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When you’re surrounded by people who share the same set of assumptions as you, you start to think that’s reality  (Reality Quotes) To the desert go profits and hermits, through deserts go pilgrims and exiles. Here the leaders of the great religions have sought the therapeutic and spiritual values of retreat, not to escape but to find reality  (Reality Quotes) To my knowledge there are no good records that have been built by institutions run by committee. In almost all cases the great records are the product of individuals, perhaps working together, but always within a clearly defined framework. Their names are on the door and they are quite visible to the investing public. In reality outstanding records are made by dictators, hopefully benevolent, but nonetheless dictators  (Reality Quotes) A vision on its own is not enough. Hard work and dedication is required to make that vision a reality  (Reality Quotes) I’m always interested in an atmosphere where dreams and reality mingle on equal terms  (Reality Quotes) When you decide to go after a new dream, you need to give less to your current reality and more to your desired reality... Take your energy out of what you don’t want to be doing anymore so you can put it in what you really want to be doing  (Reality Quotes) When I make a film I’m always in reality among the trees, and among the people like yourselves. There’s no symbolic or conventional filter between me and reality as there is in literature. The cinema is an explosion of my love for reality  (Reality Quotes) If you want me to explain the picture, if you put it in reality, then the mystery goes away. The situation just catches you and you think it is absurd or mysterious and you just take the picture. You don’t want to see the bare reality of what happened. I took the picture as the picture, not as the realistic story of what happened  (Reality Quotes) The mind may find unique ways to express what it conceives of reality, but reality remains unchanged by the mind’s efforts  (Reality Quotes) Thinking can really be the enemy of action, and thinking can be the enemy of reality  (Reality Quotes) Reality is ultimately a selective act of perception and interpretation. A shift in our perception and interpretation enables us to break old habits and awaken new possibilities for balance, healing, and transformation  (Reality Quotes) All history is defined by shifting modes of reality and time and how things change. That’s what I love about cinema. It changes in the moment  (Reality Quotes) Very often the characters people respond to best have little parts of reality they can relate to  (Reality Quotes) Many investors seem to have forgotten a hard reality: There are frequent periods when stock markets don’t do much  (Reality Quotes) The reality of a poem is a very ghostly one. It suggests, it suggests, it suggests again  (Reality Quotes) Fantasy isn’t just a jolly escape: It’s an escape, but into something far more extreme than reality, or normality. It’s where things are more beautiful and more wondrous and more terrifying. You move into a world of conflicting extremes  (Reality Quotes) Digital technology, you see, is not the villain here. It simply offers another dimension. I’m not sure if it’s a farther remove from reality than analogue. I think if we can speak of reality, if reality and representation can be spoken of in the same sentence, if reality even exists any more, digital is simply another way of encoding that reality  (Reality Quotes) Art’s only concern with the real is to abolish it, and to substitute for it a new reality  (Reality Quotes) Story isn’t a flight from reality but a vehicle that carries us on our search for reality  (Reality Quotes) Authors must spend months, years making fantasy believable in a single work while reality runs rampant and complete chaos elsewhere  (Reality Quotes) To live fully, outwardly and inwardly, not to ignore the external reality for the sake of the inner life, or the reverse, that’s quite a task  (Reality Quotes) Since the tapestry of all time has already been woven, everything I could ever want to happen in my life already exists in that infinite, nonphysical plane. My only task is to expand my earthly self enough to let it into this realm. So if there’s something I desire, the idea isn’t to go out and get it, but to expand my own consciousness to allow universal energy to bring it into my reality here  (Reality Quotes) The more invested I am in my own ideas about reality, the more those experiences will feel like victimizations rather than the ups and downs of relating. Actually, I believe that the less I conceptualize things that way, the more likely it is that people will want to stay by me, because they will not feel burdened, consciously or unconsciously, by my projections, judgments, entitlements, or unrealistic expectations  (Reality Quotes) Everyone lies to themselves, but many people do it with good intentions. They want to believe what they tell themselves, it is oftentimes the best possible version of reality for them. Although it may not be accurate, it is a mural of their desires, aspirations, optimism and passion. These people usually either need time or a new experience to discover the truth. People who lie to themselves for different reasons are oftentimes trying to avoid something or escape blame for things they have done  (Reality Quotes) For me words still possess their primitive, mystical, incantatory powers. I am inclined to use them as part of an attempt to make my own reality more real for others, as part of an effort to transcend emotional danger. For me, words are a form of action, capable of influencing change. Their articulation represents a complete, lived experience  (Reality Quotes) Most children, even very bright ones, need constant review and practice to truly own a concept in grammar, math or science. In schools today, on paper it may appear that kids are learning skills, but in reality they are only renting them, soon to forget what they’ve learned over the weekend or summer vacation  (Reality Quotes) The media propagates a message that corporations want, and there’s a belittling and mocking of the poor and celebration of wealth. A kind of cutthroat, rapacious capitalism is celebrated on reality television shows where you betray and manipulate and push aside your competitors for fleeting fame and money. These are sick values, but they’re disseminated through corporate media in almost every program you watch  (Reality Quotes) It is at this moment, when things appear so bleak that we must redouble our efforts and not give up. We must believe that we can remake the world in a more peaceful reality  (Reality Quotes) The prime rule of reality is that we must become in our lives what we choose to experience in the world  (Reality Quotes) We will have taken one giant step forward when we face this reality: Powerful people never teach powerless people how to take their power away from them  (Reality Quotes)
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