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We’re not policy people and we don’t want to be policy people. All we’re interested in, as social scientists, is data that accurately represents reality  (Reality Quotes) Andrew is an integral part of the team and he is staying at my football club. The reality is I need him to score the goals that will get us promoted  (Reality Quotes) Prison officials have been more concerned about sparing the sensitivities of executioners and witnesses than protecting the condemned prisoner from pain. They are more concerned with appearances than with the reality  (Reality Quotes) These people are obsessive. They go overboard interpreting verbal and behavioral cues that take them way beyond reality  (Reality Quotes) What this anger hides is grief... the reality that his wife didn’t value their marriage as much as he did. He realizes it was a mistake  (Reality Quotes) His background and knowledge can’t be transplanted overnight,... I’d make a point that unless you sat on the throne, you don’t know what it’s like to be king. In reality there are a lot of things that you do and people you influence that other people don’t see and that impact is there for the city  (Reality Quotes) The reality is we all have to work together to make it work. We’re going to be congenial with everyone. We’re not telling people to park on the street  (Reality Quotes) You can’t tell me what we’re doing right now is not working. The perception is, well, it’s not. I don’t deal in perception. I want to deal in reality. The reality of the matter is that the percentage of guys who are taking has gone way down  (Reality Quotes) We hope we’re better. The reality is we had a pretty darn good team last year. But you can’t just throw your gloves out there and be good again. We want to take that next step as a team  (Reality Quotes) For the majority of the people it is a difficult place to live. That’s a reality that we can’t ignore. But there is also great beauty to it  (Reality Quotes) It was a play of opportunity. It’s certainly something that he can do. He has the wherewithal to do that. It’s a concern when we are backed into our own endzone. The reality is I want him to take that advantage. It’s like leaving a net untended and you’re supposed to pass, but damn you got to take a shot. Certainly represented what we wanted to happen  (Reality Quotes) It was apparent that many of the speeds used in the estimates were too large. The scale guiding wind speeds wasn’t in tune with reality  (Reality Quotes) Travelers perceptions do not always reflect the reality of a situation, and ignorance is costing the industry billions  (Reality Quotes) There is no definition of terrorism and there is still the reality that one person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter  (Reality Quotes) They all sort of get mixed up in my head, to be quite honest. They’re all dealing with similar things. It’s about how you deal with reality, by ignoring it sometimes, reinventing it other times, and that’s how you get through it  (Reality Quotes) When we acknowledge a child’s feelings, we do him a great service. We put him in touch with his inner reality. And once he’s clear about that reality, he gathers the strength to begin to cope  (Reality Quotes) It’s exciting and encouraging that the spirit of exploration is alive and that students see it occurring in their lifetime. These may well be the children that make it a reality  (Reality Quotes) Some parents were nervous about how they would portray everything,... At a picnic the moms put on for the team and coaches, I said that all the reality shows are turning around and showing good things, not bad things  (Reality Quotes) Visionaries have the unique ability to dream of what’s possible and then make it a reality. We are excited to watch these visionaries use technology to help students develop skills in collaboration, critical thinking and teamwork that they’ll need to compete in the global economy  (Reality Quotes) You may dream about turning it around as quickly as we did, but you wouldn’t expect it to become reality,... But we jelled quickly and got it done. We’re a whole new defense compared to last year  (Reality Quotes) The fundamental flaw of vulgar thought lies in the fact that it wishes to content itself with motionless imprints of a reality which consists of eternal motion  (Reality Quotes) When you have growth and development, you have more work to do in the fire business. Thats going to be the reality in the future  (Reality Quotes) Cubism is the art of depicting new wholes with formal elements borrowed not only from the reality of vision, but from that of conception  (Reality Quotes) The red tape for family members who want to speak to a loved one is a reality,... The warehousing of prisoners is a reality... All of this needs to be looked at, not just medical care  (Reality Quotes) It was just a bad game. On the first goal, I just made a mistake and got scored on and it just snowballed from there. It happens sometimes. You don’t want it, but it’s the reality. I just have to refocus  (Reality Quotes) We recognize the reality of the marketplace. We’re fighting to win, and that’s what we’re going to do. This is not the time to hide  (Reality Quotes) Many people have been able to get pitch meetings by just cold calling, especially the smaller networks and especially with the reality shows  (Reality Quotes) To be honest I don’t really know because I really didn’t care when I was writing about mixing up reality with what was not reality  (Reality Quotes) Reality is no less precious if it presents itself to someone else. All are discoverers, and if we disenfranchise any, all suffer  (Reality Quotes) The dream of coming back is becoming a reality. A lot of the uncertainty about the future has been cleared up. A lot of people are no longer cursing the darkness and have started lighting candles and doing positive things  (Reality Quotes)
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