Realize Quotes

Text Quotes
At one time, you think you’re invincible. This just can’t happen to you but, when it happens, the reality sets in that you either change or you die. You realize you’ve got only one life (Realize Quotes)
The reality is you must realize that this was a choice made by the impostor. We all have choices, and there is always a better solution than to steal. They have chosen to sacrifice you for their own needs (Realize Quotes)
I ultimately realized we had gotten together for the music. It was such a huge thing in our lives. We were at the same age, same place in our careers, and we had great fun. But when I became a mother and was at home, I realized that in reality we had very little else in common. I wasn’t happy, wasn’t getting what I needed. It’s tough to realize that. But while a big change can be painful, it also was for the best. I’m happier now than I’ve ever been (Realize Quotes)
Globalization is a reality. And this makes most leaders today realize that populist illusions can’t be sustained before they collapse into stagnation and leave their political supporters deeply disillusioned. You can’t inflate away your troubles or allow mountains of debt to build up if, as a country, you have to make your living in a globally competitive environment... Building prosperity requires caution and patience. It requires time. Populism is a short cut that doesn’t work (Realize Quotes)
Happiness is a strange thing. It is something I tend to recognize only after it has passed, when I realize I miss it (Realize Quotes)
The normal school should provide for the training of the educator to make him realize that his is a twofold job: education as a teacher and education as a propagandist (Realize Quotes)
I think sometimes all you need is to hear someone else say the same thing that you’re going through to realize that you’re not alone. I try to put some sense of hope into the songs, into whatever the situation is so that it’s not just dirt, drudgery and a life of misery (Realize Quotes)
As I’ve gotten older I’ve occasionally found myself nostalgic for earlier periods of solitude, though I realize that’s also likely a false nostalgia, as I know there was nothing I wanted more during those periods than to not be alone, whatever that means (Realize Quotes)
One day you’re there and then all of a sudden, there’s less of you. And you wonder where that part went. If it’s living somewhere outside of you. And you keep thinking maybe you’ll get it back. And then you realize it’s just gone (Realize Quotes)
If you would reflect well and wisely, you would realize that those events you regard as personal misfortunes have served a useful purpose even in this worldly life, and indeed have worked for your betterment (Realize Quotes)
Life’s funny. You have to find a way to keep going, to keep laughing, even after you realize that none of your dreams will come true. When you realize that, there’s still so much of a life to get through (Realize Quotes)
You’ve got to be uncomfortable and rise to different occasions in order to become your best. No one is born a hero, but things happen and your response makes you a hero. It’s instinctual, it’s something that you may not even realize is there (Realize Quotes)
An artist, if he is truly an artist, is only interested in one thing and that is to wake up the minds of men, to have mankind and womankind realize that there is something greater than what we see on the surface (Realize Quotes)
At first it’s pretty cool: the limitless fruit of knowledge hanging low in your path. Then you realize it’s the only thing to eat around here (Realize Quotes)
There is a source of power in each of us that we don’t realize until we take responsibility (Realize Quotes)
Every conscious act requires risk. Every conscious act requires decision. Put these two facts together and you realize that the secret to life is not to avoid gambling but to gamble well (Realize Quotes)
Devotion {to the spiritual master} becomes the purest, quickest, and simplest way to realize the nature of our mind and all things. As we progress in it, the process reveals itself as wonderfully interdependent: We, from our side, try continually to generate devotion; the devotion we arouse itself generates glimpses of the nature of mind, and these glimpses only enhance and deepen our devotion to the master who is inspiring us. So in the end devotion springs out of wisdom: devotion and the living experience of the nature of mind becomes inseparable, and inspire one another (Realize Quotes)
The pedestal is immobilizing and subtly insulting whether or not some women yet realize it. We must move up from the pedestal (Realize Quotes)
I’ve come to realize your career is all about the choices you make. Every single one matters (Realize Quotes)
Beautiful colors exist, though we do not realize it, and are glimpsed behind the veil that modesty has drawn over them (Realize Quotes)
We used to think that everything started in the lab. Now we realize that everything spins off the consumer (Realize Quotes)
We are looking for a way to feel more real, but we do not realize that to feel more real we have to push ourselves further into the unknown (Realize Quotes)
It is important as a mentalist to notice small things about people... little things such as being able to tell if someone is right or left handed by looking at which way their belt is pointing. Looking at a book of matches will tell you if they are right or left handed by the side the matches are removed... It’s important to notice these things because the more you do, the more you will realize that each person has little psychological nuances that tell you a lot about the individual. Doing so will tremendously sharpen your skills (Realize Quotes)
As my spiritual growth expanded and developed, voluntary simplicity was a natural outgrowth. I came to realize the cost of material accumulation was too high and offered fewer and fewer real rewards, psychological and spiritual (Realize Quotes)
Sometimes one waits too long for the perfect moment before snapping the picture. You never realize that you needed was to change perspective (Realize Quotes)
It does require maturity to realize that models are to be used, but not to be believed (Realize Quotes)
I can’t imagine what my school friends must have thought was going on because I was wandering around in some kind of dream. I felt as though my insides had been taken out which is, I now realize, the right feeling (Realize Quotes)
Oceanography is a terrific career because gradually we seem to be coming around to realize that we had better become as acquainted with the seventy percent of our planet that is covered by water as we are with the dark side of the moon (Realize Quotes)
The game will fade one day. I realize that success is one thing; impact is another. I live to impact people (Realize Quotes)
Do you realize that we’re meteorites; almost as soon as we’re born, we have to disappear? (Realize Quotes)