaction to a lot of the current situation that we’re in is based in part on a serious concern that the present administration’s course ignores reality  (Reality Quotes) Unless you are really grounded and have a true sense of reality, you can get lost in that and a lot of people do and that’s why you see so many people with successful careers but with destructive lives  (Reality Quotes) The fact is that one of the earliest lessons I learned in business was that balance sheets and income statements are fiction, cash flow is reality  (Reality Quotes) We tend to do period stuff because it helps make it one step removed from boring everyday reality  (Reality Quotes) I love reality. I love the world. I love the smell of it. I love it  (Reality Quotes) The beautiful is in nature, and it is encountered under the most diverse forms of reality. Once it is found it belongs to art, or rather to the artist who discovers it  (Reality Quotes) Reality is, I’m an actor and an entertainer, and I really wouldn’t know what to do with another profession  (Reality Quotes) In an age of synthetic images and synthetic emotions, the chances of an accidental encounter with reality are remote indeed  (Reality Quotes) You talk about the values that you have whether they’re in favor or not in favor. That’s how you lead. The reality is, we’re losing more and more elections  (Reality Quotes) Reality is never as bad as a nightmare, as the mental tortures we inflict on ourselves  (Reality Quotes) I know that plans and reality may be two different things, but I think my demands on life are minimal  (Reality Quotes) Prostitution happens to you because of troubles you had. In reality no woman would choose to do that  (Reality Quotes) What I would have liked to do on that show was play a secretary of state who has huge personal business interests throughout the world. That, to me, seems to be more in synch with reality  (Reality Quotes) The reality is that zero defects in products plus zero pollution plus zero risk on the job is equivalent to maximum growth of government plus zero economic growth plus runaway inflation  (Reality Quotes) I know how sobering and exhausting parenthood is. But the reality is that our children’s future depends on us as parents. Because we know that the first years truly last forever  (Reality Quotes) I call it like the domino theory of reality. If you can go one step at a time and it seems to make sense, you can then take your audience into an area that is relatively outlandish  (Reality Quotes) There was a time when meanings were focused and reality could be fixed; when that sort of belief disappeared, things became uncertain and open to interpretation  (Reality Quotes) People say they love truth, but in reality they want to believe that which they love is true  (Reality Quotes) Reality isn’t the way you wish things to be nor the way they appear to be but the way they actually are  (Reality Quotes) I didn’t have parents who were, you know, racing to get a reality television show, you know? Or looking to benefit in some way from their daughter’s fame  (Reality Quotes) I know I’m on a small cable reality show. I’m realistic where I stand in the scheme of things  (Reality Quotes) Far too often the choices reality proposes are such as to take away one’s taste for choosing  (Reality Quotes) This is the reality of nuclear weapons: they may trigger a world war; a war which, unlike previous ones, destroys all of civilization  (Reality Quotes) Interfere with the reality of my world, and you therefore take the very life and heart out of my will  (Reality Quotes)
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