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Their eagerness for the big-band music and their ability to grasp the essence of it made me realize that today’s generation has not been properly exposed to the big-band sound  (Realize Quotes) People really are our most important resource, and people who don’t realize that and choose not to live that way, choose not to lead that way, are paying a price for that in many of our companies, many of our organizations  (Realize Quotes) Life is a lot easier when you realize that you’re not in control of it all  (Realize Quotes) As a writer, you have to realize that people want to like the characters, so you have to be careful to keep them involved  (Realize Quotes) I am primarily a writer of books, and I enjoy that. But I come to realize that a lot of people prefer a visual medium  (Realize Quotes) To not realize that everyone we think about affects us psychically, to not realize that life is a field of power, is criminal, in my opinion. If you are a sensitive and evolved being, it is simply criminal  (Realize Quotes) People we are emotionally open to and close to affect us more than most people realize. If you are emotionally open to people, you will find yourself experiencing the mindset of others  (Realize Quotes) If you live in the city, it is necessary to get out of it on weekends. Then you will realize that most of the thoughts and desires you have are not yours. You will see what is you  (Realize Quotes) Wisdom is the ability to realize that everyone has their own dharma, everyone goes their own way. What works for you is not the ultimate good. Know that other people have different way  (Realize Quotes) It is only when you realize that you are mortal and yet immortal simultaneously that you begin to realize that the beautiful incongruities of existence aren’t incongruous at all, but rather perfect  (Realize Quotes) A balanced person will get depressed, discouraged, frustrated and angry sometimes, but doesn’t direct it towards anybody else. If they do, they quickly realize they made a mistake  (Realize Quotes) Never think too much of yourself. Realize you are only an instrument of eternity. Do not get stuck in that terrible trap. You can lose everything  (Realize Quotes) Advance yourself by advancing others. Do not judge others. Be of service to them, but realize that you are not necessarily the instrument of perfecting and immortalizing others  (Realize Quotes) Think about the flowers. Life is just a bunch of pretty pictures. All this is supposed to do is force you beyond the mind, when you realize that you can’t figure it out  (Realize Quotes) Move beyond the limited parameters that most human beings have and realize that there are thousands and millions of worlds beyond this world  (Realize Quotes) A walk in the woods can reveal many things, and it is a good time to practice transcendentalism. Look at a tree and realize it’s not just a tree, its roots may go into the ground but it may also go into other worlds, other eternities  (Realize Quotes) Happiness comes from living in the moment, this moment, now, right here. If you are in obscure states of mind, you won’t see what this moment is. You won’t realize its beauty  (Realize Quotes) Focus on beauty all day long. Realize how incredibly beautiful your life is. How incredibly beautiful it is to feel, to look around, to be, to experience all this wonder  (Realize Quotes) Smile sometimes when things aren’t going well, and maybe realize when they aren’t going well, they are  (Realize Quotes) Practice being happy. Work at it. It’s a new role, I realize, but you’ll get it. The auditions will be coming up very soon. So get on top of it. I’m sure you will get the part  (Realize Quotes) If you thrive on the city energy it is necessary to leave the city frequently and to walk in parks, to get away from people. You are more sensitive than you realize. Find a spot that makes you happy  (Realize Quotes) There’s something about the impact of a big screen that means something to me, even though I realize almost every film is fated to be seen for a year in theaters, and then forever after on television  (Realize Quotes) Music is just a really fun hobby that I do, because I’m actually really good about writing songs and producing. People don’t realize this, but I am an excellent writer for artists  (Realize Quotes) As you get older, you realize just figuring out how to be nice to the people in your personal sphere is almost more challenging than trying to change the bigger culture  (Realize Quotes) Most human beings are completely out of touch with their spiritual nature and with the inner dimensions that exist within themselves. They don’t realize each person has a soul, an inner core of light and intelligence as vast as the ten thousand worlds, whose inner nature is emptiness, ecstasy and happiness  (Realize Quotes) Stress is a state of mind and if you realize that you will find that it’s something you can deal with. It is my belief that stress occurs not because of the conditions of the world  (Realize Quotes) Realize that your present difficulty is only a small part of you, and the rest of you is doing quite well, thank you  (Realize Quotes) Early on I came to realize something, and it came from the mail I received from kids. That is, kids at that pivotal age, 12, 13 or 14, they’re still deeply affected by what they read, some are changed by what they read, books can change the way they feel about the world in general. I don’t think that’s true of adults as much  (Realize Quotes) Dreams look real, but they’re in your mind, so you realize that the physical world is also a construction, which shows that the mind can affect reality in more ways than you can imagine  (Realize Quotes) So at some point you realize that your life is not just going to start one day in the future, that you’re living it  (Realize Quotes)
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