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Life is a very sad piece of buffoonery, because we have.. the need to fool ourselves continuously by the spontaneous creation of a reality.. which, from time to time, reveals itself to be vain and illusory  (Reality Quotes) This is a deeply spiritual issue... Do we want to spend more time trying to care for our fellow man or do we want to just pursue more virtual reality? That’s the issue before us.. and it’s being played out in the world of the environment  (Reality Quotes) Spiritual life is absolute reality. Krishna is real but we have lost the ability to realize him  (Reality Quotes) Oh son, watch the illusory spectacle! All birth and death is projected by delusion, not existing in reality. I am beyond coming and going  (Reality Quotes) When we recognize that the seemingly object nature of reality is nothing different than the subject nature of mind, which is rigpa, it is called enlightenment  (Reality Quotes) Men are apt to be much more influenced by words than by the actual facts of the surrounding reality  (Reality Quotes) Society is not a mere sum of individuals. Rather, the system formed by their association represents a specific reality which has its own characteristics... The group thinks, feels, and acts quite differently from the way in which its members would were they isolated. If, then, we begin with the individual, we shall be able to understand nothing of what takes place in the group  (Reality Quotes) You must come to terms with the reality that nothing outside ourselves, be it people or things is actually responsible for our happiness  (Reality Quotes) ... the myth of socialism is far stronger than the reality of capitalism. That is because capitalism is not really an ism at all. It is what people do if you leave them alone  (Reality Quotes) Theories have been outgrown. The means is disappearing, the reality of the sensation alone remains. It is that in its essence which I wish to put down. It should be a delightful adventure  (Reality Quotes) We should cast aside all childish games that fetter and exhaust body, speech and mind.Stretching out in inconceivable nonaction, in the unstructured matrix, the actuality of emptiness, where the natural perfection of reality lies, we should gaze at the uncontrived sameness of every experience, all conditioning and ambition resolved with finality  (Reality Quotes) America is concerned more with the possibility of moon folks than the reality of hungry poor folks  (Reality Quotes) By suicide I introduce my design in nature, I shall for the first time give things the shape of my will... now I choose the direction of my thought and the direction of my faculties, my tendencies, my reality  (Reality Quotes) Education is critical for people to become compassionate. If you don’t know the problem and you don’t know the reality, how can you help?  (Reality Quotes) The complementary movement towards divine love is growth in humility which is the acceptence of the reality about ourselves, our own weakness and limitations  (Reality Quotes) Art will remain the most astonishing activity of mankind born out of struggle between wisdom and madness, between dream and reality in our mind  (Reality Quotes) Have a vision and then create your own reality. Otherwise, someone else may create it for you  (Reality Quotes) You guys just here to blame someone. You never look yourselves in the mirror, eh? You’re always good. You never make the mistakes. Your articles are always perfect. In reality, what have you done for this city? If you ask yourself, what have you done besides only criticize? Not much  (Reality Quotes) And the men who hold high places must be the ones who start to mold a new reality closer to the heart  (Reality Quotes) You cannot change reality, but you can control the manner in which you look at things. Your attitude is under your own control. Weed out the negative and focus on the positive!  (Reality Quotes) I think the most important issue we have as a people is what we started, and that is to begin to trust our own thinking again and belive in ourselves enough to think that we can articulate our own vision of the future and then work to make sure that that vision becomes a reality  (Reality Quotes) I experienced the reality of the spiritual body and learned that it has every faculty of the physical body, though with greater sensitivity and some dimensions added... There will be nothing shocking in the transition, only a continuation of who I am now  (Reality Quotes) Age has no reality except in the physical world. The essence of a human being is resistant to the passage of time  (Reality Quotes) However vague they are, dreams have a way of concealing themselves and leave us no peace until they are translated into reality, like seeds germinating underground, sure to sprout in their search for the sunlight  (Reality Quotes) The materialist assumption that spiritual substances do not exist is as much an act of faith as the religious belief in the reality of angels  (Reality Quotes) We need marriage equality in every state in this nation. Otherwise, no state really has marriage equality, and we will not rest until it is a reality  (Reality Quotes) To succeed you have to believe in something with such a passion that it becomes a reality  (Reality Quotes) Above all we have to go beyond words and images and concepts. No imaginative vision or conceptual framework is adequate to the great reality  (Reality Quotes) You know at this point you have everything you need. It’s available to you from the inside and you see you are supported in many ways. You realize that there is more to this dimension, to this reality, than you have seen before. You see you are being taken care of, you are being loved, you are being looked after. All that’s needed is to go inside, become still and listen  (Reality Quotes) Fate is a misplaced retreat. Many people rationalize an unexplained event as fate and shrug their shoulders when it occurs. But that is not what fate is. The world operates as a series of circles that are invisible, for they extend to the upper air. Fate is where these circles cut to earth. Since we cannot see them, do not know their content, and have no sense of their width, it is impossible to predict when these cuts will slice into our reality. When this happens, we call it fate. Fate is not a chance event but one that is inevitable, we are simply blind to its nature and time  (Reality Quotes)
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