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Nothing becomes reality in the political life of a nation that was not present in its literature as spirit  (Reality Quotes) Each quantum event, each of the trillions of times reality’s particles interact with each other every instant, is like a note that rings and resonates throughout the great bell of creation. And the sound of the ringing propagates instantaneously, everywhere at once, interconnecting all things. This is a truth of our universe. It is a mystical truth, that reality at its deepest level is an undivided wholeness  (Reality Quotes) How do you change what you believe when your experience has convinced you otherwise? By creating a new experience. The best way for you to get that new experience is to change your response to what happens. By the natural law of cause and effect, that new response will create new results, which you will then experience as a new reality. To reach the goal of happiness, act as though the following statement is already true: Everything that happens to me is the best thing that can happen to me  (Reality Quotes) The limitations that we can see of the sexual description of reality are very apparent. Very few men attain enlightenment, even fewer women  (Reality Quotes) We need to embark on a human revolution. A revolution where our reality is not replaced by drones but augmented by technology to do better  (Reality Quotes) Every child has a dream, to pursue the dream is in every child’s hand to make it a reality. One’s invention is another’s tool  (Reality Quotes) Some think that solar work is pretty well played out. In reality, it is only beginning  (Reality Quotes) Traditionally, photography has dealt with recording the world as it is found. Before photography appeared the fine artists of the time, the painters and sculptors, concerned themselves with rendering reality with as much likeness as their skill enabled. Photography, however, made artistic reality much more available, more quickly and on a much broader scale  (Reality Quotes) To chart a course, one must have a direction. In reality, the eye is no better than the philosophy behind it. The photographer creates, evolves a better, a more selective, more acute seeing eye by looking ever more sharply at what is going on in the world  (Reality Quotes) There is no use in one person attempting to tell another what the meaning of life is. It involves too intimate an awareness. A major part of the meaning of life is contained in the very discovering of it. It is an ongoing experience of growth that involves a deepening contact with reality. To speak as though it were an objective knowledge, like the date of the war of 1812, misses the point altogether. The meaning of life is indeed objective when it is reached, but the way to it is by a path of subjectivities... The meaning of life cannot be told; it has to happen to a person  (Reality Quotes) It would seem, after this, that even when living upon earth we must live as if in the heavenly kingdom, dwelling there in anticipation by hope. But in reality, for the greater part, the contrary is the case. Men cling with their whole being to the earth and everything earthly  (Reality Quotes) Psychedelic drugs undoubtedly open the doors to the mind’s panopticon, but what we see in the mental mirrors are mere distortions of reality, not reality itself  (Reality Quotes) Do we choose to see possibilities? Do we really believe that they’re there? Perception controls our reality, and if we don’t believe it, we won’t see it  (Reality Quotes) An affirmation is almost like a mantra. It does not really matter if what you are affirming is not totally true as yet. By repeating an affirmation over and over again, it becomes embedded in the subconscious mind, and eventually it becomes your reality  (Reality Quotes) We don’t realize how much we create reality through language. If we say that life is hard, it will be hard  (Reality Quotes) You are given the gifts of the gods; you create your reality according to your beliefs  (Reality Quotes) It is rare for people to say they want to be held accountable, but in reality, everyone wants everyone else to be held accountable  (Reality Quotes) There is no one to tell this to and yet it seems very important to get this right. The reality and what it is like to escape it. That even now it is sometimes too beautiful to bear  (Reality Quotes) If you take your inspiration from nature, you don’t invent anything, because what you want to do is to interpret something. But still, everything passes throught your imagination. What you produce at the end is very different from the reality you started with  (Reality Quotes) Spiritual development requires the freedom to connect with different parts of reality in order to understand them more fully. The more you’re able to explore, the more connections you can form, and the greater your spiritual growth will be. When you feel a strong desire to connect with something in your reality, listen to your intuitive guidance, and make the connection  (Reality Quotes) To use words to sense reality is like going with a lamp to search for darkness  (Reality Quotes) It may seem paradoxical to say that we have been expelled from the present, but it is a feeling we have all had at some moment. Some of us experienced it first as a condemnation, later transformed into consciousness and action. The search for the present is neither the pursuit of an earthly paradise nor that of a timeless eternity: it is the search for a real reality  (Reality Quotes) We now know that human transformation does not happen through didacticism or through excessive certitude, but through the playful entertainment of another scripting of reality that may subvert the old given text and its interpretation and lead to the embrace of an alternative text and its redescription of reality  (Reality Quotes) Clean water is only as far away as the nearest tap, and there are taps everywhere. There’s a faucet everywhere. But the reality is, the water in our toilets is cleaner than the water that most people are drinking  (Reality Quotes) We all have this fantasy of finding our one true love who’s going to be the perfect fit. It’s just not a reality  (Reality Quotes) By going along with feelings, you unify your emotional, mental and bodily states. When you try to fight or deny them, you divorce yourself from the reality of your being  (Reality Quotes) Thoughts, and words that spring from them, bend the individual’s reality. To speak of death is to invite it. To think of sorrow is to produce it  (Reality Quotes) The tragic reality is that very few sustainable systems are designed or applied by those who hold power, and the reason for this is obvious and simple: to let people arrange their own food, energy and shelter is to lose economic and political control over them. We should cease to look to power structures, hierarchical systems, or governments to help us, and devise ways to help ourselves  (Reality Quotes) Shamanism is a path of knowledge, not of faith, and that knowledge cannot come from me or anyone else in this reality. To acquire that knowledge, including the knowledge of the reality of the spirits, it is necessary to step through the shaman’s doorway and acquire empirical evidence  (Reality Quotes) What’s really important about shamanism is that there is another reality that you can personally discover... we are not alone  (Reality Quotes)
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