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If critics have problems with my personal life, it’s their problem. Anybody with half a brain would realize that it’s the charts that count  (Realize Quotes) My mother gave lots of good advice and had a lot to say. As you get older, you realize everything she said was true  (Realize Quotes) You can be around 100 people and be completely alone. People don’t realize what it’s really like  (Realize Quotes) When you begin to realize that your past does not necessarily dictate the outcome of your future, then you can release the hurt. It is impossible to inhale new air until you exhale the old  (Realize Quotes) My favorite thing about New York is the people, because I think they’re misunderstood. I don’t think people realize how kind New York people are  (Realize Quotes) Yes, I realize that I see but a semblance, but so do you, and who is to say which is real?  (Realize Quotes) And there comes a time in your life when you realize that if you don’t take the opportunity to be happy, you may never get another chance again  (Realize Quotes) In the lives of children, pumpkins turn into coaches, mice and rats turn into men. When we grow up, we realize it is far more common for men to turn into rats  (Realize Quotes) At first, I didn’t realize it was gonna be a character. I just thought I was gonna be doing me  (Realize Quotes) You must realize that I was suffering from love and I knew him as intimately as I knew my own image in a mirror. In other words, I knew him only in relation to myself  (Realize Quotes) I realize how desperate it sounds for me, as a comedian, to ask you to laugh at my jokes  (Realize Quotes) One of the scary things is that, when you’re a kid, you look at your dad as the man who has no fear. When you’re an adult, you realize your father had fear, and that you have it, too  (Realize Quotes) That which befits us, embosomed in beauty and wonder as we are, is cheerfulness, and courage, and the endeavor to realize our aspirations. Shall not the heart which has received so much, trust the Power by which it lives? May it not quit other leadings, and listen to the Soul that has guided it so gently, and taught it so much, secure that the future will be worthy of the past?  (Realize Quotes) All I know is that I’ve ruled out wearing fairy wings. When I was nine I wanted to get married in fairy wings, and now I realize that’s not cool anymore  (Realize Quotes) All theory of modernity in sociology suggests that the more modernity there is, the less religion. In my theory we can realize that this is wrong: atheism is only one belief system among many  (Realize Quotes) All truly historical peoples have an idea they must realize, and when they have sufficiently exploited it at home, they export it, in a certain way, by war; they make it tour the world  (Realize Quotes) Cultural anthropology is more and more rapidly getting to realize itself as a strictly historical science  (Realize Quotes) Hopefully, imparting what’s important to me, respect for the food and that information about the purveyors, people will realize that for a restaurant to be good, so many pieces have to come together  (Realize Quotes) I adore this adventure, I adore working with youth. For me it’s a daily challenge, working to help these youths realize their dreams  (Realize Quotes) I always wanted to be somebody, but now I realize I should have been more specific  (Realize Quotes) I am probably the most selfish man you will ever meet in your life. No one gets the satisfaction or the joy that I get out of seeing kids realize there is hope  (Realize Quotes) I can do comedy, so people want me to do that, but the other side of comedy is depression. Deep, deep depression is the flip side of comedy. Casting agents don’t realize it but in order to be funny you have to have that other side  (Realize Quotes) I guess you kind of got to realize that once you in a marriage, whatever it is, you gotta deal with it. Not necessarily that you got to accept it, but you have to deal with it and try your best to make it work for you, for the both of you  (Realize Quotes) I have a lot of sympathy for young people because I realize how disturbed I was. How would I deal with life in the future? What would I do for a living?  (Realize Quotes) I hope to make people realize how totally helpless animals are, how dependent on us, trusting as a child must that we will be kind and take care of their needs  (Realize Quotes) I just got tired of being sick and tired and feeling down. Unfortunately, you don’t realize this until you’re getting sober but the reason why you’re depressed all the time is it’s the drugs that are depressing you  (Realize Quotes) I knew, of course, that trees and plants had roots, stems, bark, branches and foliage that reached up toward the light. But I was coming to realize that the real magician was light itself  (Realize Quotes) I prefer to imagine that my wife, a few friends, and occasionally my mom are the only ones who read what I do, though I realize that this is somewhat unrealistic  (Realize Quotes) I realize I will always be the poster child for police brutality, but I can try to use that as a positive force for healing and restraint  (Realize Quotes) I try to help people realize their dreams by using magic to tell stories that educate, move, and inspire  (Realize Quotes)
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