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To create a community where faith matters not just in theory but in reality, faith has to be a public value, not just a private one  (Reality Quotes) When investors, particularly investment bankers, talk about splitting up companies, there’s a lot of discussion about multiple expansion, and the reality is multiple expansion is an outcome, not a strategy  (Reality Quotes) You see, this would be a death by the imagination. And though the imagination feeds on phantoms, it needs a premise in reality to begin with. Then it can go on from there under its own power  (Reality Quotes) Literature takes reality and human experience as its starting point, transforms it by means of the imagination, and sends readers back to life with renewed understanding of it and zest for it because of their excursions into a purely imaginary realm  (Reality Quotes) No matter how stark the reality, a human being fits it into a narrative that is palatable  (Reality Quotes) There’s more truth about a camp than a house. Planning laws need not worry the improvising builder because temporary structures are more beautiful anyway, and you don’t need permission for them. There’s more truth about a camp because that is the position we are in. The house represents what we ourselves would like to be on earth: permanent, rooted, here for eternity. But a camp represents the true reality of things: we’re just passing through  (Reality Quotes) The best user experiences are enchanting. They help the user enter an alternate reality, whether it’s the world of making music, writing, sharing photos, coding, or managing a project  (Reality Quotes) I don’t really deal with the attention I receive to be honest. I build up a fantasy world around me that I inhabit. I cherry pick elements of literature, music, film, history and art, then weave them together to construct a fantasy reality to live in. It doesn’t always work out though, I got evicted from my own fantasy once, which was quite embarrassing  (Reality Quotes) Fear is an underrated emotion. And that’s why I think it’s very dangerous to try and cosset children from it. A healthy scare is as good as as a healthy laugh. In fact, they’re two sides of the same coin. There is a desire to shield from the knocks and bumps of reality  (Reality Quotes) I’ve always been literally a lover of the absurd. I think the absurd gives a new dimension to reality and even to common sense. And life, you know, on an everyday basis, is absurd, or may turn out to be absurd. There’s no reality without absurdity  (Reality Quotes) Change takes effort. And the reality is, most people don’t want to put in effort to better their life  (Reality Quotes) What we search for in fiction is not so much reality, but the epiphany of truth  (Reality Quotes) We can’t say that we believe in each other’s fundamental humanity and then turn a blind eye to the reality of each others existence and the truth of each other’s hearts. We must be allies. And we must be allies in this business because to be represented is to be humanized. And as long as anyone, anywhere is being made to feel less human, our very definition of humanity is at stake and we are all vulnerable  (Reality Quotes) Future is about creating value. If we have tools to empower each other, more possibility is reality  (Reality Quotes) Science is about predictions based on predictable fact. Life is about surprises based on the unpredictable reality  (Reality Quotes) Our approach to reality, our sense of reality, cannot assume that the text of nature, the book of life, is a cryptogram concealing just a single meaning. Rather, it is an expanding riddle of a multiplicity of resonating images  (Reality Quotes) Nothing is ever so good or so bad in reality as it is in the anticipation  (Reality Quotes) I can’t describe reality; at the most, I can try to capture things that seem to be valid, the way I see them  (Reality Quotes) Sleep is for those people who are broke. I don’t sleep. I’ve got an opportunity to make a dream become a reality  (Reality Quotes) Although we seem to be separate individuals, in reality we are all expressions of one primal imagination. We assume we are many, but in fact we are one. And what we do to each other we do to ourselves  (Reality Quotes) What the human eye sees is an illusion of what is real. The black and white image transforms illusions into another reality  (Reality Quotes) The course of our lives follows ancient and immutable laws, with an ancient, changeless rhythm. Dreams never come true, and the instant they are shattered, we realize how the greatest joys of life lie beyond the realm of reality. The instant they are shattered we are sick with longing for the days when they flamed within us. Our fate spends itself in this succession of hope and nostalgia  (Reality Quotes) Most people tire of a lecture in ten minutes; clever people can do it in five. Sensible people never go to lectures at all. But the people who do go to a lecture and who get tired of it, presently hold it as a sort of grudge against the lecturer personally. In reality his sufferings are worse than theirs  (Reality Quotes) I envision a day when every city and town has front and back yards, community gardens and growing spaces, nurtured into life by neighbors who are no longer strangers, but friends who delight in the edible rewards offered from a garden they discovered together. Imagine small strips of land between apartment buildings that have been turned into vegetable gardens, and urban orchards planted at schools and churches to grow food for our communities. The seeds of the urban farming movement already are growing within our reality  (Reality Quotes) One thing I am sure of is that I won’t judge a dance reality show  (Reality Quotes) I gloomily came to the ironic conclusion that if you take a highly intelligent person and give them the best possible, elite education, then you will most likely wind up with an academic who is completely impervious to reality  (Reality Quotes) This is the merit and distinction of art: to be more real than reality, to be not nature but nature’s essence  (Reality Quotes) Art must take reality by surprise. It takes those moments which are for us merely a moment, plus a moment, plus another moment, and arbitrarily transforms them into a special series of moments held together by a major emotion  (Reality Quotes) Pathos activates the eyes and ears to see and hear. At times of pathos, illness opens doors to a reality which is closed to a healthy point of view  (Reality Quotes) I don’t look at myself as a historical icon, but the reality of it is, yeah, I am playing for history now  (Reality Quotes)
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