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Whenever I realize I’m being a goofball, I write it down. When I release the joke onstage, I love watching the effect it has on the audience. No one wants to see someone talk who takes themselves too seriously  (Realize Quotes) Science of mind teaches you how to realize how much control you have over your own life. It teaches you that we have the ability to change our lives at any point we choose  (Realize Quotes) Nobody ever worked as hard as my father. My father averaged maybe four hours of sleep at night, and when you’re a kid, you don’t realize that  (Realize Quotes) I realize I am very privileged. But there’s a difference between being spoiled and privileged  (Realize Quotes) Beautiful loser, where you gonna fall? When you realize, you just can’t have it all  (Realize Quotes) Buddha nature is not something that we possess, nor is it something we can be. It is the nature of things, just as they are. To realize our buddha nature, to live in accord with this awakening, is the truth that alleviates suffering in the world  (Realize Quotes) I’ve come to realize that it is much easier to infatuate people with promises, or even to lead them to their own deaths, than it is to awaken them to use their minds  (Realize Quotes) As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize how important it is to vary your workouts  (Realize Quotes) I hated science in high school. Technology? Engineering? Math? Why would I ever need this? Little did I realize that music was also about science, technology, engineering and mathematics, all rolled into one  (Realize Quotes) Poetry’s always dead, you know? You don’t realize how good poetry is until 15 years later  (Realize Quotes) You realize you can get good at something, even though ballet almost felt like you could never be good enough. No matter how hard you worked, it was so hard to be a great dancer  (Realize Quotes) The older you are, I think you realize what you enjoy and what you don’t need, what wears you out and what’s important  (Realize Quotes) Vietnam helped me to look at the horror and terror in the hearts of people and realize how we can’t aim guns and set booby traps for people we have never spoken a word to. That kind of impersonal violence mystifies me  (Realize Quotes) I think this happens to a lot of people, men and women, where you reach a point in your life and all of a sudden realize that things have changed. You suddenly realize that people are coming up behind you, that maybe somebody might want to replace you for less money  (Realize Quotes) The longer I’m alive, the more I realize how little I know. Pretending that you know everything about every topic, and being very vocal about it? That’s an instant turnoff  (Realize Quotes) It’s only when you look at an ant through a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realize how often they burst into flames  (Realize Quotes) I was drifting away like a drop in the ocean, and now I realize that nothing has been as beautiful as when I saw heaven’s skies  (Realize Quotes) Eventually you just have to realize that you’re living for an audience of one. I’m not here for anyone else’s approval  (Realize Quotes) Once you realize that you’re in something that you’ve always wanted and you don’t want to lose it, you behave differently. And that means the integrity, the professionalism, and knowing what’s right from wrong and still making choices that you probably wouldn’t have made  (Realize Quotes) For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it  (Realize Quotes) I do believe we’re all adaptable, and you’re probably more adaptable than you realize  (Realize Quotes) In my normal life, I do not speak with an accent. It’s harder for people to realize my hearing loss in everyday life  (Realize Quotes) I have to strive to go two steps forward and realize that, sometimes, there will be one step back  (Realize Quotes) It could be a stupid thing to say, but people should realize that it is easy to get concerned about yourself and to lose contact  (Realize Quotes) Good bands you can kind of lose, then come back and realize they’re still good  (Realize Quotes) I’m more private than people realize. I’m not that easy to get to know  (Realize Quotes) My mom is proud of me. But she might not be too happy about the hours I keep or how little I eat. I wake up so late that it would be inappropriate to have breakfast. At most, I will have a snack in the day and dinner. I realize that it’s not the healthiest way to live, but it’s all I really have time for  (Realize Quotes) I think it’s important to realize that we’re all just human. I mean, nobody is supernatural  (Realize Quotes) It’s good not only to realize that you can’t please all of the people all of the time, but that you don’t want to. There’s a certain type of reader that you don’t ever want to write for  (Realize Quotes) I barely knew I wanted to be an artist. I liked my art classes and painting was fun, I guess, but I didn’t realize that seeing the country was going to inspire me to further explore that... but that’s what it did  (Realize Quotes)
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