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Correlation across replicated environments adds a whole new dimension of complexity of the environment,... You would expect most application groups to have the same set of policies. In reality, you have differences in policies. That reflects back to that whole process of manual storing in the environment  (Reality Quotes) I think expectations might be preceding reality,... In the long run we’ve got some real opportunity here, but we’ve come a long way too quickly. We may need to ratchet it back a little and set a new foundation to grow for the rest of the year, but continuing at this pace is going to be difficult  (Reality Quotes) Today’s dialogue has succeeded in reinforcing the need for international partnerships and cooperation in tackling the reality of climate change  (Reality Quotes) People think of security as a noun, something you go buy. In reality, it’s an abstract concept like happiness. Openness is unbelievably helpful to security  (Reality Quotes) The political and substantive reality is that the agenda has to change. I don’t think they have any choice  (Reality Quotes) China has been a textbook case of how the government did just enough intervention to increase penetration, but the reality is that it isn’t going to work for all countries in the same way. Culture always plays a role and you can’t necessarily take what worked in one market and automatically make it work somewhere else  (Reality Quotes) I have been waiting a long time for this. It’s been my dream forever. Now that it’s a reality, I love it. I haven’t been burnt out at all and I have a bunch of guys with me that feel the same way  (Reality Quotes) Many people love grey squirrels, but the reality is that they are a real problem for some of our most threatened native species, like the red squirrel and dormouse. It is not realistic, practical or even desirable to completely eradicate grey squirrels, but we must control them effectively  (Reality Quotes) After the stretch of weather we’ve had, this is going to be a culture shock for some people. We always end up crashing back to reality  (Reality Quotes) There is a long history in country music of songs celebrating drinking and lamenting drinking. Country songs for the most part have always been heavily rooted in reality. The first artists were the people next door. They would sing on their porch or in their living room or at a barn dance. They sang about what they knew, and a lot of that was drinking  (Reality Quotes) Actually it was easier than you’d think. We were the guys who had the opportunity to play for something. Only 26 players on the eight teams had that chance. We would wake up in the morning and have a reason to train. We are able to have four weeks to play at this level. Since the first day our policy was not to talk about the labor situation. Our goal was to win. We’ll enjoy it for one night. Then the reality of the owners locking us out sets in  (Reality Quotes) How foolish of me to believe that it would be that easy. I had confused the appearance of trees and automobiles, and people with a reality itself, and believed that a photograph of these appearances to be a photograph of it. It is a melancholy truth that I will never be able to photograph it and can only fail. I am a reflection photographing other reflections within a reflection. To photograph reality is to photograph nothing  (Reality Quotes) For the time it lasted, it was really fun. It was as exciting as we can put it out to be, but after that, it was reality. We lost, and here I am  (Reality Quotes) What the women do is become caretakers for the men. In those circumstances, I decided, and many others have, that there’s a reality called women’s space. There has to be a separate space for women  (Reality Quotes) Most people think that when it’s time to buy a car, they should immediately go to the dealerships to find what they want. In reality, there’s a lot of planning that should be done first  (Reality Quotes) The state, for a long period of time, has been undergoing a wrenching economic transformation. The reality is much grimmer than in other states  (Reality Quotes) Casinos are spreading like wildfire, and it seems to be an entertainment option that a significant number of people engage in. That’s just the reality of gaming that it is proving to be attractive to a great number of people  (Reality Quotes) As artists, the pleasure is to really have your work resonate and mean something. Art takes its inspiration from reality  (Reality Quotes) This movie came as a reaction to reality. I realized that I do not know that 80 of the population that lives poor in my city. I wanted to make a social experiment putting in the same car several people from different social classes, just to see what would happen  (Reality Quotes) I’d love to tell you that something is going to change tomorrow. But the reality is that it won’t  (Reality Quotes) I think that’s the reality of the business. It’s not about what you did. It’s what have you done for me lately. We’re in the production business. What you did before is irrelevant. Everyone knows that  (Reality Quotes) We started the season off really hot, then we had some ups and downs. You can’t have a season where it’s perfect. It’s what you want but in reality it’s not going to happen all the time  (Reality Quotes) The spirit of philosophy is one of free inquiry. It suspects all authority. Its function is to trace the uncritical assumptions of human thought to their hiding places, and in this pursuit it may finally end in denial or a frank admission of the incapacity of pure reason to reach the ultimate reality  (Reality Quotes) I think you get noticed a lot more as a brunette, but I don’t know. People approach me, I think, but maybe it’s because of the reality show  (Reality Quotes) As sick as it sounds, a reality show might help, actually. At least then people could get the truth  (Reality Quotes) The reality is technology is here, technology will only improve and certain technology companies will dominate in the next five to ten years,... The problem is determining which ones and at what value  (Reality Quotes) The reality is the stakes are very high. If your industry is targeted or your company is sued in a class action, your legal costs will soar  (Reality Quotes) Whether philosophically you believe in a public subsidization of an arena or a stadium, that’s the reality. We can’t have professional basketball in this community by the end of our lease in 2010 without subsidization  (Reality Quotes) It’s been five years worth of planning and negotiating to bring this to a reality  (Reality Quotes) There’s no such thing as a short review. It will take a long time to get it started. That’s the reality. And it will be probably even longer to complete it  (Reality Quotes)
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