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He actually believes that she was murdered. The reality is, of course, also, that his car, his driver, were involved in this crash therefore there will be people that believe that he is ultimately responsible not only for the death of his own son, but for the death of the princess  (Reality Quotes) I’ve experienced every aspect of pitching. I know the reality of what these guys are going through. You can be going good, and the game is going to humble you. But the challenge is how to get through the difficult times  (Reality Quotes) He is so efficient. He seems to be playing smarter, more confidently. I think they have given him more responsibility. He’s very, very accurate and doesn’t make many mistakes. The statistics show he has three interceptions, but in reality it’s only one. The others were deflected passes by receivers who should have caught balls  (Reality Quotes) I let the comedy come through the character and just try to make sure that everything is kind of rounded in a truth, in a reality, because that’s what I need to make a character work  (Reality Quotes) We have a problem with several media taking only a part of the reality and not the whole picture. Some media in the world are more critical towards what’s happening than others. It depends on the journalist, it depends how much information they have about the case and which perspective they are asking you from. All of these things can play a role  (Reality Quotes) You’re never happy with a tie you’re trying to win. The reality is we have to come back and play tomorrow, and whatever the outcome tomorrow is, we have to come back and play again  (Reality Quotes) Check out the albums,... Check out the live performances. That’s the reality of it all. Music is such an energizing thing  (Reality Quotes) The reality is we are still ranked 10th and we are playing a team ranked second in the world who are playing at the top of their game and are at home  (Reality Quotes) Obviously, I think it was an aberration, but it is a reality. We’re still a team that won nine games, but this one was a real shock  (Reality Quotes) No idea is so antiquitated that it was not once modern. No idea is so modern that it will not some day be antiquitated... to seize the flying thought before it escapes us is our only touch with reality  (Reality Quotes) Hate crimes based on sexual orientation are among the three top reported hate crimes after race and religion,... Our laws should not ignore that reality  (Reality Quotes) It is quite possible that someone is insane and they think they have a chance. Not insane in the clinical sense, but they may have such a strong political ambition that they blind themselves to reality  (Reality Quotes) They’re hitting harder now more than ever. The only person who would argue that is someone who has never had a physics class. They’re faster and stronger, so the reality is the collisions have to be bigger  (Reality Quotes) When you lose the shootout, you feel like you lost the hockey game,... But we didn’t lose the hockey game. We lost a point and they gained a point. That’s the reality of it  (Reality Quotes) Globalization is a reality. And this makes most leaders today realize that populist illusions can’t be sustained before they collapse into stagnation and leave their political supporters deeply disillusioned. You can’t inflate away your troubles or allow mountains of debt to build up if, as a country, you have to make your living in a globally competitive environment... Building prosperity requires caution and patience. It requires time. Populism is a short cut that doesn’t work  (Reality Quotes) The number one ranked team is playing the number 10 ranked team. That’s the reality  (Reality Quotes) Follow the ball, man. There’s only one ball. They can only give it to one of them at a time, so let’s not get too far away from the reality of it all  (Reality Quotes) It’s difficult. You tell yourself that, but you don’t believe it. You always feel like there’s another game. You know, the reality is, it’s do or die. And I think I’m going to play like that  (Reality Quotes) Today’s new climate policy is like delivering the final divorce papers to the public and the world,... And it is divorced from the reality of global warming  (Reality Quotes) It started kind of slow, but we got back into it, bad as you might not want to. You’ve got to get some type of enthusiasm going out there. It’s kind of kicking in as a reality. People only grieve for so long, but I’m starting to understand it  (Reality Quotes) This is the reality, that these people share the same problems as the rest of us and that those problems can be overcome  (Reality Quotes) I think prices have been moving more on speculation than reality. But this is a market that has been driven by fear for two or three years  (Reality Quotes) Museums have these great collections and the reality is they attract a regional audience not a national audience  (Reality Quotes) The president is out there today trying to talk about health care, and the reality is nobody cares about what he’s saying on health care because this news is consuming everything. No president could tolerate that or should tolerate it  (Reality Quotes) I look back at a couple of games we lost that we shouldn’t have lost that could have made a difference. But this is the reality. There have been a myriad of things that have led to our record. I take my share of the blame. We’ve had a lot of penalties and inconsistent execution on offense that has led to this record  (Reality Quotes) The president wasn’t dragged anywhere,... In reality, I think, it was his opposition which was dragged upstairs one step at a time from zero to this number that was very close to what the president proposed  (Reality Quotes) I think he lives in such a rarified bubble these days, he doesn’t understand what reality is any more  (Reality Quotes) The reality is that these cases are happening all the time. It’s when they get out of control that you have a problem  (Reality Quotes) Crude hasn’t been responding to fundamentals all year. I think crude has been 8 to 10 overvalued for some time and has been responding to the fear of what could happen rather than the reality of what is happening  (Reality Quotes) When I was in high school, we were all laboring under the illusion, or maybe it was a reality, that everyone in our school was a virgin  (Reality Quotes)
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