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Reality Quotes

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Reality is such a pain. Those of us who were fed up with that kind of reality decided to remake it. We’d set up a partition, separate what’s important to us from what was trash, put only the things we loved on our side, and got rid of the rest  (Reality Quotes) The depravity of man is at once the most empirically verifiable reality but at the same time the most intellectually resisted fact  (Reality Quotes) This girl: she bent reality around her like a lens bending light, she pleated it into so many flickering layers that you could never tell which one you were looking at, the longer you stared the dizzier you got  (Reality Quotes) It was true: hope could be unkind. You opened yourself up to the worst of wounds because you wanted to believe that something good could finally happen. But if you didn’t? You missed this. This intense and prefect moment in which, while the world was almost literally going to hells all around you, hope and reality blended in a single, perfect note  (Reality Quotes) All it takes is one generation to brainwash a population and convince them that reality doesn’t exist  (Reality Quotes) A southern moon is a sodden moon, and sultry. When it swamps the fields and the rustling sandy roads and the sticky honeysuckle hedges in its sweet stagnation, your fight to hold on to reality is like a protestation against a first waft of ether  (Reality Quotes) That’s the problem with all of this. No matter how hard I try, I can’t make it perfect. I can’t keep it in a bottle, can’t ignore reality. Chemicals are involved, the kind scientists try to synthesize and put into pill form, and they’re making tremendous advances every day. They’re winning the war against love. It’s probably inevitable now. There are only two ways to see the world: either no one and nothing is connected to anything, or we are all a random series of carbon molecules connected to each other. Tell me if there’s room for love in either of those scenarios  (Reality Quotes) Reality is what one makes it. And the more negative reality one nurtures and creates, the more of it one has  (Reality Quotes) ... people made the imaginary real all the time: taking the music they heard in their head and recording it, seeing a house in their imagination and building it. Fantasy was always only a reality waiting to be switched on  (Reality Quotes) There are many realities. There are many versions of what may appear obvious. Whatever appears as the unshakeable truth, its exact opposite may also be true in another context. After all, one’s reality is but perception, viewed through various prisms of context  (Reality Quotes) Novels institutionalize the ruse of eros. It becomes a narrative texture of sustained incongruence, emotional and cognitive. It permits the reader to stand in triangular relation to the characters in the story and reach into the text after the objects of their desire, sharing their longing but also detached from it, seeing their view of reality but also its mistakenness. It is almost like being in love  (Reality Quotes) Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over the veils of ignorance  (Reality Quotes) Dreams are reality that has not become true. However, in the hearts of some people, they have already come true. People whose dreams are already achieved in their hearts, and who can see that as they boldly throw themselves into it, have true courage  (Reality Quotes) The reality is that I need to be challenged and interested, as long as the risk and reward is in line  (Reality Quotes) He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality  (Reality Quotes) In order to improve the condition of mankind all men must be given the certainty of security through the exchange of safeguards, the assurance of prosperity through an exchange of resources, the reality of freedom through the free movement of information, persons and ideas  (Reality Quotes) Snowflakes, leaves, humans, plants, raindrops, stars, molecules, microscopic entities all come in communities. The singular cannot in reality exist  (Reality Quotes) ... We have an historic opportunity for a great global healing and renewal. If we will accept the challenge of nonviolent activism with faith, courage, and determination, we can bring this great vision of a world united in peace and harmony from a distant ideal into glowing reality  (Reality Quotes) Poetry is important. No less than science, it seeks a hold upon reality, and the closeness of its approach is the test of its success  (Reality Quotes) Men have had the vanity to pretend that the whole creation was made for them, while in reality the whole creation does not suspect their existence  (Reality Quotes) Religion must be used in furthering great works of justice and reform. It must be used to establish right relations between different groups of men, and thus to make a reality of brotherhood. It must be used to abolish poverty, the breeding ground of all misery and crime, by distributing equably among men the abundance of the soil. And it must be used to get rid of war and to establish enduring peace. Here is the supreme test of the effectiveness of religion  (Reality Quotes) A good simulation, be it a religious myth or scientific theory, gives us a sense of mastery over experience. To represent something symbolically, as we do when we speak or write, is somehow to capture it, thus making it one’s own. But with this appropriation comes the realization that we have denied the immediacy of reality and that in creating a substitute we have but spun another thread in the web of our grand illusion  (Reality Quotes) One’s concentration as a performer must remain centered on the action of which one is a part. For it is in truth only one’s own concentration on the imagined reality of the role that can force the audience’s attention to that same place  (Reality Quotes) We don’t live for realities, but for the fantasies, the dreams of what might be. If we lived for reality, we’d be dead, every last one of us. Only dreams keep us going... When you are acting, don’t settle for anything less than the biggest dream for your character’s future  (Reality Quotes) Work for the actor lies essentially in two areas: the ability to consistently create reality and the ability to express that reality  (Reality Quotes) Vipassana: looking into something with clarity and precision, seeing each component as distinct, piercing all the way through so as to perceive the most fundamental reality of that thing  (Reality Quotes) Our beliefs act as lenses. These lenses can help us see things we can’t otherwise see, but they can also block us from seeing parts of reality  (Reality Quotes) What we call knowledge does not and cannot have the purpose of producing representations of an independent reality, but instead has an adaptive function  (Reality Quotes) Facts mean nothing when they are preempted by appearance. Do not underestimate the power of impression over reality  (Reality Quotes) The object of art is not to reproduce reality, but to create a reality of the same intensity  (Reality Quotes)
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