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My images were surreal simply in the sense that my vision brought out the fantastic dimension of reality. My only aim was to express reality, for there is nothing more surreal than reality itself. If reality fails to fill us with wonder, it is because we have fallen into the habit of seeing it as ordinary  (Reality Quotes) I don’t invent anything. I imagine everything... most of the time, I have drawn my images from the daily life around me. I think that it is by capturing reality in the humblest, most sincere, most everyday way I can, that I can penetrate to the extraordinary  (Reality Quotes) All I can say about the work I try to do, is that the aesthetic is in reality itself  (Reality Quotes) Don’t take shadows too seriously. Reality is your only safety. Continue to reject illusion  (Reality Quotes) Whatever I hold in my mind tends to manifest itself in my life. What we believe and assume creates most of our reality and our experience  (Reality Quotes) We live not, in reality, on the summit of a solid earth but at the bottom of an ocean of air  (Reality Quotes) Art is the subjective, preferential treatment of certain elements of reality; it selects and resets, distributes light and shade, omits and underlines, softens and emphasises  (Reality Quotes) If you scrutinize reality closely enough, if in some way you really, really get to it, it becomes fantastic  (Reality Quotes) Most men with nothing would rather protect the possibility of becoming rich than face the reality of being poor  (Reality Quotes) Care like hell! Sit around the bars and drink, and pose, and pretend, all you want to, but in reality, deep down underneath, care like hell  (Reality Quotes) Copies have been dethroned; the economic model built on them is collapsing. In a regime of superabundant free copies, copies are no longer the basis of wealth. Now relationships, links, connections, and sharing are. Value has shifted away from a copy toward the many ways to recall, annotate, personalize, edit, authenticate, display, mark, transfer, and engage a work. Art is a conversation, not a patent office. The citation of sources belongs to the realms of journalism and scholarship, not art. Reality can’t be copyrighted  (Reality Quotes) The rejection of all abstract formalism. Materialism reminds every science of its real source: the world men transform. No science can, whether in its history or its object, grasp its own origins within itself or constitute itself as a closed world, exhaustively defined by internal rules. Materialism refers every science and every activity to the reality they depend on, even if this dependence is masked by a great many abstract mediations: mathematics as well as logic, aesthetics as well as ethics and politics  (Reality Quotes) An empty canvas, apparently really empty, that says nothing and is without significance – almost dull, in fact – in reality, is crammed with thousands of undertone tensions and full of expectancy. Slightly apprehensive lest it should be outraged  (Reality Quotes) Just as typography is human speech translated into what can be read, so photography is the translation of reality into a readable image  (Reality Quotes) To approach the spiritual in art, one will make as little use as possible of reality, because reality is opposed to the spiritual  (Reality Quotes) It is the poet and philosopher who provide the community of objectives in which the artist participates. Their chief preoccupation, like the artist, is the expression in concrete form of their notions of reality. Like him, they deal with the verities of time and space, life and death, and the heights of exaltation as well as the depths of despair. The preoccupation with these eternal problems creates a common ground which transcends the disparity in the means used to achieve them  (Reality Quotes) Cities and landscapes are illustrations of our spiritual and material worth. They not only express our values but give them a tangible reality. They determine the way in which we use or squander our energy, time, and land resources  (Reality Quotes) When I write a book, I put everything I have into it; so the more I have, the more the books become. Some people get freaked out by them: mostly the people who believe, mistakenly, that fantasy is about escaping reality. To them I say: If you have a problem with reality, you should be spending more time dealing with your life, and less time reading popcorn fantasy  (Reality Quotes) Consensual reality is both fragile and elastic, and it heals like the skin of a bubble  (Reality Quotes) Sweet exists by convention, bitter by convention, color by convention; but in reality atoms and the void alone exist  (Reality Quotes) You appreciate that it is very easy to die and you have to arrange your life to cope with that reality  (Reality Quotes) If a person has no dreams, they no longer have any reason to live. Dreaming is necessary, although in the dream reality should be glimpsed. For me this is a principle of life  (Reality Quotes) I found that I faced a highly complex situation, and that I couldnt hope to change it until I had armed myself with the necessary psychological and intellectual capacity. My contemplation of life and human nature in that secluded place had taught me that he who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality, and will never, therefore, make any process  (Reality Quotes) Free women and men everywhere must wage an incessant campaign so that these human values become a generally recognized and practised reality. We must regretfully admit that in various parts of the world this is not yet the case. Without those values and human rights the real peace of which we dream is jeopardized  (Reality Quotes) I struggle with enormous discrepancies: between the reality of motherhood and the image of it, between my love for my home and the need to travel, between the varied and seductive paths of the heart. The lessons of impermanance, the occasional despair and the muse, so tenuously moored, all visit their needs upon me and I dig deeply for the spiritual utilities that restore me: my love for the place, for the one man left, for my children and friends and the great green pulse of spring  (Reality Quotes) Utopia would seem to offer the spectacle of one of those rare phenomena whose concept is indistinguishable from its reality, whose ontology coincides with its representation  (Reality Quotes) If you love a person, you love him in his stark reality, and refuse to shut your eyes to his defects and errors  (Reality Quotes) There is a particular kind of pain, elation, loneliness and terror involved in this kind of madness... It will never end, for madness carves its own reality  (Reality Quotes) The gap between vision and current reality is also a source of energy. If there were no gap, there would be no need for any action to move towards the vision. We call this gap creative tension  (Reality Quotes) In some ways clarifying a vision is easy. A more difficult challenge comes in facing current reality  (Reality Quotes)
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